Are we past it? No way! Contemporary fashion is perfect for us

July 21, 2023

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

Have you ever said:  “I just don’t know what to wear anymore.” I think I first said it to myself when I turned 40. Uninvited thoughts of maturity and moderation crept in. Now, from my lofty height of 80+ years, I think: “How could I have been so daft?”  Life doesn’t suddenly move down a gear or two. The boundary from young to old has always been very blurred and is moving in our favour all the time. Fifty is the new thirty, seventy the new 50, and all that.

However, this still doesn’t stop us having the occasional I-don’t-know-what to-wear-anymore moment.  But when we do, why not think of it as a wake up call to revise and refresh our ideas on what can suit us.  Very little is out of bounds for those of us who have gone through the mill several times and are still standing.

And there are many parts of the current fashion scene that seem tailor-made for us. So here are a few of them.

Fabrics that don’t crease (but nothing like the thin or bobbly polyester of old)

A smooth, just out of the wardrobe look is particularly useful when you have to travel a distance (car, bus, train, plane) to get to an occasion where you want to look like you have not been in a car, bus, train or plane.  My favourite fabric for this – one that doesn’t make you look like have stepped through the proverbial hedge backwards – is viscose. Careful though – you do need to do the crunch test before you leap in, because not all viscoses are the same.  Some do crease a bit. 

Now I know that  linen and cotton lovers (who are only happy when they can show off a few, or many creases) will poopoo this section.  And sometimes I go along with this.  But when travelling, or when you just want to look particularly  ‘smooth’, even linen lovers can be accommodated. There are lots of outfits made of permanently crinkled linen or cotton which have a pleasing texture rather than creases.

Subtle colours (which will enhance complexions that are not so blooming as they once were)

I’m always delighted by the wonderful range of colours that are now available in shops and online. Take a fresh look. If you always suited blue, you may now look better in a delicate turquoise rather than the royal blue you once favoured. If you always wished you could wear yellow but it was too harsh, there are now variations like soft gold, pale limey yellow, or a pale mustard that may now catch your eye.

Styles that flow and flatter

Designs that used to be deemed only suitable for pregnancy – empire, smocks and  loose tiered midis – are now positively promoted for all ages and body shapes.

Shoes that are comfortable for spreading feet

And, actually, look like a high fashion bargain. Chunky heels, posh trainers, soft leather slides, and clunky boots and shoes for wide feet are now ‘must haves’ for the fashion crowd. They are comfortable to wear, and worlds away from the stilettos that some of us used to (and occasionally still do) crush our toes into.

Black dresses for day and night

There are contemporary ones are don’t make our complexions look pallid and washed out. Now, pretty necklines and lightweight fabrics have made black attractive for day, evening and even sundresses. Black has always been a last resort when we no longer have the energy (or inclination) to squeeze in the stomach muscles, but styles have previously been on the severe side. Now there’re lots of choices in youthful designs.

Jackets galore

Jacket have always been popular for young and old.  I remember when I first owned and managed a dress shop in the early nineties that half the rails were filled with jackets. Some had wide shoulders in the rather masculine exaggerated shape of the time, but by no means all. There were jackets in plain fabrics and plaids, herringbone and cashmere. But most were tailored, and of Spring or Autumn weight.  

Now, there is a jacket for every person and every occasion, in every fabric and colour and style under the sun. ‘Kimono’ ones, oversized  ones, casual ones, all shades of denim ones, as well of course as the more traditional fitted ones.

And all these make perfect additions to our wardrobes  A pretty jacket always saves the day when you need a bit of extra warmth, or colour contrast, or a stylish way to complete an outfit.

So as we get older, we don’t have to think fashion has left us behind.  Far from it. There is so much on the contemporary fashion scene that seems to be made especially for us.

You can read more of Maggie’s really useful style articles here


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