This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.
This week eldest daughter went to the memorial of the much loved father of one of her closest girlfriend’s and Gordon Brown spoke and Stevie Wonder sang. I have never even seen Stevie Wonder in concert or been to a memorial where anyone more important than the vicar, or perhaps a Bishop, or a close, elderly friend gave the eulogy. When they ask me what I have been up to I can only rustle up Bridge, Nordic walking and maybe a trip to the cinema as my highlights. To be honest I am quite content with these pastimes, I have had my fun and their lives sound infinitely more exotic but exhausting and so I am happy to just listen to their tales!
I know that we are meant to say that, as your children leave home, one is ready for it i.e. it feels like time to slow down and enjoy some quieter times with your OH however on Sunday evenings it just feels like there is a gaping hole, as if someone has left a door open and the cold winter air is filling the house rather than the lively chatter and constant laughter that I love so much.
Not one to remain low for long I am now planning a trip to visit youngest daughter at uni, a few days away with youngest son and the eldest two are threatening to visit soon probably for some clothes washing and a good roast lunch but it is not the same as having them all at home together! However if I get desperate then Ellie you may see me turning up unexpectedly at your house because I need the company and conversation of some children!