Ten valuable Make Up Tips for older women that you will love

November 1, 2019

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

Grace and I are lucky enough to have met some great make-up artists and even the founders of some make-up brands. For example we have got to know Tricia Cusden, founder of Look Fabulous Forever, and Grace Fodor of Studio 10 Beauty. We have learned so much about make-up from these experts. They have shared some of their make-up tips and even some of the best tools to help you make the best of yourself with the make-up of your choice. So I thought I would share these top ten valuable make-up tips for older women and hopefully one or two will work for you.


At our age, when our sight is not as good as it was, it is imperative that you use a good magnifying mirror and good lighting when applying make-up. The one that I love is by Simple Human and I cannot do without it. Features a tru-lux light system, 5 x magnification mirror, sensor light that comes on as your face approaches and turns itself off automatically as you move away. Cordless and height adjustable. We cannot recommend this mirror highly enough. And now, thank goodness, Simple Human has designed a travel version… no more badly lit hotel mirrors required ever again! It also pops into your handbag and is the perfect mirror for quick checks throughout the day.


An absolute must at our age. It does exactly what it says and primes your skin ready for foundation. It really does make a difference as it seems to smooth out all the wrinkles and my make-up stays in place for longer. I have found this one, Smooth Like Silk Face Prime from Look Fabulous Forever is absolutely brilliant as it glides on and gives a lustrous base for your foundation.

However if you do not like wearing foundation every day then try the BFF cream SPF30 Skin Perfector from Trinny London. Watch my video HERE to see what an incredible product this is. It will give your face a smooth finish with an added glow so no need for all over foundation. Just use concealer wherever extra cover is needed i.e. under eyes and any blemishes.


Use a sponge or these ZOEVA brushes, that are currently very popular, to apply your foundation. I was recommended to them by the pro artists at Trinny London. The ZOEVA’s expert tools and colour range facilitate a flawless, photo-ready finish.

Using a brush definitely means you use less and it seems to make the application more even. However I do use my fingers as the warmth from your skin will help to make sure it is in all the crevices.


They frame our eyes and thus our faces so they are so very important however it is the one area that older women seem to forget about. As we get older our eyebrows thin and we get the inevitable grey hair or bald batch.

For simple, everyday repair try Charlotte Tilbury Legendary Brows which come in 4 shades. The very fine brush means it is easy to apply all over or to individual hairs.


Again so important to framing your eyes and another area that needs more attention as we get older since they do not maintain their youthful thickness and/or length.

Grace and I would not be without our Revitalash which we applied every night until our eyelashes had grown and now we only use it twice a week. It is an absolute miracle product and we tell everyone about it.


There has been much written about top mascaras in articles about make-up tips, there are ones that lengthen, thicken, separate, or even curl (not sure how that could be). My absolute favourite is from Givenchy as the round brush means I can apply the mascara to individual lashes. is the ultimate eye-enhancing accessory. This four-in-one mascara creates intense volume, strong curl, infinite length and complete lash care thanks to the perfect alliance between a high-performance formula and a specific brush.

A make-up artist recently taught me how to apply it effectively. Can you believe at 61 years I am being told I have been doing it wrong for over 40 years! Anyway the idea is that the mascara needs to be applied from the root up to the tip and if you try and get a mascara brush between top and bottom lashes you will inevitably poke your eye out or get mascara somewhere it shouldn’t be, causing watering eye. She showed me how to lift my top eyelashes by pulling the eyelid up using just one finger and therefore exposing your lashes. It takes practice but now I have the hang of it and I use less mascara as I coat each lash from root to tip and then if I want a stronger look I can apply another coat to the tips. Watch this YouTube video for a visual.


Harsh lines are no longer a good look on older women and very tricky to apply so always soften any line with a soft brush. Clinique produce a very soft, long-wearing, transfer-resistant eye pencil with a unique smudge-tip at one end. This is one of the make-up tips that I have really abided by as it is so easy, when in a hurry, to just draw a line and rush out. But honestly when you massage it in with this soft tip it makes all the difference.


I have now been told twice by professionals to use a stronger colour with my lipstick and rather than drawing attention to my lips it has the effect of lifting my face by brightening it up. I recall my grandmother wore bright red lipstick until her dying day and I remember thinking as a child how glamorous and polished she always looked.

If you want to find the right lipstick colour for you look online at House of Colour as they have a fantastic lipstick which is long-lasting. The range of colours is extensive and is divided into seasons so if you have had your colours analysed this will help you with your choice.


To complete a look a lot of people use powder but you do have to be careful that it doesn’t fill the wrinkles and make you look older. Use a Kabuki brush* and when you have dipped it in the powder make sure you knock or blow off the excess. And blend, blend, blend!


Tricia Cusden (Look Fabulous Forever) taught me many makeup tips but this is one of the best. You must apply eye make-up before foundation as you are bound to need to clean up after finishing the eyes and then you can put on your foundation and, with the sponge, you can still get it where it needs to go without disturbing your eyes. I also find if I do it this way I use less foundation as I only put it where it is really needed.

We would love to hear from you with any of your make-up tips. Do pop them in the comments box below.

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