Do you feel that your knowledge and life experience could benefit others? Do you want to help people make difficult decisions that could set them on a more positive life path? Are you naturally one of those people who friends and family turn to for advice? If yes, then you could consider a career as a life coach.

We all know how it feels to worry about choosing the wrong path or to dream about something that you feel will always be out of reach. Life coaches support, encourage, and guide people towards decisions that will allow them to get more out of life.

What do life coaches do?

People might hire a life coach to give them the support they need to leave a bad relationship, make a positive career change, or establish a fresh sense of purpose after their children have left home. Some people have long-standing dreams or goals that they haven’t yet had the time or confidence to pursue; life coaches give people the boost they need to get themselves onto a fulfilling path.

Life coaches carry out a series of exercises with clients to help them realise their goals and plan how to move towards them. Clients may be individuals, families, or entire companies, but all will be looking to improve their current situation in some way.

A typical life coach will…

  • Understand what’s currently going on in their clients’ lives.


  • Discuss attitudes, beliefs, and goals for the future.


  • Help clients identify realistic goals to work towards.


  • Work with the client to create a set of milestones for each goal.


  • Discuss how to overcome potential obstacles or setbacks.


  • Keep clients motivated by providing emotional support and inspiration.

What skills do I need to become a life coach?

do something great

The right person will…

  • Enjoy supporting and encouraging others.


  • Find satisfaction in seeing other people achieve their goals.


  • Have a range of valuable life experiences.


  • Be a good listener and communicator.


  • Be compassionate and empathetic.


  • Be able to recognise when a client may need to seek help from a professional counsellor.


  • Respect confidentiality, as clients will share sensitive and personal information.

What will I love about being a life coach?

  • The rewards that come with helping people take control of and improve their lives.

  • The flexibility of the hours; you can pick and choose how many clients you take on and which hours you work.

  • The ability to offer your skills and experience to people who are confused and don’t know which way to turn.

What are the challenges of being a life coach?

Building up a client base can take some time but if you take a relevant qualification (see below), this will teach you how to go about setting up your own practice.

How much will I earn as a life coach

Salaries vary depending on the size of the client base, but life coaches can charge anywhere between £30 and £100 per hour session – depending on location, experience, and the strength of their client base.

Are there opportunities to progress?

For life coaches, progression generally happens as you grow your client base and become more established in your role.

How do I get started?

Use your life skills and experience to get started straight away...

You don’t need any formal qualifications to become a life coach – as long as you’re confident in your ability to motivate and inspire others, then there’s no reason why you can’t get started today.

The trickiest thing can be building up a client base, but if you can already think of a number of potential clients and you know that friends and family will also promote you via word of mouth, then you could find yourself with a head start.

The best way to promote your services and reach as many people as possible is to create an online presence for yourself e.g. a LinkedIn page, Facebook page, and a website. People can easily share these amongst themselves and will find you more easily when they’re searching for someone with your skills.

Once you’ve got a few satisfied customers, it’s easy to build momentum and your credibility will increase based on recommendations.

...Or gain a life coach qualification to enhance your credibility

If you want to enhance your credibility as a life coach and ensure you’re helping others as much as possible, then consider taking a life coach qualification. Future clients will be far more likely to hire you if you’ve got a recognised qualification linked to the industry.

For example, Oxbridge offers a Life Coaching Level 3 course, awarded through the Northern Advisory Council for Further Education (NCFE), one of the most reputable awarding bodies in the UK. The course is delivered purely online so that you can learn from your own home and in your own time (you’ll have up to a year to complete it).

When you complete the course, you’ll receive a Level 3 NCFE Customised Qualification. The course is also fully accredited by ACCPH (Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists, and Hypnotherapists) meaning you’ll be able to practise as a life coach upon completion.