Due to their popularity, we thought we’d continue with another article in our series of ‘15 unique jobs you might not have considered’ to help get you thinking outside the box when it comes to your job search.
For those who missed the earlier versions, you can find them here: part one and part two. With hundreds of different roles out there, it can be tricky to work out what might suit you, which is why it’s a good idea to explore as many different options as possible.
With that being said, here are 15 more unique jobs you might not have considered…
1. Registrar

If you have good communication and interpersonal skills then you could succeed in a career as a registrar.
Registrars usually work for local councils or independently and have a number of different roles including collecting and recording information about births, deaths, and marriages, as well as performing civil ceremonies.
Registrars deal with people who are going through some of the best and worst times of their lives and may be responsible for interviewing new parents who are registering the birth of their new baby or a family who has just lost a loved one and are registering their death. This means that to succeed in this role, you’ll need to be able to exercise patience, have good attention to detail and have large amounts of empathy.
If you have certain skills such as experience in management and handling budgets, as well as knowledge of relevant legislation and legal processes, then you could apply for a role as a registrar directly. Or, if you don’t have any relevant skills or experience, you could still apply for a role as a deputy registrar and work your way up.
The Local Registration Services Association (LRSA) recommends that the best way to find out more about job opportunities and training is to contact your local council directly.
Contact my local council
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2. Kennel or cattery assistant

Are you mad about dogs or crazy about cats?
Kennel/cattery assistants look after dogs and/or cats in kennels and catteries. This could include anything from playing, feeding, and exercising them. You’ll also be responsible for making sure the kennels are clean and comfortable for each animal that comes to stay.
If you don’t have much experience with animals, then it could be a good idea to spend some time volunteering with animals first with a charity like RSPCA, PDSA or Blue Cross. This can increase your chances of getting hired, as well as your confidence, while helping you to feel more comfortable being around a variety of different animal personalities.
Or, if you are an animal lover who would love to get started straight away, then why not apply now? Many employers are happy to train people on the job as long as they have a positive attitude and a willingness to learn.
Are you a dog person?
Or maybe you prefer cats?
3. Train driver

If you enjoy being on the move and travelling by train, then why not take to the rails?
Train drivers operate overground and underground trains on rail networks, ensuring that passengers get to their destination in a safe and timely fashion.
Being a train driver isn’t your average 9-5 job – as trains run around the clock – so the role requires a certain amount of flexibility when it comes to shifts. Many train drivers also say that they enjoy the feeling of freedom and the chance to see some beautiful sights en route.
To be a train driver, you’ll need to be thorough, able to concentrate for long periods of time, and have good observation skills. The easiest way to become a train driver is to apply to train companies directly, as they often hire trainees and will usually offer on-the-job training.
Most train companies ask that you live no further than 45 minutes to one hour away from the area you’re applying to work in. If you’d like to apply for a position, then it’s best to contact train companies that serve your local area to find out what positions are available.
Get in touch with UK train companies
4. Massage therapist

Would you like to help people relax or ease their aches and pains?
Massage therapists manipulate peoples’ muscles and soft tissue to either help them unwind and release tension or to treat an injury. A good massage therapist will have expert knowledge of the relevant areas of anatomy and physiology and the correct techniques to use on each patient. Many people choose to work on a self-employed basis. Alternatively, you could work for sports teams or clinics that offer a range of different therapies.
If you’re thinking about becoming a massage therapist, it’s important that you undertake the right training so that you know exactly how to help patients and can avoid using any techniques which may actually cause more harm than good.
The General Council for Soft Tissue Therapies (GCMT) set the standards for the profession and they recommend that you take a course that lasts for at least six months full-time; for example, a Level 3 Diploma in Massage or Complementary Therapies. Courses such as these usually combine classroom-based learning, self-study and practical application of the skills you have learnt on real people.
If you’d be interested in taking a course, then it’s best to contact your local college, adult education centre, or university.
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5. Interpreter

Do you speak two or more languages fluently? Are you an excellent communicator? If so, then you may want to consider interpreting as a career option.
An interpreter will work with people who need to communicate with someone who speaks a different language to them. They usually listen to and memorise what is said, before reproducing it in the target language.
Interpreters can work across a range of different settings – for example, public service interpreters may work with people in court hearings, immigration tribunals, and police/probation services interviews; while a business or conference interpreter may work with people during training sessions, business meetings, and formal dinners.
There are no set standards for entry into interpreting, however, some employers may prefer you to have a degree in interpreting. Alternatively, if you’re interested in becoming a public service interpreter, then you could take a relevant course like the Certificate in Bilingual Skills or the Diploma in Public Service Interpretation, which is run by the Chartered Institute of Linguists.
Some employers may also accept direct applications from people without these formal accreditations, providing they have native-like proficiency in English and one other language.
Keen to know more about becoming an interpreter?
6. Model

For a long time, modelling was something that was often associated with youth, but with marketers waking up to the fact that people are now living longer, the modelling world is changing, and the demand for mature models has increased.
Simultaneously, fashion has started to become more diverse and inclusive, which means modelling work is available for people of all sizes, shapes, and ages. So if you’ve ever thought about modelling but have never given it a go, then perhaps now could be the ideal time. There are many older models out there who got started later in life, such as Judith Boyd, Gillean McLeod, and Beate Howitt.
It’s important to remember that becoming an established model doesn’t usually happen overnight, due to the competitive nature of the industry. So if you’re looking for a stable job with a steady income (and you’re in a hurry to find it), then this might not be the role for you. You’ll also need to be very motivated, relatively thick-skinned and have a positive attitude, as rejections are very common in such a tough industry.
If you’re interested in getting started with some modelling work, then it’s a good idea to get some practise in front of the camera and start trying to put together a portfolio. Ask a friend, family member, or someone you trust to take a selection of good quality photos of you.
If you want to apply for some paid modelling jobs, then Star Now is a great place to start. You can create a free profile and apply for jobs straight away.
Ready to start modelling?
7. Cake decorator

Do you enjoy getting creative in the kitchen? If so, you could be in for a treat in a role as a cake dcecorator.
As a cake decorator, you’ll always be on the lookout for new designs and ideas, and will be comfortable experimenting with different techniques and ingredients. While this job can be a lot of fun, it can also come with pressures as you’ll often have to work to strict deadlines to make sure that people’s baked delights are delivered on time.
Plenty of employers will hire cake decorators without any formal qualifications, but they do like to see that you have experience and are good at decorating cakes.
If you bake at home or for friends and family, then it’s worth taking photos of your creations so that you can create a portfolio to show to prospective employers. It can also be worth completing a Level 2 Certificate in Food Hygiene, as this will usually give you an advantage
Apply for cake decorating roles
8. Dental nurse

Are you a people person who can appreciate how having a healthy smile can make a positive difference to a person’s general wellbeing?
Dental nurses work closely with dentists and other dental professionals to support them with all aspects of a patient’s dental care.
They help with practical tasks including looking after patient records and ensuring that all dental materials and supplies are in place, as well as providing friendly support to patients who may be in need of some reassurance.
If you’re interested in becoming a dental nurse, then you can study for a Level 3 Diploma in Dental Nursing (either full or part-time), which will allow you to combine theory and practice. Once you’ve completed the course, you’ll be able to apply for registration with the General Dental Council and apply for work as a dental nurse. From here, some people decide to specialise further in areas such as orthodontics, radiography, or sedation.
To find a Level 3 Diploma in Dental Nursing near you, it’s best to contact your nearest college or adult education centre.
Start my journey to becoming a dental nurse
9. Paralegal

If you have an interest in law, but you don’t want to spend the time or money on becoming a fully qualified lawyer, solicitor, or barrister, then a career as a paralegal could be a great option that will give you a continuous opportunity to learn and develop your skills.
Paralegals support lawyers and barristers with their caseloads, which can include completing and filing legal documents, interviewing witnesses, carrying out research, and giving legal advice to clients. Although they work closely with lawyers and barristers on cases, they’ll never stand up in court and represent clients, and the majority of the work is office-based.
There are a number of ways you can get started as a paralegal. If you’d prefer direct entry into the industry, then it’s better to apply for a role as an administrator in a legal firm or company first and do further training on the job through the Institute of Paralegals or the National Association of Licensed Paralegals.
Or, if you’re happy to do some studying first, then you could take a relevant college course before applying for a paralegal position, such as a Level 2 Diploma in Legal Studies or a CILEx Level 3 Certificate in Law and Practice.
Want to apply directly to a law firm?
Want to find a college course?
10. Physiotherapist

Physiotherapy can be an incredibly rewarding profession to go into. The role involves helping people to become more able by increasing their range of movement, which could help them walk again or relieve years of chronic debilitating back pain.
As a physiotherapist, you could be working with people who are recovering from severe injuries such as spinal damage or broken limbs, through to patients who need help relieving muscular or nerve pain. The role would require you to spend time assessing patients before determining a treatment plan, which will often consist of a number of exercises designed to strengthen the affected muscles, joints, ligaments, and tendons.
Physiotherapists are highly skilled individuals who could easily make an injury or condition worse without the right knowledge about what they’re doing – so if it’s something you think you’d like to do, it’s essential that you get the right training.
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy recommends that you do an accredited undergraduate degree, or you may be able to do a two-year postgraduate degree if you already have a degree in a relevant subject like biological or sports science.
Want to retrain as a physiotherapist?
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11. Librarian

If you love books and have good organisational skills, you could find satisfaction and fulfilment in a career as a librarian.
At the heart of it, librarians look after, organise, and provide access to a diverse range of information and reading resources. They’ll also have sound IT knowledge so that they can assist people with online library services, and tend to work in public libraries or in organisations such as colleges, schools, and universities.
As a librarian, you’d essentially be a keeper of knowledge and help people find the information they need.
To become a librarian, you’ll usually have to do one of two things:
- Complete a degree in librarianship accredited by the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals while volunteering at a library.
- Apply for a job as a library assistant or data officer with an information service to gain experience. With this experience, you can then apply for certification through the Chartered Institute of Library Information Professionals and study for further qualifications whilst you work – allowing you to work towards librarian status whilst earning.
12. Personal shopper

A personal shopper will listen to a customer’s needs and offer advice on what they should buy based on the information they are given. They work in a number of areas including, fashion, furniture, and beauty.
If you decide that you’d like to be a personal shopper, then one of the first things to consider is what you’re really passionate about helping people to achieve. For example, would you like to help give someone a confidence boost by helping them choose a whole new outfit? Or would you like to help someone make a house a home by helping them choose and coordinate their furniture? Once you’ve decided how you’d like to help and inspire people, you should have a better idea where to apply.
To work as a personal shopper, you don’t need any specific qualifications but you’ll need to be great with people and it may also be an advantage if you have some customer service or sales experience
Ready to apply?
13. Hospital porter

Hospital porters help with the smooth running of a hospital by moving patients and medical items between different areas of the hospital. For example, they might transport a patient between a ward and the x-ray department, or deliver all the necessary equipment to the theatre ahead of surgery.
Porters get to meet people from all walks of life and will be exposed to a lot of medical procedures and information, which presents a fantastic learning opportunity.
There are no set entry requirements when it comes to applying to be a hospital porter, however, you’ll need to have good communication skills and be reasonably fit as you’ll be on your feet a lot, moving between different parts of the hospital. It may also be useful to have experience in a healthcare setting and/or have a manual handling or health and safety certificate – although this isn’t essential as many employers will train staff on the job.
Apply for hospital porter roles
14. Learning mentor

Are you looking for a career where you can make a difference in the lives of others?
As a learning mentor, you could help support and guide children, young people, and adults who experience difficulties with their learning due to social, emotional, or behavioural problems.
The role would require you to work alongside teachers and other staff to work out how to help individuals overcome any barriers to their learning so that they can reach their full potential. These issues could be wide-ranging and may include anything from absence and challenging behaviour to problems at home.
Learning mentors usually work in schools, but will also liaise with families and others in the community (such as social workers) when necessary.
Although it may help to have a degree in a national curriculum subject, it’s not essential. Many employers will also take on people who have training or experience in a relevant field such as, youth, community or social work, psychology and health, guidance, or education.
Search for learning mentor roles
15. Agricultural inspector

Agricultural inspectors have the important job of making sure that the food we eat is of good quality and safe for consumption. They do this by visiting farms, dairies, and other agricultural workplaces to make sure that the correct food hygiene, safety, and animal welfare procedures are being implemented.
It’s easy to take for granted that the food we eat has undergone rigorous safety checks before it reaches our dinner table. But agricultural inspectors have the job satisfaction of knowing that they are keeping the UK safe and helping them enjoy decent quality food.
You don’t always need a degree to work as an agricultural inspector, but without one, you’ll need to have at least two years of experience in a relevant field; for example, in agricultural engineering.
Alternatively, if you don’t have any experience, you could complete a degree in a related field such as maths, science, or environmental health before applying for your first role.
You’re most likely to find jobs by applying to government-related agencies including the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) or the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).
Final thoughts...
We hope that you’ve found some unusual job inspiration in this article. If not, or if you’d simply like to read more, check out our article; Unique jobs you might not have considered (part four).
Or, if you’re looking for more conventional career change ideas, check out our lists of popular career change ideas for over 50s and 60s.