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- Are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?
Working out whether you’re an introvert, extrovert, or a mix of both, can be an important part of exploring, understanding, and accepting who you are.
It can explain more about how you like to interact with others and where you get your energy from – helping you to manage a wide range of experiences. Gaining a deeper understanding of different personality types can also allow you to communicate more effectively with others.
For a long time, it was widely believed that people were either introverted or extroverted and nothing in between. Another belief is that introverts are painfully shy, and extroverts are bubbly and outgoing. But, in reality, we’re much more complicated than that – and psychologists have since rejected these strict labels.
Experts now think it’s more useful to think of introversion and extroversion as a scale, and where we fall on that scale is guided by how we gain and direct our energy.
With this in mind, we’ll explore where the terms extrovert and introvert came from, what they mean, and how you can learn more about your personality through them.
Where did the terms ‘extrovert’ and ‘introvert’ come from?

Theories about introversion and extroversion became popular in 1921 when Swiss psychoanalyst, Carl Jung, published a paper on personality types.
At the time, Jung was investigating therapeutic relationships, and how the personality of the therapist could affect the way they interacted with their clients.
He initially grouped people into two opposing categories: introverts (who preferred to direct their energy inwards towards doing more thoughtful, solitary activities) and extroverts (who directed their energy towards others and preferred being around people to being alone). Jung believed both groups gained energy from doing their preferred activities.
But it wasn’t long before Jung realised that people’s personalities were far too complex to fit neatly into just two categories – no one was 100% one or the other.
Later in the century, psychologist Hans Eysenck explored Jung’s theories further. He believed that how introverted or extroverted a person was depended on how responsive or stimulated they were by their surroundings.
Eysenck suggested that introverts needed a much lower level of stimulation to become satisfied than extroverts, who needed more excitement. This means that while an introvert might be happier going for a quiet dinner with one friend, an extrovert might get more enjoyment from going for dinner with a large group.
Scientists have since used brain scans to support Eysenck’s theory. These scans show that people who consider themselves more introverted have thicker prefrontal cortices (which are associated with planning and deep thinking) than extroverts, who are thought to be more impulsive.
Today, many of us are familiar with the words ‘introvert’ and ‘extrovert’ – though we still tend to use them to describe people who are either shy or more talkative. This can give us a very narrow (and not necessarily accurate) view of who someone is.
So, below, we’ll take a closer look at what experts say the introvert-extrovert scale actually looks like, and why wherever you sit is just a part of what makes you uniquely you!
What is an introvert?

Introverts tend to be quieter and more reserved. They’ll often focus their energy inwards and spend a lot of time engaging in deep thought and processing what’s going on around them.
Many introverts find that they need time alone to relax and recharge after being around other people. This is because they expend energy in social situations, rather than gaining it as extroverts do.
Because introverts have lower levels of extroversion, other personality traits might include…
Preferring to listen rather than speak
- Learning by watching
Being quieter and more reserved in larger social settings
Having a small, close-knit group of friends
Working better on their own
Avoiding being in situations where they’re the centre of attention (for example, at birthday parties or in front-of-house job roles)
Getting distracted or overwhelmed by too much stimulation
Introverts also tend to be very self-aware and will spend time examining their own experiences and learning more about who they are. Research suggests that introverts may feel emotions more intensely and have a tougher time managing them.
People with introverted personalities might also find themselves ‘zoning out’ to escape stressful or chaotic situations – almost like a survival mechanism.
There’s a common misconception that introverts are always shy, socially awkward, or anxious, but being introverted doesn’t necessarily mean that someone is any of these things – rather, they simply process their surroundings differently.
For more information, you might find it helpful to read this article from VeryWell Mind.
What is an extrovert?

Extroverts often have more outgoing personalities and thrive off interaction with others. Because extroverts gain energy from being around others, they often won’t need much time alone and prefer being in social settings. An extrovert may feel drained or uninspired if they spend too much time by themselves.
People with extroverted personalities may actively seek out social stimulation and feel confident introducing themselves to new people or walking into unfamiliar situations.
Other extroverted personality traits can include…
Having a larger social circle and many acquaintances
Feeling comfortable in large social groups (and maybe even leading the group)
Expressing themselves openly and preferring to discuss problems to get advice and guidance
Being spontaneous and having the ability to adapt to situations quickly
Enjoying working as part of a group
Being optimistic, outgoing, and less likely to dwell on problems
According to research, extroverts might also be willing to take more risks because their brains are wired to reward them with dopamine if all goes well. In contrast, it’s believed that introverts can be overstimulated by too much dopamine, and so don’t feel the need to seek out as many new situations.
However, as we’ve mentioned, extroversion is a scale and some extroverts will have introverted traits, too.
To gain a better understanding of what an extroverted personality might be like, it’s worth having a read of this article from Healthline.
What is an ambivert?

If it’s tricky for you to decide whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, you might be an ‘ambivert’.
Ambiverts – also known as ‘extroverted introverts’ – may display both introverted and extroverted behaviours. For example, they might love going out and being the life and soul of the party and curling up at home alone with a good book.
Ambiverts might need some ‘me time’ every now and then, but be just as happy socialising as they are spending time alone.
Those with ambivert personalities are usually versatile and can adapt their behaviour to fit the situation they’re in. They know when to tone down their gregariousness and when to turn things up a notch to match the energy of the people around them.
Other traits that may indicate someone has an ambivert personality include…
Seeing socialising as productive but tiring. They can be outgoing and lively at social events but will need time to rest and recharge afterwards.
Feeling drained by spending too much time alone or with other people – they need a balance of both
Having lots of friends, but only a handful of close ones
Enjoying a balance of both independent and group work
Loving a good chat but appreciating comfortable silence, too
Scientists estimate that around two-thirds of us are ambiverts; meaning we can move up and down the extrovert-introvert scale with ease. And while being an ambivert comes with many benefits (such as being flexible and being able to gain people’s trust), many ambiverts also say that they feel pressure to live up to people’s interpretations of who they are, which can be tiring.
You might find it useful to read this article from Healthline which has more information about ambivert personalities.
Are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?

You may already have a good idea about whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert and how this affects your interactions with the world. But, the reality is that most of us will fall somewhere in the middle.
It’s also possible to change your personality over time; perhaps you were an introvert as a child but now consider yourself to be an extrovert, or vice versa.
Studies suggest that whether we’re an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert is also down to genetics and how our brain responds to dopamine. People more sensitive to dopamine are likely to become overwhelmed by it and may be more introverted, while those who thrive on the dopamine response may be more extroverted.
Understanding our personality type can be useful for a number of reasons. For example, it can help us to make sense of our emotional reactions, understand what makes us happy, and get the most out of life.
However, it can be helpful to think of personality type as something that’s fluid and linked to how you evolve and grow as an individual.
Psychologist Adam Grant says, “No matter your type, flexibility is a quality we can all embrace. Think of your personality as serving like an anchor – instead of constraining you, it keeps you from drifting too far as you pursue new possibilities.”
If you’d like more insight into whether you’re an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert, why not take Adam Grant’s quiz?
For further reading, you might like to head over to the healthy mind section of our website.
Are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below.
Elise Christian is Lifestyle Editor at Rest Less. She joined Rest Less in 2018 after achieving a first class Master’s Degree in Journalism from the University of Kent, and writes across a range of lifestyle topics such as mental health, home and garden, and fashion and beauty. Prior to this, she worked as a freelance writer for small businesses and also spent a year training to be a midwife. Elise spends her spare time going to the gym, reading trashy romance novels, and hanging out with loved ones. She also loves animals, and has a fascination with sharks and tornadoes.
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