Life throws a lot at us and we all go through hard times. But throughout history, people have shared wisdom and advice to help others overcome their struggles, hold onto hope, and be inspired.
With this in mind, we’ve put together a list of five classic life lessons that can help you become your happiest self and seize every opportunity.
1. We all need meaning and purpose in our lives
Even if we’re lucky enough to live in a comfortable home, be surrounded by loved ones, and have a successful career, it’s still possible to experience a lack of meaning or purpose in our lives. This can leave us feeling like something’s missing or that we’re simply floating through life without direction.
While it can be difficult to slow down in today’s fast-paced world, taking the time to explore what’s important to you and why your life might be lacking meaning and purpose can make a significant difference in how you feel.
Below are a few thought-provoking ideas to consider if you want to embark on this journey of exploration…
"What’s money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do."
– Bob Dylan
Because of the pressures of modern life, it’s common for people to seek meaning through wealth. However, this is never as satisfying as it may seem.
While money is important to live comfortably and can provide opportunities to do what you love, it’s rarely a replacement for the things that fulfil us; like spending time with loved ones, engaging with art and the natural world, or helping others.
"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day that you find out why."
- Anonymous
One of the most important things we can do in life is to work out how we want to spend it.
If you have a hobby or passion – such as painting, music, or carpentry – then finding your purpose might mean fully diving in and committing to your calling.
But, if you’re not sure what you want to do with your time, why not start exploring? The hobbies and activities and art and culture sections of our website have plenty of inspirational ideas – from unusual hobbies you might not have tried to creative and practical craft projects.
Or, you might like to have a read of our article: 10 practices for self-exploration.
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do."
– Steve Jobs
Many people find fulfilment and meaning through their jobs. This can be especially true for those who do charitable work that benefits others, and those lucky enough to have a career in an area they’re passionate about.
If you think a career change could help you lead a more fulfilling life, you may find some useful information in the jobs and careers section of our website, which features a wide range of career change guides. Articles such as 14 rewarding jobs where you can really make a difference and 14 career change ideas for the over 50s will hopefully offer plenty of career inspiration.
If you feel apprehensive about the idea of making a career change later in life, the personal stories section of our website will hopefully give you a boost. For example, Phil became a financial coach at 60 and Frances went from being an army colonel to a newly qualified teacher in her 50s.
"If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else."
– Booker T. Washington
One of the best and simplest ways to add meaning to your life is to help those around you. This can be easy to forget when we’re feeling lost, but sometimes just making a loved one laugh or dedicating time to your community can be the most fulfilling part of your day.
If you’re looking for ways to incorporate more meaningful or charitable work into your life, you’ll find lots of opportunities on the volunteering section of our website. Or, for some ideas, check out our article: 11 volunteering opportunities for over 50s.
You might also like to have a read of our articles: 5 ways to find purpose and meaning in your life and 12 rewarding ways to spend your time.
2. Motivation and discipline are the keys to self-mastery
Self-mastery is the process of learning how to live your life in the most effective and confident way possible so that you can reach your full potential without being blown off course.
Two of the biggest challenges to overcome when achieving self-mastery are finding motivation and cultivating self-discipline.
If motivation and self-discipline are two skills you’d like to work on, you’ll hopefully be able to take something away from the points below…
"People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily."
– Zig Ziglar
Motivation is what inspires us to set goals and goes hand-in-hand with self-discipline – the two are different sides of the same coin.
Most would agree that setting goals is the easy part and that working to achieve them and remain consistent in this is where the hard work comes in. This is why having self-discipline is important.
However, having self-discipline doesn’t mean being overly hard on yourself, as this can make sticking to your goals feel like a chore and keep motivation low – so it’s often worth setting yourself smaller, more manageable goals to begin with.
For example, if your goal is to increase your daily step count, you could commit to getting up half an hour earlier in the morning to go for a walk. Over time, as your body gets used to its new routine, you’ll likely feel more motivated to think of other ways to increase your steps.
You might like to read our article, 8 tips to boost your motivation, for more ideas and inspiration.
"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
- Nelson Mandela
Having self-discipline often means being resilient and having the ability to push yourself forward and take action, regardless of how you’re feeling – and many people have taught us the value of always picking ourselves up when we fall.
It’s important to remember that in many areas of life, progress isn’t linear and we all fail from time to time. Mistakes are a necessary and unavoidable part of learning any skill, and what’s important is that we keep trying to do better and don’t give up.
When we accept that mistakes are inevitable, it becomes far easier to tolerate those moments when things don’t go to plan, and we can learn from them and move on.
"Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend."
- Bruce Lee
Life throws all sorts of obstacles at us, and one of the most useful skills we can have is the ability to stay calm and be flexible enough to take any situation as it comes. If you can do this, you’ll hopefully find that your journey through day-to-day life becomes much smoother.
Our article, The importance of resilience and the ability to adapt, includes tips on how to improve your adaptability.
"There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing."
– Aristotle
People who take control of their lives and work towards their goals often feel more fulfilled than those who don’t. Among other things, taking control of our lives can mean not needing or seeking validation from others, and not altering our personality or behaviour to fit a mould.
For example, sometimes we might feel that it’s easier to hide parts of who we are to avoid judgement from others. But, as the famous ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle pointed out thousands of years ago, nobody is everyone’s cup of tea.
Hiding things that make you unique might help you avoid criticism from others in the short term, but, chances are, you won’t be living your life to the fullest if you don’t let your personality shine through. It’s not uncommon for people in this position to lack the self-discipline and motivation needed to achieve their goals, simply because they aren’t living as authentically as they could.
If this is something you struggle with, check out our articles: 8 ways to empower yourself every day and 16 ways to improve your confidence and self-esteem.
3. Take advantage of opportunities that come your way
Life can feel like a whirlwind at times and it’s not always easy to fully take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves.
Fortunately, though, it’s possible to learn how to embrace new experiences and get more out of life. Here are some things to consider that could help you to do just that…
"You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take."
– Wayne Gretzky
“Carpe diem” is a famous Latin motto attributed to the ancient Roman poet Horace. It means something to the effect of ‘seize the day’; it’s the idea of taking advantage of every opportunity that life throws your way.
It’s not uncommon for us to look back on the things that we wish we’d done, the people we wish we’d spoken to, and the experiences we wish we’d taken part in.
Though things don’t always turn out the way you want or expect them to, if we don’t put ourselves out there and give it a go, we’ll never know what could’ve been.
If you’re looking for some inspiration on how to start making the most of every opportunity (or even begin to create new ones), you might like to have a read of our article: 18 ways to step outside of your comfort zone.
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."
– Chinese Proverb
It’s easy to get caught up in decision paralysis and wait to act until it’s too late. But, to live life to the fullest, we need to learn to trust our own abilities and give ourselves the benefit of the doubt, rather than focusing on what could happen if we fail.
This involves listening more closely to our instincts and saying yes to what we want, even when we’re anxious about the outcome. While this can be daunting and may take time, sometimes the best things in life come from finding the courage to take the leap.
For help getting started with this, have a read of our articles: 14 ways to set yourself up for a happier, more productive day and How to stay inspired during difficult times.
4. Our power comes from within
Unfortunately, sometimes what holds us back in life is our own lack of self-esteem. We might think we’re not good enough, that we won’t succeed, or that others are simply better than us. But, when we realise our potential and see the true value that lies within, many of our dreams and aspirations become easier to grasp.
Here are some points to consider to help you become the version of yourself you want to be…
"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any."
– Alice Walker
It’s incredible how much our internal view of ourselves can affect our external actions. For example, low self-esteem can get in the way of our goals, and prevent us from trying new things and building happy relationships.
The good news is that once you’re aware of this it becomes easier to regain control and take steps to boost your self-esteem – such as gaining awareness of your strengths and weaknesses and learning when to say no.
"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced."
– Vincent Van Gogh
Empowerment can often come from doing something you’ve always wanted to do but have been too scared to try. For example, you might wish you could play an instrument, draw, or write stories, but feel that you don’t have the talent.
But the truth is that anyone can learn a new skill, and it can be an uplifting experience. In fact, studies have linked learning with improved self-esteem.
If you’re on the lookout to develop new skills, you might find the learning section of our website a good place to start. Here, you’ll find information on everything from creative skills you can learn from home to skilled outdoor activities.
And, for advice on how to rise above self-deprecating thoughts, you might find our article, 7 powerful ways to conquer self-limiting beliefs, helpful.
"Remember no one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
– Eleanor Roosevelt
Learning to love ourselves and appreciate our strengths can help us to see how much we have to offer.
One way to practise self-love is to start journaling. Keeping a journal allows you to lay out your strengths and qualities on paper, which makes them easier to internalise. Journaling is also a great way to practise gratitude and help you to maintain a healthy perspective on your life.
Amazon has a range of journals available to buy if you’d like to get started.
"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."
– Confucius
Rather than taking on too much and beating yourself up if you can’t get it all done or comparing your progress to that of others, try to take the time to recognise your achievements – both big and small – and approach yourself the same way that you’d approach a friend.
Self-affirmations can be useful here. Deliberately reminding yourself of your value, what you bring to the people around you, and the fact that you deserve happiness, can encourage you to be kinder to yourself.
To learn more about how to do this, you might want to have a read of our article on self-affirmations.
5. Mindfulness can unlock many doors
Mindfulness is a technique that helps you to examine your thoughts and feelings and focus your attention on the present moment.
Learning to practise the skill of mindfulness can lead to a better understanding of how you respond to different situations and what you really want out of life.
Hopefully, you’ll find some food for thought in our tips below…
"An unexamined life is not worth living."
– Socrates, via Plato
Mindfulness is a key skill that can help us to make the most of all the advice set out above. This is because mindfulness can increase self-awareness, combat stress, and teach you to be kind to yourself.
Being more mindful involves slowing down and taking a deliberate step back to acknowledge your thoughts. Often, this encourages us to appreciate the little things in life that we can take for granted, which can lead to greater life satisfaction.
Mindfulness can also be used as a tool to help us let go of the past. Knowingly or not, many of us are held back by past experiences, and untethering ourselves from these can be liberating.
"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be."
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you want to achieve something in life, it’s important to be an active player in shaping your path. Only by being true to yourself will you reach your goals – and this requires self-understanding.
Practising mindfulness can help you to become more aware of what you want from life – be it in the immediate moment, or more generally – which can be easier to lose sight of than you might think.
For more information on mindfulness and how to get started, you might like to read our introductory guide. You might also be interested in tuning into one of the meditation workshops on Rest Less Events.
Final thoughts…
We hope that one or more of these classic life lessons rings true with you or inspires some ideas about how you can take steps towards the life you want to lead.
For more tips and inspiration, you might like to visit the healthy mind section of our website where you’ll find articles on everything everything from ways to keep your mind sharp to ways to improve focus.
Do you have any other life lessons that you’d like to share with the community? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below.