Advanced Nurse Practitioner

  • NHS
  • Full Time
  • Guernsey
  • 67355.00 - 80716.00 a year

Job Description

Job summary

The Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) will be expected to work within the 12 beddedEmergency Department that treats all emergency attendances across the Bailiwick ofGuernsey. The department comprises of 6 majors bays, 1 paediatric bay, 2 resuscitation bay,eye room, triage room and minor assessment room. All patients are assessed and cared forby a team of specialist doctors and nurses that treat approximately 23,000 patients a year.The department manages the care and wellbeing needs for both adults and children.

Main duties of the job

The ANP will have advance knowledge and skills in emergency care and be recognised as aclinically autonomous practitioner. The ANP will practice within emergency care to providepatient centred clinical care. This will encompass the skills of assessment, examination,diagnosis and treatment within their scope of practice within the ED. The ANP will workalongside the ED doctors to assist in the safe referral and discharge of patients with undifferentiated and undiagnosed presentations in any area of the ED. The ANP will work withintheir level of competence and locally agreed guidelines to facilitate care to meet the needs ofpatients and their families.

About us

The Island of Guernsey is in the English Channel in the Bay of St Malo, 50km off the north-west coast of France and 120km from the English coast.

Guernsey has a population of around 63,000 and in Alderney just under 2,000. Working in a relatively small Health and Social Care Service like ours means you can effectively work with colleagues across the services, health and social care professionals can collaborate not only with each other but also other agencies, the third sector and the community.

We offer an attractive relocation policy and competitive salaries with great career opportunities, modern facilities, excellent training, revalidation and registration support and a healthy work-life balance.

As a health or social care professional who chooses to join our team, you can look forward to working in an environment that gives you the time to care that you hoped for when choosing this career.

Job responsibilities

Clinical Responsibilities:

To provide leadership and support in the assessment, planning and delivery of patient/client care within the agreed areas of responsibility.

To closely monitor the standards of practice, identifying and addressing factors which may impact on the quality of patient/client care.

To ensure that risk assessment strategies are employed within areas of responsibility and that relevant actions are taken to minimise any identified risks.

To utilise information and data from a range of sources to identify problems, guide decision-making processes and develop a strategic direction for service delivery.

To provide leadership and guidance in promoting service user involvement in the planning, delivery and evaluation of care.

To keep abreast of the political and professional developments impacting on contemporary nursing practice.

To ensure that the NMC professional code of conduct, and other professional standards set by the NMC are upheld by staff members working within the Postholders sphere of responsibility.

To develop effective channels of communication between the practice area of

responsibility and other relevant departments and agencies.

To maintain practice expertise through the delivery of patient/client care one day a week on a supernumerary basis.

Advance Clinical Responsibilities:

Work within their level of competence and locally agreed guidelines to facilitate care packages tailored to meet the needs of the patients. He/she will act as a key member of a multi-professional team developing collaborative and innovative practices.

Work closely with the Emergency Department Doctors and will receive clinical supervision and support enabling him/her to refer clinical matters beyond their level of competence to the appropriate consultant.

Provide a level of advanced and comprehensive health assessment based on a specialist body of knowledge.

Have advanced knowledge and skills in emergency care and provide a direct contribution to the assessment, treatment and planning of care, and evaluation of the outcomes of patients within emergency department.

Prescribe elements of care and treatment that will be delivered by other members of the healthcare team including initiating pharmacological interventions.

Order diagnostic tests, in accordance with agreed local protocols, interpret results and initiate the appropriate patient management (G225).

Undertake agreed specialist clinical skills within the scope of ACP practice e.g:

- Suturing.

- Arterial Blood Sampling.

- Digital nerve blocks.

- Joint relocation.

- Advanced airway skills.

Have a high degree of autonomy and authority to make clinical decisions, supported by an appropriate medical professional within the scope of his/her professional practice.

Training and Education:

To provide leadership in the promotion of health and well-being of clients/patients and their significant others in accordance with organisational strategy.

To promote and support the implementation of supervision through the provision of relevant resources and access to appropriate training and development.

To ensure that the practice environment is conducive to quality learning and assessment.

To identify the training and educational needs of staff.

Be a resource of clinical knowledge and expertise to nurses, doctors and members of the MDT team.

To ensure programmes of learning are developed to meet the educational needs of all staff working within the practice area.

To maintain own continuing professional development needs. The post holder will hold a post graduate qualification.

To undertake in-house annual mandatory training in Manual Handling, Basic Life Support, Fire Safety and AED training.


To assist in the recruitment and retention of team members.

To actively ensure team members are aware of organisational objectives, policies and procedures and the implications they have for their practice.

To monitor the implementation of organisational policies and procedures.

To assist in providing annual appraisals to allocated staff following the agreed professional development review process.

To identify and assist staff with performance issues and ensure they are appropriately managed to address their developmental needs in liaison with ward manager and band 7 staff.

To monitor and review staffing levels and skill mix in line with future service developments and initiatives.

To promote a learning culture which supports staff through change and development.

To act as a professional role model for all staff, promoting high standards of practice and strong professional values.

To work in collaboration with the ward manager to monitor his/her expenditure in reference to non-medical prescribing and assist in the Emergency Department budget allocation and use of resources.

To develop evidence-based policies and procedures specifically required by the ANP role.


To communicate clearly with all staff members at all levels of the organisation demonstrating sensitivity to cultural and language differences.

To ensure conflict between individuals, including staff, patients/clients and their significant others is managed appropriately.

To ensure written paper and electronic communication complies with organisational and professional standards.

To communicate with the media and other outside agencies in accordance with organisational policy.

To attend relevant meetings relating to ANP role. Attend meetings including, Governance, Educational Governance, ED Management meetings, peer reviews and hyperbaric meetings in the absence of ward manager and Practice development lead.

Support departmental Senior Nursing team with departmental meetings where applicable.

Audit/Information Technology/Research Activity:

In conjunction with the ward manager and band 7 staff, identify potential areas for audit activity within the areas of responsibility.

To assist and investigate critical incidents that have been reported and document actual or potential risks impacting on the quality of patient/client care within the areas of responsibility liaising with the clinical risk manager.

To provide leadership to utilise data from patient/client feedback, critical incident reports and complaints to make changes in working practices.

To ensure evidence-based practice in own and the practice of other members of staff involved in the care of the patient/client.

To take a professional lead in developing practice, ensuring that new initiatives are incorporated within the working practices of all staff.

With training, access organisational electronic information systems relevant to the role.

Modify, structure, maintain and present data and information in electronic and paper format. ...

Good luck with your application