Bank RMN

Job Description
Job summary
An exciting opportunity to cover shifts in one of SEL Acute Trusts through a single bank registration. As a bank worker you will have priority access to shifts in various departments across the Acute Trusts where the Multi-Disciplinary Team have identified that a Registered Mental Health Nurse is required to provide care to patients with complex and enduring mental health needs
Main duties of the job
To cover shifts in various departments across the Acute Trusts where the Multi-Disciplinary Team have identified that a Registered Mental Health Nurse is required to provide care to patients with complex and enduring mental health needs. Understands the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (2008) in relation to consent and best interest decision making. To utilise specific care planning tools as instructed by the clinical team contained in Trust policy (Managing Challenging Behaviour in Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment Policy) for patients with specific needs, when necessary, for example, nursing care plan for the confused and disorientated patient, and behaviour chart for patients with cognitive impairment. Establishing and maintaining effective communication with assigned patients, carers and relatives. Ensures that clear and accurate records and communication systems relating to clinical and care delivery are maintained and effectively used. Under direction of the nurse in charge is able to support optimum patient care management including supporting the patient with their activities of daily living.
About us
Bank Band 5 RMN
Coming soon
South East London Acute Collaborative
Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust
Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust
Kings College NHS Foundation Trust
An exciting opportunity to cover shifts in one of SEL Acute Trusts through a single bank registration. As a bank worker you will have priority access to shifts in various departments across the Acute Trusts where the Multi Disciplinary Team have identified that a Registered Mental Health Nurse is required to provide care to patients with complex and enduring mental health needs.
About us South East London Acute Collaborative RMN Bank New Harmonised Local Pay Rates with unsocial enhancements Weekly Pay Access to the NHS Pension Scheme Technology Employee On Line EOL self allocation diary management App Support with Revalidation
Job responsibilities
Post Title: Bank Mental Health Nurse (RMN)
Grade: Local Pay Rates
Hours: Ad Hoc
Department/Ward: Bank
Reports To: Ward Manager/Team Leader
Accountable To: Director of Nursing and Education
Location/Sites Lewisham Hospital
& Queen Elizabeth Hospital Woolwich
To cover shifts in various departments across the Acute Trust where the Multi-Disciplinary Team have identified that a Registered Mental Health Nurse is required to provide care to patients with complex and enduring mental health needs.
The post holders under the direction of a nurse in charge, is accountable for the provision, organisation, and direction of safe and person centred nursing care approaches for patients.
As a bank member of staff you will liaise with all staffing groups so that the best possible care is given to meet the individual needs of patients.
Site Manager
Ward Manager
Nurse In Charge
Bank Nurse
Practices in accordance with the NMC Code of Professional Conduct and other appropriate guidelines. In collaboration with the clinical (Multi-disciplinary) team assess the mental health care needs of patients and assist in developing programmes of care and implement psychological interventions as agreed. Participate in the Admission Procedure and ensure that it is undertaken as smoothly as possible and that discharges / transfers are communicated effectively with patients and that all appropriate agencies are informed of the discharge / transfers and all necessary arrangements madeTo utilise specific care planning tools as instructed by the clinical team contained in Trust policy (Managing Challenging Behaviour in Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment Policy) for patients with specific needs when necessary e.g. nursing care plan for the confused and disorientated patient, and behaviour chart for patients with cognitive impairment.
Co-ordinating care for the patient and work in partnership with the patient, clinical team and the specialist healthcare providers to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment plans and programmes of care . Establishing and maintaining effective communication with assigned patients, carers and relatives.Understands the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (2008) in relation to consent and best interest decision making.
Observes confidentiality of patient information at all times and complies with Data Protection Act (1984)
Ensures that clear and accurate records and communication systems relating to clinical and care delivery are maintained and effectively used.
Under direction of the nurse in charge is able to support optimum patient care management including supporting the patient with their activities of daily living.
Taking prompt action on changes in condition, liaising with other members of the clinical team when necessary, reviewing nursing care and communicating any amendments to the programmes of care.
Professional The RH (MH) is accountable for any action undertaken in the course of duty, and is aware of the limits of his/her responsibilities and reports promptly to the appropriate personnel any matter that falls outside these responsibilities.Will develop within the Scope of Professional Practice taking responsibility for own professional growth and keeps up to date with professional developments. Attends study days and courses as appropriate.
Will keep himself/herself aware of new developments in nursing within scope of practice
Will adhere to the current uniform policy.
Observe and continually promote equal opportunities in compliance with the Trust's policies on Equality and Diversity and Dignity at Work.
Health & Safety Observe and comply with the Trust's policies and procedures for Health and Safety ensuring the environment in which you work is safe, clean and tidy and comply with standard infection control precautions to prevent or minimise the spread of micro-organisms and communicable diseases to patients, staff and surrounding community.Reports any deficiency in the agreed hygiene standard to the appropriate personnel.
Ensures that equipment is maintained in working order and correctly used.
When commencing duty in the ward, you will familiarise yourself with emergency procedures relating to fire and resuscitation. Will be sure of the role they play in the team and be able to safely participate in an emergency. Will attend annual training for fire and resuscitation.
Will know the Moving and Handling policy and take responsibility for ensuring safe moving and handling techniques, making use of appropriate aids. Attend annual update training.
Is familiar with the Major Incident Policy and the role of their ward/department within it.
Reports all accidents and incidents to relevant personnel and is aware of relevant documentation.
Clinical GovernanceKeeps the ward manager and Modern Matron informed of changes in the ward environment particularly when those changes affect standards of care, and reports any unsafe areas to the appropriate personnel.
Will participate in ward or departmental quality assurance activities.
Will participate in the development, implementation and evaluation of quality standards.
Will take into account patients, and other consumer views when developing and assessing quality standards.
This job description is intended to be a guide only to the general scope of the post and not an exhaustive list of duties, you may therefore be required to undertake other duties commensurate with your grade.
This is a description of the job as it is presently constructed. This will be periodically reviewed and updated to ensure that the job description fully reflects the duties and responsibilities required. This will be done by the line manager in consultation with the postholder.
Confidentiality/data protection regarding all personal information and Trust activity must be maintained at all times (both in and out of working hours) in accordance with professional codes of conduct and relevant legislation such as the Data Protection Act. The post holder should ensure that they ...