Community Nurse- Health visiting (AfC Equivalent band 5)

  • NHS
  • Full Time
  • Royal Docks
  • 39855.00 - 42324.00 a year

Job Description

Job summary

Community Nurse - Health Visiting Service

£39,855 - £42,324 per annum inclusive of high cost living allowance

The role will provide a health visiting service to all children and their families based on the national refreshed health visiting model and evidenced by the Healthy Child Programme 0-5 years (HCP).

The Children's Health 0-19 service had their CQC inspection in 2021 and rated Good in all areas.

The overall purpose of the job will be to provide in conjunction with the Health Visiting team an accessible, person centred, needs led model of service delivery to the 0-5 age population and their families. The overall aim is to continuously improve standards of health and social care for children 0-19 years and their families living in the London Borough of Newham (LBN). This will strengthen collaborative multi-professional working across both professional and organisational boundaries in partnership with key statutory and voluntary organisations.

To work in partnership with other health, education and social care service providers, including Children Centres and Early Years to identify and address health needs. This will be achieved through clinical excellence and good clinical leadership to promote involvement, self-care and personalisation for our service users; based on the national refreshed Health Visiting model and evidenced by the Healthy Child Programme 0-5 years (HCP).

Main duties of the job

The key aspects of the role will include:

  • To provide skilled, effective and evidence-based nursing care to children and to operate safely and in line with best practice guidance.
  • To identify, prioritise and implement public health programmes of care that meet the needs of the child/parents whilst taking into account risk and its effective management e.g. consent, safe delivery of interventions.
  • To plan, deliver and evaluate health promotion and education sessions based on identified local needs in partnership with members of the skill mix teams children, young people, parents / carers, teachers and other professionals.
  • To undertake various health screening programmes and reviews within own sphere of competence as delegated by the Clinical Team Leader / named Health Visitor- Ages and Stages questionnaires, Vision and Hearing, Blood Spot tests.
  • To participate in research and audit to ensure the development of effective and innovative practice which support continuous quality improvement and maintenance of clinical standards.

About us

Newham is an incredibly diverse borough with a very young population and is experiencing considerable regeneration as part of the Olympic legacy. There are over 86,000 children and young people in Newham and we want each of them to have the same life chances as young people in other parts of London.

This post is directly employed by the London Borough of Newham, who was the first London borough to offer a fully integrated 0-19 health and social care service. Therefore our CYPS directorate will be delivering the 0-19 Healthy Child programme through the Childrens Health Service.

Our offer -

We recognise that delivery of quality services to the community depends on a healthy, well-motivated workforce, we are therefore able to offer;

  • Genuine management support: Employee wellbeing programmes. HEART values and behaviours.
  • Money matters: Flexible starting salary within the allocated grade for the right candidates. Subsidised leisure passes. Generous local government annual leave allowance. Pension scheme. Continued access to the NHS Pension Scheme (NHSPS) for health professionals who satisfy the NHS Pension scheme criteria. NHS continuous service recognised.
  • Learning & Development: Support to take up advanced clinical training and wider workforce development package to enhance your skills. Clear competency and career progression framework. Access to smart technology.

Job responsibilities

The post holder will be an experienced trained nurse. This role is to support the universal delivery of the Healthy Child Programme as delegated by the aligned caseload Health Visitor (HV).

The post holder will be professionally responsible and accountable for the assessment, planning and evaluation of packages of care delegated by the named Health Visitor/ Clinical Team Leader.

As the key health worker, the associate community nurse will promote the health and wellbeing of children and families across the 0-19 years life course to enable each child to reach his/her full potential in order to minimise effects of social, cultural and racial inequality.

The post holder will establish and maintain a good working relationship with GPs, Children Centres, family hubs, Early Years Providers and teachers and other health and social care partners, to provide a comprehensive service to children and parents across the 0-19 years life course.

The post holder will be required to develop health promotion role, to strengthen integrated working across the health visiting team to deliver public health priorities and support development and review of health care plans for reception years within the local nursery/primary schools in order to support children with diagnosed medical needs.

Key Tasks and Accountabilities :

Key tasks and accountabilities are intended to be a guide to the range and level of work expected of the post holder. This is not an exhaustive list of all tasks that may fall to the post holder and employees will be expected to carry out such other reasonable duties which may be required from time to time.

To undertake all responsibilities listed below:

1. To provide skilled, effective and evidence-based nursing care to children and to operate safely and in line with best practice guidance.

2. Be responsible for the day to day management of their own workload as delegated by the named health visitor/ clinical team lead and feedback accordingly.

3. Work collaboratively in partnership with children, young people, parents/ carers and other agencies e.g. education, social services, other healthcare workers and the voluntary sector to meet the needs of children, young people and families living in Newham.

4. To organise and prioritise own work without direct supervision and in accordance with NMC guidance reporting any issues, concerns or personal limitations to the team lead.

5. To identify, prioritise and implement public health programmes of care that meet the needs of the child/parents whilst taking into account risk and its effective management e.g. consent, safe delivery of interventions.

6. To identify and record all new problems and concerns on electronic clinical records (RiO) and report back to the Team Lead or named Health Visitor.

7. To liaise with, and where appropriate initiate referrals to, all those involved in the delivery of care to ensure adequate care and support to children, parents and carers.

8. To encourage participation of parents, carers and relatives in activities, health assessments including undertaking clinical skills such as New Born Blood Spot (NBBS) promoting uptake of immunisations schedule, healthy start vouchers scheme, 2yr & 3-4 years free child care scheme during the programme working collaboratively with community nursery nurses.

9. To take appropriate action in regard to any accident or incident to clients, staff or visitors within the scope of the post holders responsibility and in line with LBN health and safety policy.

10. To plan, deliver and evaluate health promotion and education sessions based on identified local needs in partnership with members of the skill mix teams children centres, family hubs, libraries with parents / carers, teachers and other professionals.

11. To deliver key health messages around disease prevention to improve the health outcomes and wellbeing for children and families.

12. To undertake various health screening programmes and reviews within own sphere of competence as delegated by the Clinical Team Leader / named health visitor- Ages and Stages questionnaires (ASQ), vision and hearing, Blood Spot tests.

13. To participate in research and audit to ensure the development of effective and innovative practice which support continuous quality improvement and maintenance of clinical standards.

14. Adhere to local safe guarding procedures. Represent health at neighbourhood action meetings, core group meetings and other meetings as delegated by the named Health Visitor. Monitor the health of children who have the child protection plans and those of concern. Contribute to accurate reports for case conferences and participate in the decision making process for child protection.

15. Contribute to reports for social services initial investigations as part of Universal Partnership/Partnership Plus (UP/UPP) caseload, in partnership with the named Health Visitor.

16. Refer children to other agencies as appropriate and document referrals in clinical records ...

Good luck with your application