Consultant in Dermatology

  • NHS
  • Full Time
  • Jersey
  • 114667.00 - 170947.00 a year

Job Description

Job summary

An exciting opportunity has arisen within the Dermatology Department in Jersey, Channel Islands. We are looking for a dynamic Consultant Dermatologist to join a permanent post based at Jersey General Hospital.

The successful candidate will have wide experience in medical dermatology and dermatological surgical skills to complement the current team in providing state-of-the-art services to the islands population of approximately 107,000 with high prevalence of skin cancer.

The dermatology unit features a range of facilities including cryotherapy, PUVA, TLO1 therapy, iontophoresis, photodynamic therapy and topical treatments, patch test service and a dedicated minor operations theatre.

The unit recently acquired a confocal imaging instrument to transform diagnosis, care and research for dermatological cancers. The position comprises of 10 Pas, there is no on-call commitment with ample opportunities for private practice.

Main duties of the job

The focus of this post is to provide specialist outpatient services in general dermatology and the management of all age groups primarily in the area of medical dermatology, paediatric dermatology and skin surgery. Dermatology referrals are received from GPs, other consultants within the hospital or specialist nurses.

The position is based in the purpose-built Dermatology Unit at Jersey General Hospital with in-house facilities including, cryotherapy, iontophoresis, photodynamic therapy and topical treatments, patch test service and a dedicated minor ops theatre.

The work of the Department is largely out-patient based; however, there are occasional admissions to the general medical wards. This is a very busy Department covering a population of just over 100,000. The post holder will be expected to work with other departments including, pathology, paediatrics, head and neck, maxillofacial, ophthalmology and rheumatology.

The appointee has admitting rights to the Private Wing and is encouraged to treat private patients. Operating lists held within the self-contained minor-ops theatre in dermatology accommodate both public and private patients. Private outpatients can be seen in the department as an addition to the dermatology job plan.

For newly appointed consultants a mentor will be allocated to support their induction to the post. There is provision for secretarial support for the consultant (0.5 FTE) as well as office accommodation with appropriate computer/IT facilities.

About us

The Health and Care Jersey Department is independent from the U.K. National Health Service and is the political responsibility of the Health and Care Ministry, consisting of an elected Minister and two Assistant Ministers who serve as part of the Islands Government system. A Chief Officer, directs the department for Health and Care Jersey Tom Walker (Interim). The Director for Clinical Services is Claire Thompson. The position of Group Medical Director is Mr Simon West.

Funded by the States of Jersey from taxation revenue, the Department of Health and Care Jersey Services has a statutory requirement to provide free health care in respect of Hospital Services, Public and Environmental Health for the residents of the island. The island has a resident population of approximately 107,000 which increases to approximately 120,000 in the summer tourist season.

Job responsibilities

Clinical Duties

Work in close partnership and liaison with Primary Care and other specialist services

Support the prevention agenda for skin cancers on the Island of Jersey

Undertake outpatient clinics primarily for medical dermatology, general dermatology and paediatric dermatology as well as skin cancers

Carryout minor operations within the Dermatology Minor Operations Theatre (skin biopsies, punch and shave biopsies, primary excisions)

Provide clinical advice & support to primary care colleagues and other consultants within Health and Care Jersey Services medical model

Deliver personalised, evidence informed medical care plans to all patients that is appropriately documented and regularly evaluated

Provide advice and timely medical reviews and interventions as part of the interdisciplinary model of care

Support the medical model by providing inpatient dermatology reviews/ ward visits

Participate in skin cancer MDT meetings

Maintain good quality up to date medical records including timely discharge letters and summaries

Ensure appropriate documentation and coding is used to provide consistent audit and monitoring of the service

Adhere to local prescribing guidelines especially in supporting good governance and monitoring around the use of biologics

The post holder is expected to provide cross cover for colleagues during absences

The post holder should be adaptable, flexible and innovative in order to meet the ongoing challenges within the service. The responsibilities of the role may change from time to time

Participate in department management meetings & clinical governance meetings

Comply with infection prevention & control requirements including the COVID-19 guidance and policies

Leadership & Management

Take part in management and audit activities to support the Surgical Care Group Leadership team & Public Health in planning for services and ensuring the service meets key performance indications including excellent patient care.

The post holder will be expected to represent the service at Hospital meetings, as agreed with colleagues.

The post holder will be expected to be fully involved in a Risk Management program and support the Governance agenda.

Teaching and Research

The department is not currently recognised for Resident doctor training and as such no formal teaching is attached to this role, however the post holder will provide training and clinical supervision to clinical nurses specialists. Although no Resident doctors are attached to the department there is an opportunity to deliver training sessions for the Resident doctors on island from Wessex deanery and medical students from Southampton.

Opportunities for participating in research are supported when appropriate. Health and Care Jersey has a policy for professional leave and is supportive of external duties for the good of the wider profession.


There is no on-call commitment for this position however leave and roster arrangements should ensure that a member of the Dermatology team is always present.


The Dermatology Department is self-contained and is a part of The Surgical Care Group. It is equipped to a high standard.

The Dermatology Department provides the following services:

Iontophoresis, photodynamic therapy, patch test service and skin surgery.

Outpatient and Minor Operation clinics are currently held daily within the department as well as nurse led treatments and the department is open from 08.15hrs to 18.00hrs Monday to Thursday and Friday mornings. There are currently no clinics held on weekends.

MDT Skin Cancer meetings are undertaken weekly, led by Skin Cancer MDT Lead and attended by the Dermatology Nurse Specialist, Pathologist and relevant other specialty consultants. The department liaises closely with Southampton General Hospital in regard to advice and onward referral for treatment of skin cancers as well as the local oncology department.

Dermatology inpatient beds when required are within the Medical Services Care Group.

Patients requiring MOHS micrographic surgery are referred to Portsmouth Hospital for assessment and treatment.

The Department works closely with the Pathology and with the Paediatric Department, ENT Department, Maxillofacial Service and Rheumatology, as required.

Nursing staff and health care assistants support the medical team with outpatient clinics, surgery, phototherapy and topical therapy regimens. There are nurse-run clinics for light therapy, PDT, Iontophoresis, pre and post treatment assessments, wound care and topical treatments.

The current staffing resource for the Dermatology Department is as follows:

Dr Vanessa Pinder, Consultant in Dermatology and Clinical Lead

Vacancy, Consultant in Dermatology

Vacancy, Staff Grade/ Associate Specialist

Dr Maitiu O Tuathail, GP with Extended Role in Dermatology (4PA)

Ed Klaber, GP with specialist interest in Dermatology (2PA)

Vacancy, GP with specialist interest in Dermatology (2PA) post to be filled March 2025

Kerry Burnett, Macmillan Skin Cancer Specialist Nurse

Rhea Butler, Department Nurse Manager

Kelly Tobin, Dermatology Nurse 0.56 FTE (Vacant as at end March), Plan to convert post to 1 FTE NM03

Celina Rivera, Specialist Dermatology Nurse

Dermatology HCA Vacant - 1 FTE Vacant

Lisa - HCA - 0.51 FTE

Natalia - HCA - 1 FTE

2x Medical Secretaries

Receptionist/Booking Clerk

An exciting development within the Dermatology service is the introduction of Confocal ...

Good luck with your application