Locum Consultant-Medical Oncology-Interest in Gynaecological Cancers

  • NHS
  • Full Time
  • Manchester
  • 105504.00 - 139882.00 a year

Job Description

Job summary

This post is for 10 Programmed Activities (PAs) per week to provide oncology management and treatment within the Gynaecology Disease Group. It is for an 8-month fixed term commencing May 2025.The Locum Medical Oncologist appointed will work with the gynaecology team to provide a comprehensive clinical service for patients. This includes providing outpatient care through the outpatient clinics and day-case units where Systemic Anti-Cancer Treatments are delivered, as well as inpatient care on the main adult oncology wards.

The Gynaecology Disease Group led by Professor Gordon Jayson consists of 5xWTE Consultant Medical Oncologists. These oncologists manage Ovarian and Endometrial cancers diagnosed within the Greater Manchester and Cheshire Cancer Network. Systemic therapy is delivered centrally or given to patients at peripheral or outreach clinics according to agreed protocols. Radiotherapy is delivered at The Christie or at satellite units in Salford, Oldham, and Macclesfield.The Disease Group has a strong emphasis on research with an active systemic therapy trial portfolio supported by Research Nurses and Clinical Trial Administrators. All Disease Group consultants work as part of a multi-disciplinary team supporting the delivery of this work including Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Nurse Clinicians, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Clinical Fellows, Specialist Trainees, Pharmacists and Research Nurses.

Main duties of the job

The post holder will be an active member of the Gynaecology Medical Oncology team working alongside the current consultants.

The appointee will be based at The Christie and will provide input to the following areas of delivery:o Outpatient clinics - Providing support with waiting times across Greater Manchester and Cheshireo SACT Serviceso Inpatient Services - primarily Wards 11, 12, 4 and the Oncology Assessment Unito Multi-Disciplinary Team meetingso Team meetingso Educational meetingso Audit

The role will be responsible for:o Management of patients with Gynaecological cancer receiving standard therapy including treatment decisions and ongoing care.o Participating in all relevant aspects of clinical governance, including maintaining up to date protocols, guidelines and clinical audito Contributing to current research projects and establish new opportunities to expand and develop research within the team. o Revision and development of evidence-based protocols for patients and undertaking the administrative duties associated with the care of their patients.o Maintaining a level of continuing professional development consistent with the recommendations of the Royal College of Physicianso Actively contributing to the training of junior doctors and other multi-disciplinary team members in both in-patient and outpatient departments.

About us

The appointee will join a team of Medical Oncology Consultants at The Christie. The successful applicant will become an active member of the Gynaecology Multidisciplinary Disease Group and will provide treatment for patients from across and beyond the Manchester Cancer Network through outpatient clinics, ambulatory treatments and inpatient stays. Their work will be delivered from The Christie Withington site.

The Christie is one of Europe's leading cancer centres, treating over 60,000 patients a year. We are based in Manchester and serve a population of 3.2 million across Greater Manchester & Cheshire, but as a national specialist around 15% patients are referred to us from other parts of the country. We provide radiotherapy through one of the largest radiotherapy departments in the world; chemotherapy on site and through 14 other hospitals; highly specialist surgery for complex and rare cancer; and a wide range of support and diagnostic services. We are also an international leader in research, with world first breakthroughs for over 100 years. We run one of the largest early clinical trial units in Europe with over 300 trials every year. Cancer research in Manchester, most of which is undertaken on the Christie site, has been officially ranked the best in the UK.

Job responsibilities

ORGANISATIONAL ARRANGEMENTSThis post is for 10 Programmed Activities (PAs) per week to provide oncology management and treatment within the Gynaecology Disease Group.

Role Purpose

The Locum Medical Oncologist will be based at the Christie and will provide a comprehensive clinical service for patients with gynecological cancer. This includes providing outpatient care through the outpatient clinics and day-case units where Systemic Anti-Cancer Treatments are delivered, as well as inpatient care on the main adult oncology wards.

In 2023 the Gynaecology Medical Oncology team saw c300 New Ovarian Cancer patients and 180 new patients with endometrial cancer. Around 250 FU appointments are completed each week. These numbers are indicative and likely to continue to increase in coming years as the team has growth in patient activity with the introduction of new therapies and lines of treatment.

There are currently 5 consultants working in gynaecology medical oncology: Professor Gordon Jayson, Dr Andrew Clamp, Dr Jurjees Hasan, Dr Claire Mitchell, and Dr Zena Salih. The consultants work with team consisting of clinical research fellows, specialty doctors, advanced nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, palliative care CNS, Non-Medical Prescribing Pharmacists, and specialist trainees in medical oncology.

The gynecological medical oncology (GMO) team is very research active with programs ranging from translational biomarker development through to phase III clinical trials, with close links to basic research laboratories in the Oglesby Cancer Research Building and Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute.

Alongside the Gynecology Medical Oncology service the team have developed a specific service to assist in the management of gynecological patients that develop malignant bowel obstruction - The Complex and Recurrent Gynaecological Oncology Unit (CAReGO) The consultants support this service alongside 2 specialist advanced clinical practitioners that are specifically involved in the support and management of this cohort of patients who develop malignant bowel obstruction.The service has been developed in collaboration with the Salford Royal Foundation Trust (SRFT) Intestinal Failure Team (IFU) to accelerate implementation of home total parenteral nutrition (HPN) within 2 weeks of the decision to start the pathway shortening the in-patient stay for these patients. The service also provides out-patient follow up for these patients focused on management of symptoms related to bowel obstruction and admission avoidance where possible. The appointee alongside the current oncology consultants will help to support both the in-patient and out-patient aspects of the CAReGO service.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIESThe appointee will be based at The Christie and will provide senior input to the following areas of delivery: Outpatient clinics Chemotherapy Services Oak Road Treatment Centre, Christie @ Home, Outreach, Young Oncology Unit Inpatient Services, including support of CAReGO service including CAReGO MDT meeting. Network Gynecology Multi-Disciplinary Team meetings

The role will be responsible for: Management of patients with gynaecological cancer receiving standard therapy and in phase I/II/III trials including treatment decisions and ongoing care. Board or face to face ward rounds of gynaecological medical oncology (GMO) patients in the Christie wards. Development of protocols to optimise in-patient management of GMO patients, with specific reference to malignant bowel obstruction. Support the CAReGO service both from an in-patient and out-patient perspective Contribute to current research projects and establish new opportunities to expand and develop research within the team. Revision and development of evidence-based protocols for patients and undertaking the administrative duties associated with the care of patients. Maintaining a level of continuing professional development consistent with the recommendations of the Royal College of Physicians. Contributing to the undergraduate teaching of medical students on oncology topics. Providing lectures for the busy postgraduate teaching programme. Actively contributing to the training of junior doctors and other multi-disciplinary team members in both in-patient and outpatient departments including acting as clinical supervisor. Undertake clinical audit as a member of The Christie Medical Staff Committee.

The successful candidate will have access to secretarial support and an adequately equipped office including IT facilities.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)The Trust supports the requirements for CPD as laid down by the GMC and royal colleges and is committed to providing time and financial support for these activities.

Job PlanningThe job plan outlines the requirements of the post and may be altered by joint agreement with the Divisional Clinical Director and Service Manager and in response to service needs. Job Plans are also subject to an annual review (May September) as detailed in the Trusts Job Planning Policy. It is expected that the initial Job Plan discussion will take place within the first six months of employment at the Trust.

The annual review will examine all aspects of the job plan (including any Educational components) and will also include an assessment of professional development with defined goals for the future.

Job Plan TimetableThe timetable ...

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