Salaried GP


Job Description

Job summary

We have an exciting opportunity for a salaried GP to join our friendly team for a one year period initially to cover maternity leave. Ideally we would be looking for 6 sessions. We are a 5 Partner dispensing Practice with around 11,000 patients located in a beautiful market town.

We welcome informal visits and if you would like to discuss this vacancy or come for a look round and meet the team then please dont hesitate to get in touch. If you would like to apply for the post then please send your curriculum vitae and a covering letter to our Practice Manager at

Main duties of the job

To provide a full range of general medical services as contained within the NHS (Primary Care) Act 1997 and which will include domiciliary visits as deemed appropriate. There is a requirement to be on call for clinically urgent and emergency problems in accordance with the associated job plan and to provide clinical services to patients at Pershore Medical Practice.

The post holder is expected to support the partners of Pershore Medical Practice in providing all services outlined in the GMS and PCN Contracts, enhanced services and additional services.

The post holder is expected to support and input into the aims and objectives of the practice in areas of clinical governance, good practice, QOF, the Clinical Excellence and Improvement Framework (CEIF) and the Investment and Impact Fund (IIF), practice audit and any other improvement plans as determined by the practice or introduced by the ICB or NHS England.

The post holder is encouraged to utilise any skills for the improvement of services to patients, such as minor operations, child health surveillance, family planning and contraception services etc, if approved by the ICB or NHS England. This will be subject to presentation of the appropriate certificates and update of relevant courses.

The post holder is expected to maintain and keep good standards of clinical records at all times. Full involvement in any practice training and ongoing requirements.

About us

Staff - a great team of helpful professionals including ANP, practice nurses whose duties include the management of chronic disease and a clinical pharmacist/pharmacy technician team who deal with all medication queries, hospital discharge letters and assist with GP workload. We have 6 salaried GPs working with us at present.

Building we have a modern, spacious building with on-site parking. We have excellent clinical facilities including a minor surgery suite. We also have a large bright and comfy staff room where staff meet daily for networking and coffee.

Pattern of Work The GP working day is structured to offer a mixture of new and follow up appointments with protected time during the day for follow up with patients and admin work. We offer 15-minute appointment times for routine face to face and telephone consultations.

Ethos We value quality in the service we provide to our patients and also in the form of quality of life for our staff. 15 minutes for all routine appointments is an example of one of the ways we strive to achieve this. We facilitate a culture of learning; we are a training practice for GPs and nurses.

Total Triage - we operate a Total Triage system whereby all requests for GP and ANP appointments are received via an online form and triaged by a team comprised of a GP, ANP and receptionist.

Primary Care Network we are part of the Pershore and Upton PCN and work closely with our neighbouring practices.

Job responsibilities

Job Plan for Salaried GP

Duties and Responsibilities

The duties of the post are to provide a full range of general medical services as contained within the National Health Services (Primary Care) Act 1997 and which will include domiciliary visits as deemed appropriate. There is a requirement to be on call for clinically urgent and emergency problems in accordance with the associated job plan and to provide clinical services to patients at Pershore Medical Practice.

The post holder is expected to support the partners of Pershore Medical Practice in providing all services outlined in the GMS and PCN Contracts, enhanced services and additional services.

The post holder is expected to support and input into the aims and objectives of the practice in areas of clinical governance, good practice, QOF, the Clinical Excellence and Improvement Framework (CEIF) and the Investment and Impact Fund (IIF), practice audit and any other improvement plans as determined by the practice or introduced by the ICB or NHS England.

The post holder is encouraged to utilise any skills for the improvement of services to patients, such as minor operations, child health surveillance, family planning and contraception services etc, if approved by the ICB or NHS England. This will be subject to presentation of the appropriate certificates and update of relevant courses.

The post holder is expected to maintain and keep good standards of clinical records at all times. Full involvement in any practice training and ongoing requirements

Review of Plan

This Job Plan will be subject to annual review, or when there are any significant changes to the work pattern suggested by either party.

Scheduling in the Job Plan:

  1. Clinical duties: You are contracted to provide x sessions each week (nominally 4 hrs 10 minutes each) which will be on days to be confirmed normally between the hours of 8.00 and 18.30 hours, but these days and times may be varied. With the introduction of Extended Hours and Improving Access appointments provided by PCNs there may be a requirement to work some evenings and Saturdays but this will be in agreement with the postholder. A standard clinic currently comprises of 11 x 15 minute appointments which are a mixture of face to face and telephone consultations and 3 x 10 minute follow up appointments for you to book with patients who you feel need to be followed up.
  2. On -Call/Duty . . In rotation there will be a requirement to be the On-Call/Duty doctor. which alters the duties accordingly.
  3. Appointments in a clinic are booked at 16 x 10 minute urgent appointments a session all of which will have been triaged beforehand by a clinician.. Admin time is also allocated as part of the On call template.
  4. Visits will normally be carried out by the Triage Hub GP but there may be an occasion where you are required to carry out some home visiting.
  5. You will be expected to deal on a daily basis with telephone and admin queries from other health care professionals in your administrative time.


  1. The practice believes that it has allowed sufficient time in the job plan to complete all administrative duties related to your clinical work.
  2. Referrals should be completed on a daily basis in conjunction with the secretaries.
  3. Investigations and referrals should be completed and associated documentation dealt with within appropriate timescales.
  4. Results are normally communicated electronically, you will be expected to action these on a daily basis for your own patients. You will also take a share in dealing with Docman and daily correspondence addressed to you and to take a share of the workload for absent doctors.
  5. Reports: You will be expected to complete reports for the benefits agency and those expected under the GMS contract on patients known to you. You will also be asked to complete insurance company and other such private medical reports for those patients with whom you are directly involved.

Practice Meeting and Personal Development

The practice is committed to high standards of medicine and supporting colleagues in achieving this. You will be expected to participate using your Personal Development Time, in discussions on clinical practice standards, developing practice protocols, mutual professional support for the individual practitioners, audit, significant event analysis, meetings with colleagues in the Locality, CCG and NHSE etc. Where these occur on an ad hoc basis, adjustments to clinical workload may be required.

Personal CPD (continuing professional development)/Study Time :

The level of remuneration recognises and rewards the need for personal development time, outside of normal clinical duties described in this job plan, in keeping with the suggestion of 4 hours and 10 minutes per week for a full-time salaried GP. However, clinical governance meetings which occur monthly and meet some of this need take the place of normal clinical duties except when you are On-Call/Duty GP in rotation.

You may be involved in teaching and support for clinical staff, students, registrars, other junior doctors or pharmacists in the practice when this has been approved by the Partners, but time will be set aside from surgery for the purpose.

Work Scheduling


Good luck with your application