School Governor Volunteer
- North Yorkshire County Council
- Full Time
- Ipswich

Job Description
We are looking to recruit school governors across a range of schools in North Yorkshire. As a school governor you will have a direct impact by improving the lives of local children and young people. You will also provide a strong link between the school and the local community, and provide the school with an independent viewpoint.
School governors are volunteers who work with the head teacher to ensure that the school is managed effectively. As a board, your main roles are to:
-Plan the strategic direction of the school.
-Hold the head teacher and other school leaders to account.
-Oversee the financial performance of the school, and ensure the money is well spent.
Governing boards must meet at least one a term but the frequency and structure of meetings is determined by each board. The reality is that most boards meet at least six times a year. There will also be an expectation that you will get to know your school through regular visits.
Support, guidance and training will be available to help new governors to undertake their duties and develop their understanding of the key areas of school management.
You do not need to have any specific skills or experience to become a governor. Boards are looking for a wide range of people with different backgrounds, skills and experience.
As this position involves working with children and young people you will be required to undertake a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check. You should also be aware that boards are required by law to publish the names of governors. You should be aware that, in line with government guidance, schools are encouraged to undertake on-line searches as part of any selection process, including governors.
As your application progresses, you will be asked to supply additional information in terms of the skills that you are able to offer a board, and also about the locations within North Yorkshire that you would consider manageable in terms of travel time.
If you would like to learn more about becoming a governor please contact us on 01609 798864 or email us at Additionally we advise you contact your local school to see if they are looking for school governors.