Business and Operations Manager - Meole Brace Secondary School

Shropshire County Council

Job Description

Job Description - Business and Operations Manager 1. Finance and Business Management: The Trust has a centralised finance function, which reduces the amount of processing required by this post. The post holder, however, will continue to feed operational and financial information into the process of setting the budget, budget monitoring, salary monitoring and year-end to ensure a robust financial operation. The post holder will lead the school for any delegated financial responsibilities and work with the Trust's Central Finance Team on long term budget planning and preparation, in consultation with the Headteacher, Governors and Senior Leadership Team (SLT). · Working in conjunction with the Headteacher and Trust central services team to prepare a realistic and balanced annual school budget in accordance with Trust requirements and accompanying capital plans. · · · Use the agreed budget to actively monitor and control performance to achieve value for money. Collating and reviewing budget bids from subject leaders, assessing outcomes met, advising staff on budgetary allocations, and preparing plans, explanatory papers and appropriate reports as required. Identify and report any significant financial variances and identify solutions to resolve any underlying issues. · Work with the central services team on the monthly management accounts, including financial forecasts and explanations of variances to budget. · · · · · · · · · · Support the preparation of the financial information for external reporting as required by the Trust. Ensure the effective operation of the Trust's financial control procedures within the school, addressing and reporting any issues on a timely basis, adhering to the Trust Financial Scheme of Delegation, Trust Financial Procedures Manual and the current version of the ESFA Academies Handbook. Support budget holders and SLT in understanding their budgetary information and respond to budget-holder and SLT queries. Liaise with the central services team in respect of financial queries relating to the school. Manage and monitor the effective use and security of the school's assets. To lead and direct the school's income-generation, including identifying and developing new funding streams and writing bids to secure extra funding for the school. To liaise and provide all information required by the Internal and External Auditors. Lead subsequent implementation of recommendations. To monitor all maintenance contracts for school to ensure efficiency and value for money and prepare any tender documents for renewal or change of contract. To ensure leasing arrangements in place are effectively monitored and managed in accordance with Trust guidelines and requirements. Job Description - Business and Operations Manager 2. Human Resources Operations · · · · · · · · To work and liaise with the Trust's HR Team regarding personnel matters, undertaking and overseeing school level HR administration and the implementation of Trust policies and processes in relation to safer recruitment, DBS procedures and the recording, monitoring and management of sickness ab-sence and payroll. Be responsible for ensuring that the School's Information System (SIMS) and the School's Single Cen-tral Record are accurate and up to date and oversee the implementation of the School's Visitor Man-agement Policy. Be responsible for the indirect and direct supervision of designated colleagues, undertaking perfor-mance management as required, and supporting performance management across the school through the collation and monitoring of performance reviews and information. In liaison with the Headteacher to oversee and monitor contracts, hours of working of all staff in school and advise the Headteacher accordingly. Support the recruitment, management and training of any Apprentices as required. To be responsible for liaising and working with the Trust Central Services on HR matters regarding terms and conditions of employment as required, and refer employee relations casework, including the management of ill health, matters of conduct, capability, grievance, or safeguarding allegations to the team. To ensure Trust HR policies are disseminated to all staff and ensure there are monitoring procedures in place in order to ensure adherence to the Trust's HR policies. Attend all business operations related meetings, contribute and report as required. 3. Site Management · · · · · · To be responsible to the Headteacher and Local Governing Body for the oversight of maintenance and upkeep of the school buildings, site, and grounds. To manage the site at all times including during the school holidays. To line manage the site premises team and lettings' personnel. To ensure activities of all areas of the school conform to current Health and Safety legislation. To manage and control all insurance records. Monitor and oversee all contracts for services to the school including service level agreements, negotiating, determining, and monitoring contract specifications to ensure best value. Job Description - Business and Operations Manager · · To project manage or work in conjunction with the Trust Central Services Team for larger projects schemes that include refurbishment or developmental work of the premises. Under the guidance of the Trust Compliance Officer be responsible for overseeing the preparation of maintenance schedules and efficient operation of all facilities on the property, ensuring that statutory inspections are managed within the correct time frames and compliant with the appropriate legislation. · Working with the Trust's Central Services Team, be responsible for the development and implementa-tion of appropriate management plans, including the Premises Development Plan and the Asset Man-agement Plan, and implement risk management and loss prevention strategies in the school. 4. Health and Safety Management · · · · · · In conjunction with the Headteacher, have delegated responsibility for health & safety and its co-ordination across the school, ensuring that statutory requirements are met, including responsibility for health & safety development and implementation and review of school policies and procedures in part-nership with Trust colleagues. Through liaison with the Site Premises Team, and in co-operation with the Fire Service, be responsible for the installation and maintenance of equipment for protection against and escape from fire. To keep records of and to ensure regular fire practices and alarm tests. To ensure emergency procedures are current and timely. To lead on all accident and assault reporting and investigations, liaising with the parents and the Trust as necessary. To work with colleagues to ensure that the school is compliant with health & safety legislation. To work with the Trust Central Services Team to maintain and update the Business Continuity Plan and the Risk Register. To ensure that the Health & Safety Policy is regularly updated, adhered to, and put into practice. 5. Whole School Administration · · · To establish and maintain appropriate internal communication, team meetings and briefing sessions, administrative and clerical support procedures, and record systems throughout the school, including the administration and operation of related IT systems. To organise, as required, various elections within the school (e.g. staff and parent representatives on the Governing Body). Through supervision of the Administrative Team, ensure statistical returns to the DfE, Local Authority, the Trust and other outside agencies as required by the Headteacher. Job Description - Business and Operations Manager · Through the supervision of the Administrative team ensure that the school's electronic payment system and messaging system is operating to its full potential and well maintained. · Work with colleagues to secure the school's compliance with Data Protection Regulations and to re-spond to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests; referring FOI requests which relate to staffing to the Trust's Central Services Team. · To lead on the school's GDPR and Data Protection responsibilities. 6. Other Duties Work Demands · Be able to work to strict deadlines but also be flexible to deal with changing priorities and unforeseen circumstances which could be lengthy to resolve. · Ensure that strict confidentiality is maintained at all times. General Expectations · · Develop and maintain working relationships with other professionals. Contribute to the management of student behaviour and security. · Review and develop your own professional practice Expectations of Jobholder · · · Be aware of and comply with Trust policies, as well as individual school policies and procedures. Be committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. Ensure that the equal opportunities policy is adhered to and promoted in all aspects of the post holder's work. · · · · · Ensure effective quality control and continuous improvement in all aspects of the work and responsibili-ties attached to this post. Demonstrate professionalism towards sensitive and confidential information. Comply with and promote Health & Safety policies and procedures and to undertake recommended Health & Safety training as and when necessary. Commit to professional self-development, through participation in in-service training as necessary for the successful carrying out of the job. To undertake any other duties in relation to the smooth day to day operation of the school. These to be agreed with the Headteacher. Job ...

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