Executive Headteacher - Shropshire Hills Federation
- Shropshire County Council
- Part Time
- Shrewsbury
- £70,293 - £80,634

Job Description
Shropshire HillsFederationNorbury and Stiperstones C of E Schools & NurseryChirbury C of E Primary School and Busy Bees Nurserywww.shf.shropshire.sch.ukShropshire Hills FederationTAKE A RISKTO BETHE BESTYOU CAN BE02Shropshire Hills FederationPOST EXECUTIVE HEADTEACHERShropshire Hills FederationChirbury C of E Primary School & Busy Bee's NurseryChirbury, Montgomery SY15 6BNTelephone: 01938 561647Email: adminchirbury@shf.shropshire.sch.ukNorbury Primary School, Norbury, Shropshire SY9 5EAStiperstones C of E Primary School, Stiperstones SY5 0LZTelephone: 01588 650 207Email: adminnorbury@shf.shropshire.sch.ukThe Governors invite applications for the above post from candidateswho meet the criteria outlined on the following pages.Information is also given in this pack about:the schoolprimary education in Shropshirethe postFurther information is available by contacting:Mathew Edwards, HR Advisor, Schools HR Team 01743 251278mathew.edwards@shropshire.gov.ukVisits to the school are actively encouraged, and can be arranged bycontacting Mrs Nikki Rodick adminnorbury@shf.shropshire.sch.ukwww.shf.shropshire.sch.uk Shropshire Hills Federation | Headteacher Pack03IntroductionShropshire Hills FederationTAKE A RISK TO BE THE BEST YOU CAN BEThe School IntroductionShropshire Hills Federation schools are situated in Chirbury, Norbury and Stiperstonesin South Shropshire. Our Stiperstones children are educated on the Norbury site allowing us an innovative set up where Stiperstones is used for design tech, food, art and outdoor and adventurous education for the whole federation.Through our shared vision held by the staff, governors and community, the federation is in a strong and secure position to move forward together. Although travel across sites is required during the week it is anticipated that the head could base their office in one school.Village and CommunityChirbury is a village in the Vale of Montgomery, close to the Wales-England border, less than 10 miles from Norbury, a small village to the west of the Long Mynd, a heath and moorland plateau; the nearest town is Bishop's Castle. Norbury is 6 miles from Stiperstones, a small village situated on the Stiperstones ridge, which is a range of rocky hills and heath. The village is known for its breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.Shropshire & Local AuthorityShropshire & Local Authority Shropshire is a particularly Shropshire offers a wide range of places to live from busy attractive rural county which is sparsely populated and towns to small villages all within easy access of the M54, A5, built upon an agricultural landscape.M6 and rail to the rest of England, Scotland and Wales.The large market town of Shrewsbury is looped by the Local AuthorityRiver Severn which cuts through the county. It is also home Shropshire Council is an Equal Opportunities Employer. to the Shropshire Hills, an area designated in 1958 as an Applications are welcome from suitably qualified candidates Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and more recently regardless of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national a National Landscape. A mix of rolling hills and valleys origin, age, marital status, sex, serial orientation or disability.with varied geology, wildlife of upland and lowland and heritage from ancient hillforts and villages to mining relics, the area offers tranquillity, cycling and gentle walking.www.shf.shropshire.sch.ukShropshire Hills FederationShropshire Hills FederationNorbury and Stiperstones Cof E Schools & Nursery Norbury, Bishops Castle Shropshire SY9 5EA01588 650 207 // adminnorbury@shf.shropshire.sch.ukChirbury C of E Primary School & Busy Bee's Nursery Chirbury, Montgomery Powys SY15 6BN01938 561 647 // adminchirbury@shf.shropshire.sch.ukDear Prospective ApplicantThe governors, staff, parents and children of Shropshire Hills Federation are seeking to appoint an executive headteacher to continue the innovative vision of the federation. SHF is in a strong position to continue to work together to provide the best education for our children through nurturing the wellbeing and holistic development of them all. Their vision will build on our federation's many strengths through the use of cohesive leadership across our three schools.We are very proud of each of our schools and nurseries and we aim to ensure that all children have the chance to shine in many different ways so that they can grow and thrive in a happy and nurturing environment.Our vision of education is one of excellence, enjoyment, high expectation and inclusion of all children in a rich and diverse curriculum. We believe that children learn best through the practical application of skills and we endeavour to provide many exciting opportunities for them to do this. We aim to provide the highest standards of care to ensure that every child is able to feel safe, secure, happy and confident; allowing each to learn, thrive and enjoy their time at school in their own unique way.We are looking for a new Executive Headteacher, who is innovative and dedicated to nurturing our schools' family and is committed to leading in a way which reflects our school's Christian ethos and values.You will:actively seek and promote collaboration across the school sitessupport and lead on all three school sites by travelling between them throughout the working weekconsistently strive for excellent communication skills between all staff, children, parents and the wider communitypassionately promote outdoor and adventure and broad curriculum for all our childrenbe an inspirational and innovative leader of teaching and learningbe deeply committed to our Christian values and ethoshave a clear vision for our schools which will build on our many strengthshave experience of leadership in a Primary schoolhave a strong commitment to outstanding classroom practice maintain an ethos where all staff are motivated and supported in their wellbeing enabling them to reach their full potentialhave an ability to encourage and support all children to develop enabling them to thrive and achieve their full potentialdemonstrate sound judgement in curriculum-led budget planningcontinue to build and maintain close relationships with parents and the wider communityOur staff, children, governors and whole school community will support you in your role. We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. This post is subject to anenhanced DBS check.You are strongly encouraged to visit all three of our federation school sites. Visits will be available mid March. To arrange a visit please contact Mrs Nikki Rodick adminnorbury@shf.shropshire.sch.ukRachel EllenRachel Ellen - Chair of Governorswww.shf.shropshire.sch.ukClosing Date: 28 March 2025Shortlisting: 3 April 2025Interview: 10 April 2025Required start date: 1 September 2025To apply visit: https://shropshire.gov.uk Shropshire Hills Federation | Headteacher Pack05School ProfileShropshire Hills FederationNorbury, Stiperstones, Chirbury and Busy Bees NurseryBe the best thatyou can be, at all times and in everythingthat you do.www.shf.shropshire.sch.ukShropshire Hills FederationSchool ProfileShropshire Hills FederationNorbury, Stiperstones, Chirbury and Busy Bees NurseryThe PupilsThere are expected to be 88 pupils on roll at Chirbury CE Primary School by September 2025.There are expected to be 55 pupils on roll at Norbury Primary School and 19 pupils on roll at Stiperstones CE Primary School (educated at the Norbury site) by September 2025. The total number of children in each year at present, December 2024:Chirbury C of E Primary School Norbury Primary School Stiperstones C of E Primary SchoolReception ......................................... 14 Reception ......................................... 7 Reception .........................................2Year 1 ................................................... 10 Year 1 ................................................... 7 Year 1 ....................................................3Year 2 ................................................... 16 Year 2 ................................................... 7 Year 2 ...................................................1Year 3 ................................................... 12 Year 3 ................................................... 9 Year 3 ...................................................7Year 4 ................................................... 13 Year 4 ................................................... 8 Year 4 ...................................................5 Year 5 ................................................... 9 Year 5 ................................................... 7 Year 5 ...................................................0Year 6 .................................................. 9 Year 6 .................................................. 9 Year 6 ...................................................1The StaffThere are currently 47 staff members.Management and GovernorsThe Governing body is made up of 17 governors.Full meetings are held each term with statutory and managerial committees as required.Parents and CommunityThere are PTAs which actively support the schools by fundraising and organising a variety of social events, including a hugely successful mountain biking event 'The Batch Burner'. The schools are Voluntary Aided schools and enjoy close links with the local churches where the children attend special services throughout the year.www.shf.shropshire.sch.uk Shropshire Hills Federation | Headteacher Pack07School ProfileShropshire Hills FederationDirections to school sitesChirbury C of E Primary School, Chirbury, Montgomery SY15 6BNDropped Pin: https://maps.app.goo.gl/TJouTrEfsjVWgtMV9?g_st=iwWhat 3 Words: ///airbrush.length.fabricatehttps://w3w.co/airbrush.length.fabricateNorbury Primary School, Norbury, Shropshire, SY9 5EADropped Pin: ...