Teacher MPR - St Andrews CE Primary School (Shifnal)

Shropshire County Council

Job Description

St. Andrew's CE Primary School, Shifnal Job Description - Post - Key Stage 2 Teacher MPS This job description may be amended at any time following discussion between the Headteacher and the member of staff and will be reviewed annually. This job description includes references to examples of priorities from the School Development Plan; the school pay criteria; Professional Standards for Teachers Duties and responsibilities together with competencies and skills required of the post-holder are set out within each of the five outcome areas. General description of the post The holder of this post is expected to carry out the professional duties as described below, and in the person specification in accordance with the school's policies under the direction of the Headteacher. The post-holder is required to fully support the vision, ethos and policies of the school. The post-holder should be able to sustain the professional standards for core and those for post-threshold teachers which are described below. Relationships The post-holder is accountable to their line manager in all matters. Within the performance management process, all staff in the school are accountable to the SLT (Senior Leadership Team) through their respective teams and leaders. Within the learning management process, all staff in the school are accountable to the Headteacher through their Deputy Headteacher for the performance of all children they teach. Within continuing professional development all staff in the school are accountable to the Headteacher, through their respective teams and leaders, for the impact their development has on pedagogy. Outcomes 1. Achievement and Standards Contribute to the School Development Plan priorities of: Setting high expectations and continuously monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of learning outcomes. Securing a collaborative school vision of excellence and equity that sets high standards for every child. Duties and responsibilities: • Making a distinctive contribution to maintaining standards across the school. • Effective class teaching. • Setting clear and challenging targets that build on prior attainment for each child. • Establishing clear targets for achievement and evaluate progress through the use of appropriate assessments and records and regular termly analysis of this data. • Ensuring that every child has the opportunity to reach their potential and meet their highest expectations. • Setting, tracking, evaluating and reporting on progress towards individual pupil targets. • Devising and implementing targeted interventions that enable children to reach and exceed their targets. Knowledge, skills and competencies required: • Contributes significantly, where appropriate, to implementing workplace policies and practice and to promoting collective responsibility for their implementation. • Has an extensive knowledge and well-informed understanding of the assessment requirements and arrangements for the subjects/curriculum areas they teach, including those related to KS2 SATs. Safeguarding • Value and respect the views and needs of children and young people. • Have up to date knowledge of relevant legislation and guidance in relation to working with, and the protection of, children and young people. • Display commitment to the protection and safeguarding of children and young people. • Work within organisational policies and procedures. 2. The quality of provision Contribute to the School Development Plan priorities of: • Raising the quality of teaching and learning and embedding a learning culture that will enable pupils to become effective, enthusiastic, independent learners, committed to life-long learning. • Setting high expectations and monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of learning outcomes. • Enabling pupils to become effective, enthusiastic, independent learners, committed to life-long learning. Duties and responsibilities: • Demonstrate and maintain a high-quality teaching and learning. • Use own class and practice as an example of outstanding teaching and learning. • Ensure continuity and progression by working with colleagues in choosing the appropriate sequence of teaching and teaching methods and setting clear learning objectives through an agreed scheme of work, developed in line with the school development plan. • Develop plans which identify clear targets, times-scales and success criteria for its development and/or maintenance in line with the school development plan. • Create a stimulating learning environment for teaching and learning. • Ensure that you are aware of the implications of equality of opportunity. Knowledge, skills and competencies required: • Has a knowledge and understanding of how to use and adapt a range of teaching, learning and behaviour management strategies, including how to personalise learning to provide opportunities for all learners to achieve their potential. • Has knowledge and understanding of their subjects/ curriculum areas and related • pedagogy including how learning progresses within them. Is flexible, creative and adept at designing learning sequences within lessons and across lessons that are effective and consistently well matched to learning objectives and the needs of learners and which integrate recent developments, including those relating to subject/ curriculum knowledge. • Has teaching skills which lead to learners achieving well relative to their prior attainment, making progress as good as, or better than, similar learners nationally. 3. Leadership and Management Contribute to the School Development Plan priorities of: • Provide an efficient, effective and safe learning environment. Duties and responsibilities: • Ensuring that the Headteacher, SLT and governors are well informed about policies, plans, priorities and targets that these are properly incorporated into the school development plan. • Taking responsibility for drafting performance management objectives and ensuring agreed evidence is available for review against agreed criteria. • Securing and maintaining good working relationships with colleagues. • Contributing to the corporate life of the school through effective participation in meetings. • Collecting, analysing and reporting on pupils' views of their subject area. • Developing effective links with the local community including parents, business and industry. Knowledge, skills and competencies required: • Promotes collaboration and works effectively as a team member. • Excellent knowledge of statutory national curriculum requirements at the appropriate key stage. Team work and collaboration • Work as a team member and identify opportunities for working with colleagues and sharing the development of effective practice with them. Signed ........................................................................ Teacher Date: Signed ....................................................................... Headteacher Date:

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