Teaching Assistant Nursery L3 - Shifnal Primary School
- Shropshire County Council
- Full Time
- Shifnal
- £13.47 - £14.13 per hour

Job Description
Details of Post Job Description Title: School: Main Workplace: Grade and SCP: Nursery Assistant (Level 3): Barn Owls Nursery at Shifnal Primary School Barn Owls Nursery Grade 6 (SCP 8-11) The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of its pupils and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All appointments are subject to an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. All support staff posts are subject to the Asylum and Immigration requirements. Purpose of Post Work with children aged six and less, under the guidance of the teaching staff and nominated Teaching Assistants and within an agreed system of supervision, to implement agreed work/care/support programmes with individuals or groups, in or out of the classroom. Assist teachers with the whole planning cycle, and with the management and preparation of equipment and resources. In addition, the professional work of teachers will be complemented by taking responsibility for specific learning and play activities under an agreed system of supervision. Staff may also occasionally supervise whole classes during the short-term absence of teachers. Principal Duties and Responsibilities 1. Support for Pupils Attend to pupils' personal needs, and assist with the development and implementation of and Personal Care Individual Education/Behaviour/Support/Mentoring Plans Programmes/Strategies. Supervise and support pupils, including those with special needs and those excluded from, or otherwise not working to, a normal timetable, ensuring their safety and access to learning. Establish constructive relationships with pupils and interact with them according to individual needs. Promote the inclusion and acceptance of all pupils. Encourage pupils to interact and work co-operatively with others, and engage in learning and play activities. Set challenging and demanding expectations and promote self-esteem and independence. Provide feedback to pupils in relation to progress, achievement, behaviour, attendance etc. Use specialist skills / training / experience to support pupils. Provide pastoral support to pupils, and assist in their social, health, and hygiene development. 1 Shropshire Career Pathway: Nursery Leader JD : V1 April 2019 Develop 1:1 mentoring arrangements with pupils, and provide support for distressed pupils. Promote the speedy / effective transfer of pupils across phases / integration of those who have been absent. Provide information and advice to enable pupils to make choices about their own learning / behaviour / attendance. Care for sick and injured children, including contact with parents, and administering first aid. 2. Support for the Teacher Work with the teacher in lesson planning, evaluating, and adjusting lessons / work plans as appropriate. Use strategies, in liaison with the teacher, to support pupils to achieve learning goals. Prepare the classroom as directed for lessons and clear afterwards. Assist with the display of pupil's work. Ensure the timely and accurate design, preparation, and use of specialist equipment / resources / materials. Monitor and evaluate pupils' responses to learning activities through observation and planned recording of achievement against pre - determined learning objectives. Provide the teacher with objective and accurate feedback and reports as required, on pupil achievement, progress and other matters, ensuring the availability of appropriate evidence. Be responsible for keeping and updating records as agreed with other staff, contributing to reviews of systems / records as requested. Administer and assess routine tests, invigilate exams, undertake routine marking of pupils' work, and accurately record achievement / progress. Promote positive values, attitudes and good pupil behaviour, dealing promptly with conflict and incidents in line with established policy and encourage pupils to take responsibility for their own behaviour. Establish constructive relationships with parents / carers as agreed with the teacher, exchanging information, facilitating their support for their child's attendance, access and learning, and supporting home to school and community links. Participate in home visits as required. Provide general clerical / admin. support e.g. dealing with correspondence, analysing data on attendance / exclusions etc. administering coursework, producing worksheets for agreed activities, photocopying, typing, filing etc. Assist in the development, implementation, and monitoring of systems related to attendance and integration. Liaise with feeder schools and other relevant bodies to gather pupil information. Contribute to the development and implementation of appropriate behaviour management strategies. 3. Support for the Curriculum Support pupils in understanding instructions. Implement structured and agreed learning activities / teaching programmes, adjusting activities according to pupil responses. Implement local and national learning strategies eg. literacy, numeracy, KS3, early years etc. as directed by the teachers. Support pupils in using ICT and develop pupils' competence and independence in its use. Determine the need for, prepare and maintain equipment / resources as directed by the teacher, and assist pupils in their use. Monitor and manage stock within an agreed budget, cataloguing resources and undertaking audits as required. 2 Shropshire Career Pathway: Nursery Leader JD : V1 April 2019 Be aware of and appreciate a range of activities, courses, organisations, and individuals to provide support for pupils to broaden and enrich their learning. 4. Support for the School Be aware of and comply with policies and procedures relating to child protection, health, safety and security, confidentiality and data protection, reporting all concerns to an appropriate person. Be aware of and support difference and ensure that pupils have equal access to opportunities to learn and develop. Contribute to the overall ethos / work / aims of the school. To maintain constructive relationships and communicate with other agencies / professionals, in liaison with the teacher, to support the achievement and progress of the pupils. Attend and participate in relevant meetings as required. Participate in training and other learning activities and performance development as required. Recognise own strengths and areas of expertise, and use these to advise and support others. Provide appropriate guidance and supervision and assist in the training and development of staff as appropriate. Implement planned supervision of pupils out of school hours. Accompany teaching staff and pupils, as appropriate, on visits, trips, and out of school activities, and take responsibility for a group under the supervision of a teacher. 5. Safeguarding Be aware of and comply with safeguarding responsibilities as outlined in the school's Staff Code of Conduct and related policies and procedures. This may include reference to the Shropshire Career Pathway Safeguarding JD for school staff. 6. Data Protection and other statutory responsibilities Be aware of and comply with data protection responsibilities as outlined in the school's Staff Code of Conduct and related policies and procedures. This may include reference to the Shropshire Career Pathway Data Protection JD for school staff. 7. Other Duties Any other duties that the Headteacher and Governing Body feel is commensurate with the post. Whilst every effort is made to explain the main duties and responsibilities of the post each individual task undertaken may not be identified. 8. Review and Signatures This job description is subject to review by the Headteacher and Governing Body in negotiation with the post holder at any time. However, an annual review of this job description and allocation of responsibilities will take place as part of agreed performance management arrangements. Any other duties that would reasonably be expected of the post holder. 3 Shropshire Career Pathway: Nursery Leader JD : V1 April 2019 Job Description and Personal Specification agreed by: Post holder: ...................................................................... Signed: .............................................................................. Date: ......................... Name of line manager: ........................................................ Signed: .............................................................................. Date: ......................... 4 Shropshire Career Pathway: Nursery Leader JD : V1 April 2019