This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.
Yesterday, the postman delivered a refrigerated parcel containing Charlie’s Trout which Husband had ordered for us. He wanted to try it because this fish is produced locally in the crystal clear chalk waters of the River Test in Hampshire. This means the trout are lean, healthy and in tip top condition. They are smoked to order by a chap called Jon who has been perfecting his craft for 40 years. So, that’s how I came to have some of this delicious fish combined with lovage, buckwheat, beetroot and hard boiled eggs. After I took this photograph, I slurped on some chilli oil and that made my speedy lunch even more scrummy.
Here are two more buckwheat-based recipes – anyone out there got any favourites of their own they would like to share with us country wives?