Cheat’s Carbonara

October 22, 2016

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

I had a really tiring day yesterday and couldn’t have been happier when Husband kindly offered to make supper for me. Now before I tell you how he made this Cheat’s Carbonara, I would like to say that he is a very very good cook (people swoon when they taste his souffles!). But sometimes you just want to make something quick and easy but without losing out in the flavour stakes. Well this supper was d.e.licious. We, with total disregard for calorie intake, ate this with garlic and herb bread (obvs also ready made, no knead to make it yourself LOL).

Cheat’s Carbonara

Ingredients serves 2

300g pack of fresh spaghetti (we used Co-Op free range egg spaghetti double pack 300g x 2 and froze the second pack)
Tub of cheese sauce
6 slices good quality streaky bacon
Two eggs

How to prepare

Grill the bacon until crispy.

Boil some water and pop in the spaghetti.

Warm through the cheese sauce.

Once pasta cooked, drain and pour boiling water over to rinse and put back in saucepan. Using scissors, snip the bacon onto the pasta and mix with the cheese sauce. Crack eggs open, discard white and put raw yolk back in half the shell. Season to taste and serve with warm garlic bread.

If you don’t have any fresh pasta in the house, you can always use this recipe instead.

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