This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.
Originally a stir fry, I preferred to cook my steaks whole rather than in strips, which meant the beef was pink on the inside, yet still coated in the oyster sauce. It proved to be a mouthfillingly moreish midweek supper.
Quick and Easy Thai beef
Ingredients serves 4 (easily halved or doubled)
2 tbsp rapeseed oil
4 rump steaks
2 red chilli, deseeded and finely sliced
4 tbsp oyster sauce
Good handful basil leaves
Clove garlic, chopped
2 – 3 packs of microwaveable rice
Bunch spring onions
How to prepare
Heat a large frying pan until smoking hot. Pour in the oil and swirl around the pan, then cook the steaks for 1.5 mins each side until browned but still rare inside. Add the chilli, garlic and spring onions to the pan and cook for a further minute. Then pour over the oyster sauce. Cook until heated through and the sauce coats the meat. Rest the meat. Microwave the rice and share between four plates. Slice the beef and put on the rice. Sprinkle over the basil leaves.
If you too are hankering for some beef, why not check out our Muffin Topped Winter Stew recipe