Cleansing Green Soup recipe (good preparation for the summer)

May 10, 2019

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

I always think this is a good time of year to go on a diet as we come into summer so eating salads and lighter foods is quite normal. A salad on a cold January day is not so appealing. To give your body a kickstart try this Cleansing Green Soup. I have a friend who cooks it every Monday and so starts the week with a cleanse! It is bursting with vitamins, minerals, fibre and plant protein so it really will make you feel awesome. It is great served with some sliced avocado or some brown rice.

Ingredients: serves 2

  • 600ml water
  • head of Broccoli
  • bag of spinach (200g)
  • 1 tin cannellini beans
  • handful coriander
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 2 tspns cumin
  • 2 lemons
  • salt and pepper

How to prepare

Chop the broccoli into small pieces.

Crush the garlic and place it in a frying pan with the cumin, salt, pepper and olive il. Let this heat until it’s bubbling, at this point add the broccoli.

Let the broccoli cook until it’s tender, then stir in the spinach and let that wilt.

Place the (drained/rinsed) beans, lemon juice, coriander and salt into a blender with the water, the broccoli and the spinach. Blend until smooth, then heat and serve.

For more soup recipes click HERE.

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