Visitor Centre Welcome (Visitor Engagement Volunteer (Flatford Wildlife Garden))

Job Description
Flatford Wildlife Garden is a place to inspire and inform people of all ages to create havens for wildlife in their own outdoor spaces - whether it's several acres or a window box!
Nature is in trouble, there aren't many places left where wildlife can thrive and that is why it is vital we show everyone that a nature rich landscape starts on their doorstep.
Flatford Wildlife Garden is open every day from April to October and for special seasonal events during the rest of the year. We are looking for members to join our brilliant team, to welcome and engage with visitors of all ages and backgrounds. By offering activities for children, selling plants that benefit insects, and promoting the wider work of the RSPB you'll help to involve people in the fight for nature.
As a Welcome Team member the tasks you will be required to carry out are:
- Providing a friendly welcome to visitors when they arrive.
- Having conversations with visitors and finding out how you can help them enjoy their visit.
- Helping deliver activities, including setting up and clearing away afterwards.
- Talking to the public about the work of the RSPB, what we're all about and asking them if they would like to become members if the conversation takes you there.
- Ensuring the welcome area is clean and tidy, leaflets are replenished, and information boards are up to date.
Full training and support will be provided for this role, but you do need to be a 'people person' and have good communication skills.
This is a really rewarding and enjoyable role. You will be working with a friendly team in a beautiful garden and have the opportunity to make new friends, spend time outdoors and expand your knowledge of the natural world. You will get to meet loads of new people, enjoy conversation and help people have a wonderful visit.
This role is suitable for under 18s.