Trustee and Local Authority Communications Lead, CPRE North and East Yorkshire

Trustees Unlimited

Job Description

Who we are

To promote and encourage for the benefit of the public the improvement, protection and preservation of the countryside of North and East Yorkshire and its towns and villages and the better development of the rural environment.

The role


Do you care about the future of the countryside in North and East Yorkshire? Do you have skills and experience in in policy development in or for Local Authorities that you could bring to our work? CPRE North and East Yorkshire are looking for a Trustee and Local Authority Communications Lead to contribute to our important work protecting our beautiful local countryside and green spaces.

Who we are

CPRE campaigns nationally and locally for positive solutions which safeguard the long-term future of our precious countryside which is facing multiple threats. At national level, the charity produces in-depth research and sound arguments to press government, Parliament and other decision-makers to support our countryside, be it national landscapes or simply much loved local green spaces, through policies which ensure:- The right development in the right place- Active support to improve biodiversity and - Countryside protection from climate change impacts and contribution to climate change solutions.Here in North and East Yorkshire, the largest of the CPRE regions (6,900 square miles!), we have a successful track record of enabling residents and community groups to help shape development in ways that enrich the countryside around them. We also use our planning expertise to proactively campaign for local authority planning policies that safeguard and enhance our beautiful and varied landscapes.

The role

Our small but energetic team of volunteer Trustees enable people to protect the countryside they love and enjoy the benefits it brings wherever they live. But with your support we can do even more! In joining us as a Trustee on the Board you'll have a general role in developing the charity in line with our strategy and, together with other Trustees, ensuring compliance with Charity Commission and other legal and governance regulations. However additionally as our Lead for Local Authority Communications you will use your particular knowledge of policy development in this arena to inform and guide the Trustee Board on Local Authority campaigning and coordinate and drive forward related activities to meet agreed aims.

+Trustees initially serve a three-year term and may serve up to six years in total.

What we need and what's in it for you

You don't need to have prior Trustee experience but we are looking for applicants with manager/senior level experience in policy development in Local Authorities and/or as policy advisor to Local Authorities. By volunteering with us you'll be using what you know to help find positive solutions for the major issues facing the countryside and the environment as well as being part of a group of people who share your passion for the countryside. Our friendly team will provide you with initial training and support to develop in your role. You'll gain valuable skills and experience in charity governance and leadership. Further information on role responsibilities and our skill requirements are provided in the supplementary documents available on our application website:

Find out what an existing Trustee of CPRE North and East Yorkshire enjoys most about the role here:

Good luck with your application