Volunteering for homeless and hunger charities UK

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Homeless and hunger relief charities work tirelessly to improve the lives of those living without basic human necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter.

People find themselves homeless and/or hungry for countless reasons and, in these situations, it’s often the kindness of others that gets people through.

St Martin-in-the-Fields Charity is an example of one organisation that’s working to give everyone in the UK a safe place to call home. Through their various grants, funds, and networks, they help those in vulnerable situations find and keep a home, provide emergency financial support, and connect people with skilled staff who can listen, and give advice.

If you’re passionate about helping the less fortunate, alongside donations, there are several ways you can volunteer your time and make a difference. From helping at a local soup kitchen to becoming a mentor, here are some ways to get involved with homeless and hunger relief charities.

What kind of volunteer roles are available?

Professional volunteer

If you have a professional background in a healthcare field (such as medicine, dentistry, optometry, or even beauty therapy), why not volunteer to offer health advice and basic treatment to the homeless through charities such as Crisis?

Crisis runs schemes at certain times of the year, for example during the Christmas period, when they welcome homeless people into their centres and offer a range of free services to help set them up for the year ahead. Hours and commitment for roles such as these are usually variable and can be discussed with the charity.

To learn more about this scheme, why not read our article; What’s it like to volunteer for Crisis at Christmas? Or, head over to the Crisis website below.

Give someone like Jo a safe place to call home

In summer 2019, Jo was running a successful burger van and was settled renting a house near her two daughters.

When Covid hit, her bookings dried up and she found herself unable to afford rent. She spent Christmas living alone in her car and began to think she couldn’t face the world any more.

But with a small grant from St. Martins-in-the-Fields Charity, she was able to rebuild her life and is now living in a safe and secure flat that she can call her own.

Read Jo’s story here

With your help, St Martin-in-the-Fields Charity works towards ensuring that everyone experiencing homelessness can secure, and keep, a safe place to live. Supporters like you make extraordinary things possible for someone like Jo every day.

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Mentoring roles usually require you to commit to at least a few hours, or one day a week, over a longer period. You’ll work with homeless people through charities like Shelter or Centre Point to provide emotional and practical support in areas such as housing, finance, and debt intervention.

This role aims to help homeless people re-enter society – a powerful opportunity which can help to restore lives and help people thrive.

Food distribution volunteer

The cost of living crisis has increased the demand for food distribution volunteers to help provide people with affordable food.

Volunteers help at food banks or other organisations with collecting food donations, storing them safely, and distributing them to those in need – either at a designated centre or by dropping off food parcels. The food is provided free or at a low cost.

One example is FOOD Club which was launched by Family Action to help provide for struggling families and reduce food waste.

Soup kitchen/homeless shelter volunteer

Volunteering at a soup kitchen or a homeless shelter is a straightforward, practical role that’ll make a huge difference to the homeless and hungry. Your role will likely involve cooking, preparing, and serving food.

Soup kitchens are charity-run and coordinated by those who care about providing people’s basic right to food. The People’s Kitchen, which was founded by 70-year-old Alison Kay after she was particularly moved by the death of a homeless man, is one example. Kay now regularly recruits volunteers to join her on her mission.

Give someone like Jo a safe place to call home

Best known for their annual BBC Radio 4 Christmas Appeal, St Martin-in-the-Fields Charity’s aim is that everyone has a place to call home.

With your help, the charity works towards ensuring that everyone experiencing homelessness can secure, and keep, a safe place to live. Supporters like you make extraordinary things possible for someone like Jo every day.

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How else can I support homeless and hunger charities?

If you’re passionate about overcoming the issue of homelessness in the UK, but are worried you don’t have time to volunteer, there are other ways you can help…


Fundraising can be a good way to make a real difference to a charity without signing up for a long-term volunteering commitment.

There are countless ways to begin fundraising, with people doing everything from hosting a bake sale or completing a sponsored walk to organising a party or even doing a skydive. For more ideas, check out Easyfundraising’s list of 130 fundraising ideas that work.

What you choose to do to raise money for your chosen charity is up to you, but you’ll need to promote your charitable activity to reach as many people who might be willing to donate as possible.


And, of course, one of the easiest and most beneficial ways you can improve the lives of people experiencing homelessness or hunger is to donate money to a charity. Without donations, most charities wouldn’t exist or be able to continue their work, so it makes all the difference and can help change lives.

For example, thanks to donations, St Martin-in-the-Fields Charity’s Frontline Fund has raised over £1.5 million across three years, helping them to support those experiencing homelessness.

You can read about how to maximise the impact of your homeless charity donations on the St Martin-in-the-Fields Charity website.

You can donate online to any of the charities mentioned in this article.

For more ideas and information, head over to the volunteering section of our website. Here, you’ll be able to browse further volunteering guides, and search for volunteering opportunities near you.

Give someone like Jo a safe place to call home

In summer 2019, Jo was running a successful burger van and was settled renting a house near her two daughters.

When Covid hit, her bookings dried up and she found herself unable to afford rent. She spent Christmas living alone in her car and began to think she couldn’t face the world any more.

But with a small grant from St. Martins-in-the-Fields Charity, she was able to rebuild her life and is now living in a safe and secure flat that she can call her own.

Read Jo’s story here

With your help, St Martin-in-the-Fields Charity works towards ensuring that everyone experiencing homelessness can secure, and keep, a safe place to live. Supporters like you make extraordinary things possible for someone like Jo every day.

Donate Now

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