Top Tips On How To Look Good In Everything You Wear

January 25, 2019

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

We always want to look good don’t we? So I have put together some top tips on how to look good in everything you wear that I have learned over time from fashion experts.

2019 on a budget:

However 2019 is more of a challenge as I think we are all on a bit of a budget this January. As our Parliament implodes we are living in a time of uncertainty. This naturally makes us want to ‘batten down the hatches’. We want to keep our hard-earned money close as we do not know what is around the corner in terms of the future of the UK. However let’s not completely give up hope and dress like a hermit. There are things we can do that do not require a lot of money and may keep you feeling a little more positive.

Whilst we will continue to highlight the new fashion collections and in particular the items that we think will work for women over 50, I want to now give some tips on how to look good in everything. This means working with the wardrobe you already have. Perhaps revisiting clothes that you have not worn for some time as new accessories may give this outfit an uplift.

Colour Analysis:

One of the best tips we have ever been given is to have our colours analysed. Both Grace and I have had a colour consultation with House of Colour and it has been the most major change in our wardrobe. We cleared out the clothes in colours that did not suit us. We secretly knew this but it took Helen Venables of House of Colour to reinforce this and motivate us to have a wardrobe clear out. Read our review in full below:

Let go of tired, worn out clothes:

So now that you have got rid of the clothes in colours that do not suit you it is time to let go of the clothes that are just tired or worn out. All of this clearing out will give you wardrobe space enabling you to be able to see the clothes you have. Remember if you have similar items you will always wear the one you prefer. Give the other items to a charity shop or if they are in good condition try selling them online on ebay or a local secondhand shop.

Think about sharing your clothes.

This works particularly well with special occasion outfits. I have often lent an outfit to a friend for a wedding or a party. I say that it might as well be worn rather than sit in my cupboard. My friends wash or dry clean the outfit before returning it to me. Everyone is a winner!

Caring for the fashion you already own:

Re-heeling and re-soling shoes, repairing handbags are all tips that we wrote about in this post.

Find a shape or style that suits you:

If you know a shape or style suits you, maybe you get lots of compliments then, if you can, buy more than one. I have done that with some boots. The were from Dune London and are both stylish and comfortable so I bought a second pair in the sales. I then put them away for when the first pair look tired and worn out. I have also done the same with white capri pants from Winser London. Capri trousers are very Audrey Hepburn, an icon of mine. I find Capri the perfect compromise to summer dressing; casual, summery without revealing too much leg. These ones from Winser London fit me well but, as with anything white, they lose their lustre and whiteness after a lot of wearing. Obviously they are a popular style as Winser London repeat them every summer.

Online shopping:

Shopping online is an absolute lifesaver. I love it as I can see how things work with other items that I already own. However it is well-worth a browse of the shops as you may find some new brands. It is also good to shop with a friend and get their opinion. Online shopping can sometimes be a bit lonely.


Build up a collection of fun accessories. I bought a belt from Asos for £5.99 and have worn it with so many old outfits giving them an uplift and my bank balance is not dented. Honestly there is so much affordable out there so you don’t need to be thinking family heirlooms!

Bags, earrings, necklaces are all finishing touches that will pull a look together. Different accessories create different looks.

Finally a few things that every wardrobe should have:

  • a great blazer
  • a selection of scarves: they hide the neck but bring colour to the face
  • good underwear – don’t skimp on this as it determines your shape. I am a fan of shapewear bodies which I often buy from Marks and Spencer. Click here to see details.
  • a manicure will make any outfit look that bit more special even if it is just jeans and a polo-neck. It shows you have made an effort. I think badly looked after nails are so ageing. A nail file and some nail polish, base and topcoat will only cost about £25 and will last for a very long time. Good grooming never goes unnoticed.

Always try to look your best even if feeling your worst!

We cannot give up even if all around us is crumbling. As Theresa May entered the House of Commons last Tuesday for the vote that will go down in history and define her she still managed to look elegant; navy jacket with a satin collar, cream blouse and a chunky necklace. She must have been exhausted, frazzled and probably at the end of her tether but she did not show it in her dress. One has to commend her for that!

For more fashion posts click here.

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