This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.
In early 2020 Grace and I will celebrate 10 years of Annabel & Grace (formerly known as The CountryWives). When we began there were three of us – Ellie has since left us to open a restaurant. Back then it was a hobby and a bit of fun.
Since then this hobby has grown and morphed into a business which takes up much of our time. We have a fabulous back up team of guest writers, together with our web manager Tom and, stylist and photographer Annabel.
However, like anything in this life, the cost of running our website increases and there is more competition out there as other like-minded women start similar websites.
We know from our readers that they love our diversity – other websites are often one-dimensional covering a single topic e.g. fashion or beauty. Our readers like our regular, new and updated posts that are published weekly so that the website is constantly being refreshed. We try to keep the personal touch with either Grace or I answering every email that is sent to us or responding to comments posted on our website.
However we only survive if people visit our website and in order to keep that website running we need to keep encouraging new readers to join us by subscribing to our online magazine.
To this end Grace and I wondered if you could take the time to email 3 or 4 of your friends that you think would enjoy our website.
It’s simple, just click on the ‘Forward to a friend’ above. Add your friend’s email address and they will receive an email explaining that you thought they might enjoy the Annabel & Grace online magazine. They can take a look and, if they like what they see, subscribe to our weekly newsletter.
We really appreciate you taking the time to do this for us as word of mouth is still the most powerful medium, particularly for our age group.
We will continue in 2020 to work hard finding excellent products and services, adding more ‘tried & tasted’ recipes to the 700+ that are already on the website, and reviewing books, TV, films and theatre that can be enjoyed by all of us.
🎄🎅🎁🎄🎅🎁 Grace and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 🎄🎅🎁🎄🎅🎁