This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.
As you probably know, Annabel and I are both in our sixties now. Although lots of people moan about being older (which we do understand because it’s true that there are lots of things that can get you down), we are really enjoying this time of our lives. So, why do we think it’s fantastic to be a woman over 50?
I realise everyone’s circumstances are different. You may be spending a lot of time caring for parents or sick children, you may be ill yourself or going through a tough time. Despite how it may seem on social media, no-one’s life is perfect and we will all, at some point, have to face difficulties that are very much outside our comfort zone.
But there are ALWAYS positives… and our mantra at A&G is to find them! Turn a lemon into a melon. See a glass as half full. Whatever the stresses and strains we are encountering, it is more uplifting to look on the brighter side of life. So, here is a list of things that we love about being 50+.
1. Knowing who your real friends are and appreciating how lucky you are to have them. You are very fortunate if you have a partner who is also a great friend, if your children have now become your friends and equals, and your girlfriends – who are such an important (and supportive) part of your daily life.
2. Anything goes We can all burp/snore/fart with impunity! We stop sweating the small stuff that doesn’t really matter and start seeing the funny side.
3. We’re no longer invisible. It’s taken less than five years for the older woman to become visible in fashion. I can hardly believe that we would have only seen teenage size 6 models promoting almost all fashion brands. Now, companies have taken the older woman to heart – John Lewis, JD Williams, Hope Fashion to name but a few. OK, brands have (at last) woken up to the fact that our age group often have more disposable income, but whatever the reason, it’s heartwarming to see vibrant, happy women of all ages and sizes on far more advertisements.
4. Wear underwear that is comfortable rather than for its seductive value. However don’t forget to occasionally put on something a little sexy because wow does it make you feel good!
5. Plastic surgery seems a less attractive idea. Once past fifty, we say “I am who I am, wrinkles and all.” We realise that good health is everything. Bosoms heading south, muffin top, bingo wings – who cares!
6. Possibly and hopefully we can afford a cleaner because it’s wonderful not to have to do the housework any more. However, it is also a time to realise life is too short to be permanently plumping up a cushion and that your friends love you not for your immaculate house but for your loving personality.
7. Suddenly discover that you are a grown-up and people come to you for advice which makes you feel good about yourself or maybe it is that you realise you may now know the answers to some of life’s problems! Also we don’t sweat the small stuff
8. Might be able to say what you feel, rather than what you feel you should say. Though I still think we should try and keep the edit button polished and working, it’s liberating to say what we want.
9. Entrepreneurial spirit. Something that often appears in women over 50. After years of nurturing, you can now follow your own dream if you decide to. Or perhaps you’d like to learn a language or learn to play an instrument…
10. Not having to set the alarm clock and being able to wake up naturally. And not always clock watching for the rest of the day.
11. Going to the movies in the afternoon when you often are part of an audience of about six other people and it feels more like a private screening! Also getting a discounted ticket if you are an OAP!
12. And finally and, most importantly, just simply more time for yourself!
What do YOU like about being over 50? We’d love to hear from you – please scroll down and use the Comments box below this post.