This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.
Whatever your age, these tips will help you feel more youthful, healthier and happier. Whether you are in your 50s, 60s or 70s, every day can be the beginning of a new and potentially very fulfilling stage in your life. Yes, we’ve got wrinkles, the odd twinge or perhaps you are mid-menopause, but these reminders about our maturity often come with a new found freedom which can be exhilarating if you let it. Children, if you had them, have grown up (enough) and even if we have older parents to keep an eye on, it’s beneficial for our health and wellbeing to savour some me time. So read on for a few ideas on how to maximise your life…
Just say “yes”
This is my only New Year resolution – and I’m excited about it. Instead of turning down invitations I’m going to say “yes”. The older I get, the quicker time flies by. So let’s seize the day and try something new or slightly out of our comfort zone. A new experience can work wonders for our morale and confidence. Could be learning a new language (am absolutely loving Duolingo) or something as simple as agreeing to go for a walk when it’s easier to stay inside in the warm. NO! Get those wellies on and get muddy! Don’t procrastinate, say “yes”!
Step out into nature
A walk in the park or countryside will give you a feeling of wellbeing. Dutch researchers found that people who lived within 1km of a park or a wooded area experienced less anxiety and depression than those who lived farther away from green space. It’s also good to stretch your legs and breathe in some fresh air. Why bother to join a gym when a walk or run outside is free!
Embrace getting older (yes really!)
There’s zilch we can do about physical ageing, so we may as well enjoy the other aspects of getting older now that we have some life experience under our belts. People with a positive attitude about their age live longer and have fewer illnesses. See what Jane Fonda (unbelievably she is now 84) has to say about life’s third act by clicking on the video below which was recorded in 2011 but is still very relevant:
A glass half full
Studies around the globe all show that optimists live longer. Try and concentrate on what is good in your life, rather than what is not. Think positively.
Don’t sweat the small stuff
Staying calm and de-stressed is key to feeling younger. Harvard Medical School found that people who meditated every day had better blood flow to their brains and longer telomeres.
Elongate your muscles
Stiffness is a sign of age, so keeping flexible will improve both your health and deportment. Yoga is a great way to gently stretch your muscles. Or click here to see some stretches you can do at home.
Drink more
Apparently our thirst sensation decreases as we age. So keep your body hydrated by drinking lots of water, tea and coffee. Drinking more water also means you eat slightly less – something I’m taking on board now that I’ve gained half a stone over Christmas!
Eat healthily (yes, that old chestnut)
Talking about losing weight, you could try eating fewer carbs, less meat, more fish and tonnes of vegetables. Personally I have to add wine to that list, but hey ho. Might work for you too? Alternatively, I find the BBC GoodFood healthy diet plans really useful – balanced recipes/weekly shopping lists for meat eaters, vegetarians and vegans.
Phone a friend
Doing an activity, perhaps cycling or swimming, will be much more fun if you have a friend in tow – you might even enjoy a bit of healthy competition. My friend Sally is always trying to out-cycle me and it spurs me on! Read my post here
Consider taking Vitamin D
During winter months we need to up our immunity and take care of our bones with a daily dose of Vitamin D. Annabel and I are big fans of the quality product available from Future You.
Get up from that chair and get moving
If there’s one thing that will make you feel younger it is, without question, staying active. As the old adage goes: Use it or lose it. I am also convinced that doing restorative or other gentle yoga really helps keep the twinges and aches at bay. Why not try one of our Yoga with Maddy videos on our YouTube channel.
Treat yourself
Last but definitely not least – you’re probably going to like this one: dark chocolate and red wine are good for you – so enjoy them. In small doses obviously. Both enhance the activity of sirtuins (proteins which control your body’s ability to burn fat, reduce inflammation and boost muscle). Apparently Lindt Excellence 85% dark chocolate is the optimum choice due to the way it is produced.
Hope these ideas help you feel more youthful, healthier and happier… and help make 2022 your most brilliant year ever! Take care, Grace x