We all know that brushing our teeth regularly is essential for preventing tooth decay and gum disease – but having good oral hygiene is even more important than you might think. 

Research has found that people with poor oral health are more likely to develop conditions like heart disease, dementia, and pulmonary problems. Plus, as we get older, we become more prone to receding gums and issues with saliva production, which puts us at higher risk of problems like tooth decay and gum disease. 

So, aside from brushing our teeth at least twice a day, what are some other ways we can improve our oral health? Here are nine tips.

Alongside maintaining a clean and healthy mouth, more people over 50 are turning to teeth straightening. If this is something you’ve considered, we’ve partnered with Total Orthodontics, part of Bupa, who offer a wide range of treatments – from discreet Invisalign aligners to fixed braces and cosmetic teeth straightening. Total Orthodontics are a group of over 25 practices across the UK led by specialist orthodontists with a passion for creating confident smiles.

1. Choose the right toothbrush

Choose the right toothbrush

You can brush your teeth religiously, but if you’re using the wrong toothbrush you might be doing more harm than good. The harder the bristles on a toothbrush are, the easier it is to brush too vigorously, which can cause enamel loss and lead to receding gums. Soft-bristled toothbrushes are best for keeping your teeth clean and healthy.

It’s also important to take good care of your toothbrush. It’s recommended that you replace your toothbrush at least every three months and always take time to rinse your brush carefully with water after brushing.

If you don’t already use one, you could also consider investing in an electric toothbrush as these have been shown to reduce plaque and gingivitis (a mild form of gum disease) more than manual brushing.

If you’re unsure what the best toothbrush for you is, it’s best to ask your dentist at your next check-up.

It’s never too late for a straighter smile!

Start your journey to confidence today with the straighter smile specialists.

Book your free orthodontic consultation at one of Total Orthodontics’ practices, get a digital 3D scan of your teeth and discuss the treatment that’s right for you. With payment options to suit your budget, every treatment includes at-home whitening kits to ensure confidence like never before.

^Free consultations available at participating practices only.

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2. Floss once a day

Floss once a day

We all know that flossing is important – but many of us don’t do it as much as we should. In fact, one survey found that 27% of adults lie to their dentist about how often they floss! Flossing isn’t only a way to remove food from between your teeth before it turns into plaque, it also helps to stimulate the gums, improve blood flow, and reduce inflammation in the area.

To improve your oral health, you should try to give flossing the same importance as brushing in your daily routine, and do it at least once a day. You might want to try getting into the habit of flossing before you go to bed, so you can remove any food or plaque that builds up during the day.

For advice on how to floss properly, check out this flossing guide from Oral B. If you suffer from sensitive gums or have had dental work done, you might want to consider using a water flosser instead. These shoot out a stream of water onto your teeth and gums to dislodge any small particles of food. You can buy water flossers from Amazon.

3. Eat the right foods

Eat the right foods

We all know the old saying, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” – but it applies to the dentist too. Eating apples is particularly good for you because they help clean your teeth and prevent decay. Their sweet taste can take the edge off any sugar cravings too. Other crunchy vegetables, like carrots and celery, can also help keep your gums strong and stimulated.

Other foods that can help improve oral health are leafy greens like kale, spinach, Swiss chard, and rocket. This is because they help the mouth produce more nitrite-reducing bacteria that support a healthier oral microbiome. Plus, dark green leafy vegetables are also high in minerals like calcium, which your teeth need to stay strong.

4. Cut back on sugary and starchy foods

Cut back on sugary and starchy foods

Cutting back on the amount of sugary foods you eat is one of the best things you can do to prevent tooth decay. Tooth decay occurs when dental plaque turns sugars into acid, which can lead to problems like holes in the teeth and gum disease.

The World Health Organisation recommends that people limit their sugar intake to less than 10% of their daily calories. Other studies recommend that lowering this to 5% would further reduce the risk of tooth decay.

One of the best ways to cut back on sugar is to limit the number of sugary drinks you consume. So if you drink lots of fizzy drinks or fruit juice, it’s worth considering how you could cut back – and be mindful of how much sugar you put in tea and coffee.

Starchy foods like crackers, bread, and pasta are also believed to cause tooth decay. Starch turns into sugar in our mouths, and the sugar is what the bacteria that causes tooth decay feeds on. Instead of eating lots of starchy foods, it’s better to fill up with lots of fibre-rich fruit and vegetables.

Check out our articles, 9 simple ways to cut back on added sugar and 10 ways to add more fruit and vegetables to your diet, for help with this.

5. Drink more tap water

Drink more tap water

Drinking more water is another great way to improve oral hygiene. Not only is it the best drink for overall health and a great way to stay hydrated without sipping on sugar-packed fizzy drinks or juices – but tap water also often contains fluoride, which can help prevent tooth decay.

When water fluoridation is in the news it’s often seen as controversial, but the evidence shows that adding small levels of fluoride to water (around 1mg of fluoride per litre) is a safe and effective way to improve oral health.

In England, nearly six million people receive fluoridated water – and water fluoridation schemes are in place in parts of the West Midlands, the North East, the East Midlands, Eastern England, the North West, and Yorkshire and Humber.

Experts recommend drinking water after every meal, as this can help wash away some of the harmful effects of sugary or acidic foods and drinks in between brushes.

It’s never too late for a straighter smile!

Start your journey to confidence today with the straighter smile specialists.

Book your free orthodontic consultation at one of Total Orthodontics’ practices, get a digital 3D scan of your teeth and discuss the treatment that’s right for you. With payment options to suit your budget, every treatment includes at-home whitening kits to ensure confidence like never before.

^Free consultations available at participating practices only.

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6. Use mouthwash

Use mouthwash

Many people don’t use mouthwash because they’re not fully aware of what it’s meant to do. Mouthwash isn’t only a way to keep your breath fresh, it also protects against the bacteria that live in your mouth, as it cleans the crevices and soft tissues of the mouth which are often neglected when we brush our teeth.

There’s evidence to show that mouthwash containing chlorhexidine, which is an antibacterial ingredient, can help reduce plaque and gingivitis. Mouthwashes containing specific essential oils are also effective. Plus, mouthwash can reduce the amount of acid in your mouth and help remineralise teeth.

Many types of mouthwash also contain fluoride, which can further help protect our teeth from decay and boost oral health – particularly if you live in an area where there isn’t a water fluoridation scheme in place. While mouthwash isn’t a substitute for brushing and flossing, it can complement them. If you’re not sure which type of mouthwash to try, seek the advice of your dentist.

7. Stop smoking

Stop smoking

Aside from causing serious health issues like mouth and lung cancer, smoking can also have a detrimental effect on oral hygiene. It can stain the teeth and tongue, cause bad breath, and increase the risk of infected gums, weakened teeth, and lower the success rate of dental implant procedures.

Smoking harms our immune system, which makes it difficult for the body to heal tissues – including those in our mouths. As a result, the NHS cite smoking as a risk factor for gum disease, and experts say that smokers may experience slower healing after a dental procedure.

8. Don’t neglect your tongue

Don’t neglect your tongue

Just like teeth and gums, your tongue can also harbour bacteria. If left unchecked, this bacteria can cause bad breath and other oral health problems. 

It’s important to clean your tongue properly every time you brush your teeth, so you might want to consider buying a tongue scraper, or a toothbrush that has a scraper on the back. This will help get rid of bacteria on your tongue, keep your breath fresh, and boost your overall oral health.

9. Visit the dentist every year

Visit the dentist every year

No matter how diligently you brush and floss your teeth, it’s important to see a dentist regularly.

Many people only visit the dentist when there’s something wrong, but some of the most crucial aspects of dental health care are having regular teeth cleanings and routine x-rays. Prevention is always better than cure, and this way your dentist will be able to spot a potential issue before it becomes more serious.

When you visit the dentist, they’ll check for tooth decay, gum disease, mouth cancer, and other oral health issues. The hygienist will also clean and polish your teeth, as well as remove plaque and tartar.

It’s recommended that you visit the dentist at least once a year for a cleaning and checkup, but you should also make an appointment if you notice any of the following…

  • Red, sore, or swollen gums
  • Bleeding gums after brushing or flossing
  • Gums that start to pull away from your teeth
  • Loose teeth
  • Sudden sensitivity to hot and cold
  • Continual bad breath or a strange taste in your mouth
  • Painful chewing

While many people view going to the dentist as a negative experience, regular visits allow problems to be spotted early on – and you’ll likely become more comfortable over time too.

If you’re not currently registered with a dentist, you can find your nearest one on the NHS website, here.

It’s never too late for a straighter smile!

Start your journey to confidence today with the straighter smile specialists.

Book your free orthodontic consultation at one of Total Orthodontics’ practices, get a digital 3D scan of your teeth and discuss the treatment that’s right for you. With payment options to suit your budget, every treatment includes at-home whitening kits to ensure confidence like never before.

^Free consultations available at participating practices only.

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Final thoughts…

Practising good oral hygiene isn’t only important for oral health but it can have a significant impact on overall health too.

Brushing and flossing every day, eating plenty of crunchy, high-fibre foods, cutting back on sugar, and not smoking are all good ways to avoid tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health issues.

You might also want to look into buying mouthwash containing fluoride, a decent electric toothbrush, or tools like a tongue scraper. If you’re unsure about anything, it’s always best to speak to your dentist.

For more information, you might find it helpful to check out our article; 8 reasons why oral hygiene is key for overall health.

Are you currently taking steps to improve your oral health? Or do you have any other oral health tips you could offer? We’d be interested to hear from you in the comments below.