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Finance Manager

Civil Service

Job Description

Provide finance and business support to groups within the Regulation Directorate Lead on all financial processes for the Regulation Directorate. Financial processes include requisitioning, receipting, journals, reconciliations, forecasting and project accounting, as well responding to central finance commissions as part of regular reporting cycles and significant fiscal events Be the first point of contact for budget holders, meeting with them regularly to discuss financial processes and ensuring budgets, actuals and forecasts are accurate and evidence-based Understand financial management and performance issues, and identify opportunities for continuous improvement of the quality and timeliness of management information to support effective directorate-level decision-making Manage relationships with key stakeholders within the Regulation Directorate; the CMRR Group; and across the wider DBT community Embedding a value for money culture within the Regulation Directorate, supporting financial decisions through the provision of advice and constructive challenge Delivering insightful and timely financial information to budget holders and the Senior Leadership Team

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