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Security Officer

Civil Service

Job Description

Security officers are responsible for striking the balance between providing a first class customer service role, along with necessary skills to protect the people, property and equipment within the estate. The responsibilities include: Welcoming all visitors to the Senedd estate and working in close operation with other front facing staff; Maintaining vigilance at all times when conducting guarding duties, controlling entry points to the various estates, and regularly conducting internal and external visibility patrols; Investigating, challenging and reporting all suspicious persons, behaviour and items on the Senedd estate; Operating and monitoring the Senedds CCTV system, radio communications system and alarms systems; Operating X-Ray scanners, metal detector archways and hand-wands, remote lock-down and vehicle barrier systems; Support the Senedds business and functions including providing an ushering and messenger service during plenary sessions and committees, supervision of public galleries and raising and lowering of official flags when requested; Facilitation of additional security measures during key visits and events, such as VIP tours and meetings, high profile functions and media related activity; Working closely with the Senedds Policing Unit and other security services; Reaction to and investigation of alarms and implementation of evacuation, emergency management and business continuity procedures where required; Supervision of the estates car parking facilities.- operation of barriers,- conducting security sweeps of vehicles, ,- escorting, directing visitors and contractors to reserved parking. Log all security information accurately to allow incident reports to be produced; Conducting lock-down procedures and securing all facilities including the management of all keys and access control measures out-of-hours; Be willing to undertake adhoc training or work from home should Senedd business dictate.

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