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All Age Continuing Healthcare Children and Young People Manager

  • NHS
  • Full Time
  • Birmingham
  • 53755.00 - 60504.00 a year

Job Description

Communication To provide a specialist advisory role to health, local authority & independent sector staff on NHS CYP Continuing Care policy & related issues. Influencing best practice by providing professional nursing advice on a range of physical health nursing issues, to ensure patients health care needs are met appropriately and effectively, whilst achieving outcomes in a timely and appropriate manner. To promote the development and monitoring of effective and joint working relationships and processes with partner organisations as well as the independent and voluntary sector, CYP, parents and carers, and commissioners; ensuring that effective links and working relationships are maintained and in line with strategic direction for active and transparent partnership working. Develop and maintain close working relationships with colleagues across health, social care and education participating in network meetings where appropriate. Use these meetings and relationships to influence the development and implementation of policy and initiatives. Maintain effective communication with patients and carers/advocates and professionals across health and social services. Develop a clear and effective communication plan for building effective working relationships through working with the ICB Senior Management Team, and related sub groups / working groups. Promote constructive and responsive relationships and behaviours in partner organisations through well-developed interpersonal skills to overcome barriers and complex problems. Provide advice and prepare reports and briefings for directors and stakeholders, including analysis, and interpretation of data and information. Analytical and Judgement Skills Critically appraise and challenge provider clinical performance and service delivery against quality standards and agree appropriate remedial actions to be taken to mitigate any concerns that could lead to a care package breakdown. To be an integral member of BSOL ICB CC CYP panel ensuring that cases are prepared and submitted to panel, active participation in panel discussion regarding CC eligibility and to ensure that operational oversight is provided to ensure that panel outcomes are recorded and actioned by CC CYP team members. To attend / be member on joint panels with Local authorities, or participate in agreed authorisation process, as required, agreeing care packages, case management and funding arrangements. Consider bespoke funding requests for treatment where exiting services not commissioned to ensure service users access appropriate care and treatment. Service Development and Research The post holder will be responsible for the development and implementation of systems and processes in relation to the CYP team. Responsible for ensuring assessment, case management and review systems are in place for CC CYP and that they are in line with best practice that follows national and local guidance where applicable. Maintain, develop and facilitate an ongoing programme of inter-agency training in conjunction with the Local Authority regarding CC CYP and complex case guidance and processes. Contribute to formal and informal education and training to Health and Social Care Workers, Education, Independent Sector, Voluntary Sector, Services Users and families / Carers. Provide advice and support to relevant service transformation and redesign projects as required Support the development and delivery of relevant research proposals and programmes. Maintain awareness of current national policy, local and cross border issues Assess the evidence of effectiveness of health and healthcare interventions, programmes and services to build on recognised best practice and ensure dissemination of learning Maintain continuous professional registration in accordance with the requirement of the appropriate regulatory body, ensuring renewal is on time. Participate in regular clinical and managerial supervision where required by your professional body. Patient/Client Care This role involves the coordination, commissioning and maintaining of initial assessment and reviews of safe and effective services for children and young people with complex care needs. To operationally lead and manage the planning and coordination of bespoke care packages and services for CC CYP with complex health needs in line with responsible commissioner guidance and requirements. To meet individual ongoing health care needs and hold the responsibility for coordinating the process of identifying and securing appropriate health funding, either through CC or joint funding arrangements with the relevant Local Authority. Participate in the development of working practices, processes and protocols to ensure seamless and timely transfers of care, prevention of admission to acute settings and reduce the use of out of area placements and care package breakdown. To investigate and report upon complaints and incidents within the scope of the role and other areas as required or in the absence of other senior clinicians, in line with BSOL ICB policies and take remedial action where this is required. Support the repatriation of CC CYP clients to the local area from out of area placements when a place is available and is clinically and socially appropriate. To hold a small case load of patients with complex needs (1:1/PHB/LPS/Transition/ BIA/ Legal cases) and High cost care packages exceeding £10k a week and ensure their reviews are completed in a timely manner and care packages appropriately meet their needs. Responsibility for Policy/Service Development To take the lead in the development of training programmes and delivery plans in line with continuing care principles and practice to facilitate others learning. Ensure robust systems and processes for supervision, work allocation and achievement of objectives set are in place that will allow for the CYP CC team to provide a responsive and effective service. Ensure that statutory and service related requirements are met. Responsible for the interpretation and implementation of policy and guidance in respect of the National Framework (CC CYP); Children and Families Act including SEND requirements. Knowledge and Understanding of the personalisation agenda. Knowledge and understanding in the implementation of Personal Health Budgets service across the BSOL area. Knowledge and understanding in the planning and delivery Dols Safeguards across BSOL. Knowledge of Who Pays and responsible commissioner. Knowledge and understanding of the mental health act and the legal responsibilities. Knowledge and understanding in the planning of transition from childrens to adults services and the appropriate application of the National framework. Finance and Resources Act in a way that is compliant with Standing Orders and Standing Financial Instructions in the discharge of this responsibility; alongside finance in line with the financial framework, ISFE and department scheme of delegation approving CC CYP care packages and bespoke equipment. To ensure each package of care delivers high quality care representing value for money, within agreed available funding. Ensuring joint and/or tripartite contractual arrangements are actioned by the contracts team and are in place for each client. Plan, schedule, control and monitor the use of financial resources against agreed budgets for commissioning. Leadership and Management The postholder must lead and develop a high performing, outcome-focused and collaborative team that actively demonstrates the values of the ICS in its way of working Operationally manage the CC CYP team as well as providing clinical leadership, advice, support and professional expertise. Line manage members of the CC CYP team in accordance with ICB policies and procedures, including the day to day range of staff management matters, which will include responsibility for supporting appraisals, development of staff, recruitment and where necessary processes such as grievance and disciplinary matters. Information Resources Accountable for the management and monitoring of the Service delivery, support data management and reporting and ensure performance meets the agreed standards. Analyse performance or areas of activity in relation to key performance indicators (KPI) Highlight exceptions and risks ensuring mitigating action can be taken to keep the service safe and effective . Drafting reports summarising status on issues, appraising outcomes, and providing progress reports for the Head of Service including outlining position and progress. Ensure high quality information and analysis will be available to support ICB and Local Authority planning and organisational learning and development Professional Development Maintain high standard of record keeping and confidentiality in keeping with NMC standards. Maintain compliance with IG guidelines and legislation. Physical Skills The post will involve travel across the Birmingham and Solihull area as well as some out of area travel. Other The post holder must have a genuine passion for reducing inequalities and driving social inclusion. To deploy high quality interpersonal skills to establish credibility and confidence amongst clinicians, managers and other stakeholders. Project manage specific pieces of work across CC CYP service as periodically required.


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