Community Mental Health Nurse
Job Description
Core Clinical Function To work collaboratively with clients, service colleagues and other agencies to prevent inappropriate A&E attendances and Acute Hospital admissions To provide advice and decisions to other service members and partner agencies in relation to crisis situations, conditions and treatment plans, based on medical historyand knowledge of certain conditions. Provide management and care of service users. Produce accurate and timely documentation on all clients in line withyour Professional Code of Conduct and Trust policies. Conduct / contribute to the assessment process, as well as the observationand ongoing assessment, providing accurate and timely feedback. Participate in the planning, implementation / evaluation and ongoing reviewof treatment plans. Provide practical support, advice and education to service users, carers andother disciplines. Responsible for the recording of all patient related activity information onto system one. Carry out risk assessments including any potential hazards in the serviceusers environment. Attend multi-disciplinary meetings i.e. referral / review / business. Report and document incidents as required. Conduct physical health care checks of service users and act upon findings. Act as a key worker. Facilitate and support in group work such as relaxation, health promotion, hearing voices, anger management, psycho education etc. Responsible for administration of medications, assessment of side effects,review concordance and clinical effectiveness of medication regime in line with Trust policy including safe transportation and storage of medicines, checking receipt, storage of medicines in medicine cupboard. Provide education around the medication prescribed, side effects, actions and aidsto compliance. Provide education and support to develop service users understanding of mental illness. With relevant expertise and experience and support, provide psycho-social intervention, education and support to develop service users understanding of mental illness with aim to prevent relapse and admission. Undertake carers assessment in line with Trusts key performance indicators. Undertake nursing needs and continuing care assessments. Be competent in use of relevant screening and assessment tools. Provide comprehensive assessment, care planning, treatment and review of carein line with the requirements of Mental Health Care Clusters. Provide formulation, delivery and review of individualised evidence based care / care packages according to NICE guidance including non-medication strategies. Support the induction and ongoing development of newly qualified nursing staff. Be an Infection control link person. Deliver smoking cessation training. Participate in audit and research. Core Non-Clinical Function Promote the Nursing Strategy within the service. Take part in service development and review. Participate in the recruitment process of other clinical staff as required, supported by senior members of the team. Ensure the service meets the agreed performance / contractual targets and adheres to local and government initiatives. Provide clinical leadership and expertise to team. Deliver training where appropriate for other professionals.
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