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Digital Transformation Lead

  • NHS
  • Full Time
  • Romford
  • 48000.00 - 57000.00 a year

Job Description

'Please note that this vacancy is not open to current Havering Health ARRS staff' JOB SUMMARY The role of the Digital and Transformation Lead within Havering Liberty PCN is to support the PCN strategy on positive transformation and improvement where it is to enhance patient access and experience, as well as operational efficiency and staff job satisfaction whilst supporting the sustainability of general practice services within the PCN. The post holder will work closely with staff working at practice and PCN level to understand demand, capacity and activity to identify challenges, agree priorities for improvement and to support the implementation of change through quality improvement (QI processes). Working with relevant colleagues in the ICS, the post holder will also develop relationships with local delivery partners (such as IT service providers and other NHS organisations) to support effective delivery of transformation. The post holder will review and improve the PCN digital maturity to support population health management, improvements in care quality and PCN operational efficiency. The post holder will focus their time on the planning, implementation and evaluation of practical improvements that make a difference to patients and staff within the PCN. Key duties and responsibilities include: Ensuring all change is ultimately focused on improving services for patients. Alongside the PCN Leadership and Management Team work closely with the practices to understand current challenges to effective service delivery and identify solutions, including existing best practice within the PCN. Drive the planning and prioritisation of changes that will improve delivery of care and improve patient and staff experience within the practices. Build relationships across the PCN to develop consensus for improvements and to ensure business and clinical staff are fully engaged throughout the process of selection, implementation and deployment of change. Provide hands-on capacity and support to practices in implementing and sustaining agreed changes with the use of QI processes to assess the impact of agreed transformation. Support staff to identify and participate in relevant training and or professional development opportunities that will support achievement of agreed improvements. Support the effective adoption of national and local initiatives, including integrated working at neighbourhood and system level to improve access to patient services. Support practices and staff to maximise the use of existing digital tools and to improve adoption of new technology to enhance patient access and increase PCN productivity. Advise on innovative opportunities and support practices to maximize benefits from innovation, thorough the sharing of learning and best practice. Develop and implement mechanisms for assessing the impact of agreed changes. Provide feedback to PCN leadership and to member practices on progress of current initiative, capacity for change, progress and issues so that plans can be adapted in response. Information and data management The post holder will need to have skills in relation to understanding and using data to drive improvement and assess impacts. These skills will be used to: Take a data driven approach, looking at evidence and information available to support understanding of challenges, identify possible solutions and track the impacts of changes that have been made. Work in partnership with the ICS to identify relevant data sets and to support standardisation in the use of measures for understanding change and improvement in general practice. Bring together data from a variety of sources and use information to develop insights into working practices, effectively tailoring content to meet the needs of the audience. Effectively present and communicate data to practices and PCN staff at all levels to increase understanding of operational challenges Interpret data and highlight variation to support open discussion about where variation is and is not warranted Help PCN and practice staff understand the limitations of particular data sets and where other information may be available to supplement understanding of issues Support and encourage a focus on data in understanding the effectiveness of changes made. Seek and secure analytical resource as required to support in the PCN in developing and implementing appropriate data and information sharing mechanisms. Use data to track and assess impact of changes made to operational processes, and to track trends and developments over time. Communication and Engagement With responsibility for developing and supporting delivery of transformational projects across the PCN, the post holder will require expertise in communications and engagement, and specifically in bringing people together and gaining support and buy-in to change. This expertise will be used to: Identifying best practice and learning from other areas that could be applicable to the local PCN and communicate this to staff. Make connections across the PCN to support learning between practices and sharing of best practice. Build and maintain good working relationships with a broad range of internal and external stakeholders, including with the ICS. Initiate and participate in development of effective systems of communication and co-operation between member practices, staff, and other members of the primary care team. Ensure that changes are aligned with agreed clinical priorities and have ownership and engagement from clinical leaders and staff. Support practices to communicate changes and new processes effectively and consistently to patients Make connections with the ICS and other service delivery organisations to plan and deliver changes that will improve working between general practices and other primary care and non-primary care services. Lead or participate in relevant working groups, project groups, service meetings and other forums across the PCN (and ICS) to agree changes, share learning, discuss challenges, and resolves issues. Policy and Service Development With responsibility for supporting the PCN to identify and make progress with transformational change, the post holder will have expertise in understanding and interpreting national and system-wide policy developments and initiatives to local circumstances and contexts. This expertise will be used to: Maintain a good knowledge of key policies from the Department of Health and Social Care, NHS England and other relevant government departments and agencies, and support PCN staff to understand and interpret these locally. Work with the local ICS to support the development of overall primary care transformation strategies, including digital transformation strategies, and their delivery. Support the PCN and member practices to adapt and apply specific policies and initiatives to local needs and to prioritise initiatives based on local requirements. Education, learning and development It is the responsibility of the employee to comply with all organisational and statutory requirements (eg. health and safety, infection control, equality and diversity, confidentiality, safeguarding adults and children, information governance). Engages in annual appraisal, developing objectives to inform a Personal Development Plan, which may include 360-degree appraisal and use of patient feedback. Participate in teaching and training of medical, nursing, and all other practice staff. Supports the practice staff and responds to requests for advice and assistance. Complete all mandatory and statutory training required by the role. Takes responsibility for personal development, learning and performance and maintain education through attendance on any courses and/or study days necessary to ensure that professional development requirements are met. Undertakes additional training where necessary to provide enhanced services and participate in training programmes implemented by the PCN/practices as part of this employment. Understands and demonstrates the characteristics of a role model to members in the team and/or service. Demonstrates an understanding of current educational policies relevant to working areas of practice and keeps up to date with relevant clinical practice. Quality Under supervision and support of GPs in the practice, the post-holder will strive to maintain quality within the practices, and will: Participate in clinical governance activity and contribute to the improvement in quality of health outcomes through audit, risk management and Quality Improvement Alerts other team members to concerns about risk, quality, and safety Participates in investigation of incidents and events as required Identifies, applies, and disseminates research findings relating to own practice Collects data for audit purposes and uses clinical audit to monitor quality in the service Contributes to the effectiveness of the team by reflecting on own and team activities and making suggestions on ways to improve and enhance the teams performance Works effectively with individuals in other agencies to meet patients needs Effectively manages own time, workload, and resources Meets timescales/deadlines for audits and written returns to ensure that the PCN meets quality standards and receives the designated funding.


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