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Marketing and Communications Lead


Job Description

Main Duties Work with the Chief Executive and Board to develop a strategic marketing and communications strategy to position the organisation both regionally and nationally as a key player in innovative non-medical service development. Develop, implement and evaluate a range of integrated off/online marketing and communications to support the strategic objectives of Ways to Wellness. Ensure communication and marketing plans are delivered on time and within budget. Line manage the Marketing and Communications Officer (part time, two days a week), including objective setting, regular one to ones and appraisal. Work with the Ways to Wellness team to develop and deliver tailored communications and marketing plans for our pilots and prototypes, ensuring we reach appropriate audiences in each case. Write, edit and proof-read engaging communications materials, ensuring compliance with our branding and key messages. Developing and applying the Ways to Wellness brand, including key messages and style guide, to ensure messages are consistent. Strategic planning Developing an ambitious communications and marketing strategy, in line with our strategic objectives and annual business planning. Overseeing the delivery of the strategy, with support from the staff team and Board. Monitoring progress and reporting to CEO/Board/staff team as required. Relationship management Developing a network of strong relationships with a wide range of stakeholders, so they understand how we can support them, what we are delivering, and what we have learned/achieved from our work (specifically NHS, VCS, Local and Combined Authorities). Developing and maintaining relationships with key stakeholders who can help us to share our learning and raise our profile (e.g. media, partners who offer conferences and training). Delivering communications that are appropriate for the audiences were trying to reach (e.g. practitioners, policy makers, academics, voluntary sector partners, clients). Networking with stakeholders, including communication posts within the NHS, funders, partner organisations and others. Maintaining productive relationships with a range of suppliers. Working with the team/projects Working with Ways to Wellness staff and trustees to support the awareness and promotion of our projects and wider organisational communications and marketing goals. Supporting Ways to Wellness projects to plan and deliver their communications, in support of project objectives and to share learning with wider stakeholders. Ensuring learning is collected and shared in a variety of ways, including case study examples and sharing of data on impact, reach and cost savings. Ensuring staff are familiar with branding guidelines and principles, training new staff and volunteers as appropriate. Communications and social media Overseeing the planning and delivery for all digital communications (including social media and website), including through paid campaigns where appropriate, and ensuring it remains engaging and appropriate for our audiences. Working with the team to monitor the performance of all digital communications and marketing. Developing and/or working with designers to develop and deliver non-digital communications (leaflets, posters, reports etc.) that support our organisational and project goals. Events Supporting the Chief executive, Board members and other staff to prepare for attendance at national and local conferences including when giving a presentation or speaking at an event. Leading on the development and delivery of a regular programme of cross-sector conferences and events that support our organisational goals. Representing Ways to Wellness at external events that are being organised by our partners and stakeholders, as agreed with the Chief Executive. Media work Planning and delivering targeted media campaigns where appropriate, to raise the profile of the organisation and our work. Proactively source publications, events, awards and other communications channels to raise the profile of Ways to Wellness and publicise our offer. Work with the Chief Executive, Board and other stakeholders to plan and evaluate media engagement and respond appropriately to media enquiries, sometimes out of hours. Monitoring and evaluation Monitor performance against our objectives, and provide reports and updates to Board, Chief Executive and others as required. Professional development Working with the Chief Executive to undertake continual personal and professional development, taking an active part in reviewing and developing the roles and responsibilities. Undertaking relevant training as required. Engaging in developing professional relationships with the wider team. General Work with Data Protection Officer to ensure all systems and processes are fully GDPR compliant. This list is not intended as an exhaustive list of duties and responsibilities. The post holder will be asked to carry out other duties which are appropriate to the skills of the post holder and grade of the post as the priorities of the service change.


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