Multi Professional Approved and Responsible Clinician (MPARC)
Job Description
Qualified: Hold a specialist clinical caseload and maintain a very high / statutory degree of clinical responsibility for patients on caseload, while providing consultant level clinical services within a designated care group to a group of patients who may or may not be managed under the Mental Health Act 1983. Provide a very senior / overall clinical leadership function to MDT colleagues and others within a designated care group, for designated patients, as a Consultant Psychologist and in a statutory clinical lead role, as Responsible Clinician. Provide expert guidance, advice, consultation and supervision to own professional group and to MDT colleagues, and patient. Contribute and lead on organisational, policy and clinical service developments and utilise advanced skills in research, quality improvement, outcome measurement, audit, teaching, training and lecturing to support evidence-based practice and high standards of service delivery within the designated care group, completing research and quality improvement projects as required, and supporting others to do so. Trainee: Being accountable for their own professional practice in the delivery of highly specialist care to patients with severe and enduring mental health conditions or learning disabilities; this may include psychiatric, physical and social co-morbidity and involve significantly challenging behaviours (with risk of physical aggression). Planning individual patient care and where appropriate co-ordinating care within the MDT and external agencies. Undertaking the role of Trainee Approved Clinician for an identified client group incorporating the eight clinical competencies below, as per Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) guidance: 1. A comprehensive understanding of the roles, legal responsibilities and key functions of the AC and RC. 2. An applied knowledge of the legal and policy framework. This includes mental health and all other relevant legislation, codes of practice, policy and guidance and relevant NICE guidance. Please refer to JD for full details
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