Brown sugar meringues

February 16, 2018

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

Marvellous-Mother-In-Law came over for Sunday lunch last weekend bearing several wonderful treats, one of which was a box of cloud-like Brown Sugar Meringues. Scattered with walnuts and filled with lemon curd cream, they were a delight to eat. The nutty homemade meringues were a perfect combination of crunch and chewiness and the lemon in the cream balanced out the sweetness.

Brown Sugar Meringues

Ingredients serves 6
3 large egg whites
3 ounces granulated sugar
3 ounces demerara sugar
2 ounces walnuts

How to prepare
Break walnuts into small pieces and dry toast them, allow to cool completely.
Put the egg whites into a bowl and whisk till stiff, gradually whisk in the combined sugars a spoonful at a time whisking until you have a stiff meringue and all the sugar is mixed well.
With a large metal spoon fold the walnuts quickly and thoroughly through the meringue.
Spoon onto parchment paper on baking trays and bake in a cool oven 130C 250F for 2-21/2 hours.
Take out of oven to cool completely. Mix some ready made lemon curd through whipped cream and use to fill the meringues.



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