Baked Aubergine with Buttermilk Sauce

November 26, 2016

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

My daughter descended with seven friends for the weekend hoping for some culinary delights  – particularly a Roast Sunday lunch. However, since I am incapacitated, my OH had to take on the responsibility of this meal.

Cooking a couple of chickens can’t be difficult,” he innocently said. However he had forgotten that one of the guests was a vegan and another vegetarian!

A kind girlfriend talked him through this easy recipe which she uses when her vegetarian son comes for lunch. If vegan, then substitute the buttermilk with soya milk. The picture above is the result of his hard work! The rest of us got a delicious roast chicken lunch. Well, so hello, I know know after 30 years marriage that he has hidden talents!

Baked Aubergine with Buttermilk Sauce

2 large and long aubergines
80ml olive oil
1½ tsp lemon thyme leaves, plus a few whole sprigs to garnish
1 punnet pomegranate seeds
Maldon sea salt and black pepper

140ml buttermilk (for vegans substitute with soya cream)
100g Greek yoghurt
1½ tbsp olive oil, plus a drizzle to finish
1 small garlic clove, crushed
pinch of salt

How to prepare

Slice the aubergines in half lengthways and then score them. Brush some olive oil over each half. Bake in oven 180℃ for 40 mins until soft.

Meanwhile mix all the sauce ingredients, apart from oil, together. When aubergines are cooked spread the sauce over the top, dribble with oil and then sprinkle with pomegranate seeds and serve.


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