June 4, 2013

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

I made this because we had butterflied leg of lamb on the BBQ at the weekend and this Chicory salad by Angela Hartnett got wolfed down as a complementary side dish (not by our dogs, by our guests!). 


Here’s the recipe:  serves 4

3 heads chicory

12 new potatoes

Tbspn baby capers

Tin anchovy fillets, drained

Tbspn parsley

Salt & pepper

Vinaigrette (homemade using oil, vinegar and mustard or Mary Berry sells an excellent one)



Boil potatoes with skin on until tender, then drain, slice and season with a few tablespoons of the vinaigrette.

Slice the chicory into wedges and mix with the potatoes. Add the capers, anchovies, parsley and more vinaigrette and put into a large bowl.

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