Gado Gado. Indonesian Salad With Peanut-Coconut Dressing

September 22, 2018

This article was written for Annabel & Grace, which is now part of Rest Less.

Am totally hooked on one pot dishes. They make any busy cook’s life so much easier and taste fantabulous. This is another recipe from Rukmini Iyer, this time from her vegan and vegetarian one dish dinner’s recipe book – The Green Roasting Tin.

So. What exactly is gado gado?  I freely admit I didn’t know.  A quick check on Google explains that it means medley or potpourri. This refers to all the different seasonal vegetables that are used, making it slightly different wherever you go and whatever the time of year you eat it. Promoted as one of the five national dishes of Indonesia, it can also include hard boiled eggs and fried tofu. The peanut dressing is a substantial (and very moreish!) sauce. I served this particular recipe with a grilled pork chop, but you could equally choose some fish, or enjoy it on its own.

Gado Gado. Indonesian Salad With Peanut-Coconut Dressing

Ingredients serves 2
1kg Charlotte potatoes, halved
2 tbsp olive oil
Tspn sea salt
240g green beans
300g beansprouts
Handful fresh coriander
50g crunchy peanut butter
80ml coconut milk (I kept the rest of my tin and made a prawn curry with it later in the week)
2 tbspn fresh lime juice
1.5 tbspn soy sauce
Fresh red chilli, finely sliced
2.5cm fresh ginger, finely grated

How to prepare
Preheat oven to 180 degrees C fan / 200 degrees C / gas 6.
Mix the potatoes in a roasting tin with the oil and salt and then pop in the oven for 40 mins.
Mix together the dressing ingredients.
Add the green beans and beansprouts to the roasting tin. Add a splash more oil if needed, then return to the oven for another 20 mins.
Scatter the coriander over and serve warm or at room temperature, with the dressing alongside.

More one dish recipes here if you’d like to see some.





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