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- 17 ways to help the environment and save money
We all know that trying to live more sustainably is good for the environment, but many of us are less aware that it’s good for our wallets too.
There’s a common myth that trying to be eco-friendly costs more. But in many cases, the opposite is true – and there are plenty of ways you can help the planet and improve your carbon footprint while also saving money.
So, to get you inspired, here are 17 ways to help the environment and save money.
1. Choose tap water over bottled water

Not only is bottled water massively overpriced, it’s also a huge waste of plastic. We’re often led to believe that bottled water is better for us – yet it can contain plastic toxins and leave an unsustainable trail of waste. Most plastic is also not recycled and ultimately ends up in landfill or oceans, causing untold damage to sea life and marine environments.
Tap water is usually perfectly fine to drink and you can buy a water filter or distiller if you’re concerned. Investing in a reusable water bottle is a good idea too.
2. Use a reusable coffee cup

Similarly, using a reusable coffee cup will help reduce the amount of plastic and cardboard going to landfill. Many of us enjoy buying hot drinks when we’re out and about and buying a reusable cup is such a simple way to live more sustainably.
Many coffee shops also offer discounts to customers who bring in their own cups, so if you regularly buy hot drinks when you’re out, those savings can soon add up. To find out what discounts are on offer at different coffee shops, check out this article from Ocean Finance.
3. Eat more plant-based foods

Aside from alcohol, meat, fish, and dairy tend to be the most expensive items in a food shop, so making an effort to eat more plant-based foods will likely save you money.
Plus, eating green is one of the best things you can do for the planet as animal agriculture produces 65% of the world’s nitrous oxide emissions.
According to studies by Oxford University, a global switch to a mostly plant-based diet would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by two-thirds, save up to eight million lives by 2050, and avoid climate damages of $1.5 trillion.
The cheapest and healthiest way to eat more plant-based food is just to eat more fruit and veg, and to make sure you’re getting protein and other nutrients from plant sources like beans, tofu, legumes, nuts, and seeds.
To see how tasty plant-based meals can be, take a look at these 14 healthy and easy vegetarian recipes. You can also find more information in our article; What are the benefits of a whole food, plant-based diet?
4. Eat local, seasonal produce

If you’re going to be buying more fruit and veg, it’s also helpful to try to eat local, seasonal produce whenever you can. All food has a carbon footprint, but food that’s flown in from abroad accounts for 11% of carbon emissions – and in the past 20 years, plane transportation of food has increased by 140%.
Eating locally not only means you’re reducing your food miles, but it’s considerably cheaper than eating out-of-season produce, or produce that’s imported. Seasonal produce is cheaper to harvest, which reduces the cost, while buying local produce means there’s no need for expensive transport or storage costs.
To find out more about the benefits of eating seasonally, check out our article; What fruit and vegetables are in season now?
5. Eliminate food waste

The UK throws away approximately 9.5 million tonnes of food waste each year. With animal agriculture being one of the leading causes of greenhouse gas emissions, when you consider that we’re throwing away meat, fish, and dairy, as well as plenty of other food, the waste becomes even more harmful.
Buying food only to throw it away is also a waste of our own money. So what are some of the best ways to eliminate food waste?
- Plan meals in advance: write down a rough menu for the week and only buy what’s on your list.
- Batch cook: cooking in bulk and then freezing the leftovers saves time and money, and reduces waste.
- Save veg scraps: use them to make your own veggie stock!
- Rescue food: using apps like Olio and TooGoodToGo allows you to buy food that would otherwise have been thrown away, at a fraction of the price.
6. Switch to a green energy supplier

Switching to a green energy supplier can make a huge difference to the health of the planet. Not only does it show the industry that the demand for green energy is there, thereby encouraging more suppliers to go green, but it also can greatly reduce your carbon footprint. Green energy is supplied by renewable energy generation, not fossil fuels.
There’s a common misconception that green energy is more expensive, but this simply isn’t true. In fact, it can actually save you hundreds of pounds each year.
There are also suppliers that offer a green tariff, which means that some (or all) of the energy you use is ‘matched’ by purchases of renewable energy that your supplier makes on your behalf.
You can find out more in our article; How do green energy tariffs work?
7. Be smart when washing your clothes

When washing your clothes, it’s always wise to have a full load of laundry to wash. Not only does this save water, but it also saves energy – and will lead to savings in utility bills. Even if you have a tumble dryer, you should still try to line-dry outside, or rack-dry, whenever you can.
Many people are investing in heated clothes airers to speed up the drying process – as they cost a fraction of the price of tumble dryers to run. You might want to check out our article on the Best heated clothes airers for drying laundry 2024 to find out more.
Washing clothes on cold, quick, or eco-friendly cycles as much as possible will also get clothes just as clean, but use less energy heating the water. It’s worth investing in a high-efficiency washing machine too (A+ rated machines are best), as these also save water and money.
And finally – though it might sound obvious – try to wear clothes for longer before washing them. Of course, this doesn’t mean going around in dirty clothes! But many items of clothing don’t need to be washed after a single wear, so try to make sure the clothes you’re washing actually need it.
8. Buy second-hand

Buying second-hand is easier on your wallet and can have surprisingly powerful benefits for our environment.
Manufacturing new products increases the number of items that are sent to landfill, and also contributes to air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, toxic waste, water pollution, and high water use.
Second-hand and charity shops are great places to buy clothes, shoes, books, and household items, but there are also many websites where you can buy second-hand items, from electronics to jewellery. Check out websites like Facebook Marketplace, Gumtree, Freecycle, Depop, Vinted, and eBay.
If you need to buy a new phone, laptop, or computer, it’s always smart to buy refurbished items – as not only are they cheaper, but they’re also usually as good as new.
9. Recycle or sell items

On a similar note, if you don’t wear certain clothes or shoes anymore, or want to get rid of old devices or pieces of furniture, there’s no need to throw them out.
Putting items up for sale does take a bit of effort, but you’ll get money back, and no matter how much you may no longer want to wear an item, that doesn’t mean no one else will. Remember, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure!
Our article, How to make money from your clutter, has plenty of tips and tricks on how to bring in some extra cash while giving a new lease of life to items that you no longer use.
Even if you think there’s no way you can sell an item, most recycling centres or local skips recycle old electronics, furniture, materials, and clothing, so it’s absolutely worth making the trip.
10. Buy from sustainable brands

It’s not always possible to find what you want in second-hand shops, so if you do need to buy new clothes, try to buy from sustainable clothing brands wherever you can.
Fast fashion is a huge threat to our planet, and in the UK, around 921,000 tonnes of material are thrown away in household waste each year.
If buying new, try to look for brands that use recycled or environmentally-friendly materials like organic cotton, hemp, and soya fabric, or materials that have been made using renewable energy. While these items might cost a bit more upfront, they’re designed to last, so you won’t have to replace them for a long time, which can save you money in the long run.
To check out some of the UK’s most ethical and sustainable clothing brands, have a read of this article from Good On You.
11. Unplug and switch off

Most of us don’t know that electricity is still flowing to devices like laptops and phones when they’re plugged in, even if they’re switched off. So, once your devices are fully charged, make sure to unplug them – otherwise, you’re just wasting energy and money.
If you leave your phone charger plugged in even when you’re not charging your phone, try to get into the habit of unplugging it. Rather than leaving your TV on standby (which many of us are guilty of!), switch it off when you’re not watching it. Always try to turn the lights off when you leave the room too.
Though these are all small actions, over time, the energy and money you save doing them will mount up.
12. Buy refills

Refill shops are quickly appearing all around the country, so why not take advantage of this and start buying refills of certain products?
Refill shops usually sell things like coffee granules, soap, shampoo and conditioner, herbs and spices, and food items like pasta, rice, and nuts.
Refilling your same reusable containers cuts down on plastic waste and usually costs less too. To find your nearest refill or zero waste shop, head over to The Zero Waste Network.
13. Make your own cleaning products

Shop-bought cleaning products are usually chock-full of toxins and unnecessary chemicals which, when they’re poured down the drain or flushed down the toilet, can harm the environment. Plus, they’re usually packaged in lots of plastic, and over the years the amount we spend on buying cleaning solutions can really mount up.
So why not save money and help protect the environment by making your own cleaning products?
This can be much easier than you may think, and often involves mixing together ingredients you already have at home. DIY solutions work just as well as shop-bought ones – and once you start making your own, you’ll probably never go back to buying them!
To learn more, check out our article; 7 effective natural cleaning products which cost pennies to make.
14. Swap kitchen roll for washable clothes and sponges

Kitchen roll is a staple in many kitchens, but there is normally little need to have it in your home. Instead of buying disposable paper products that cause unnecessary deforestation (and add to landfill), why not use washable clothes or sponges to mop up spills?
You can use old bits of cloth or kitchen towels as your ‘utility towels’, and when they’re dirty, just toss them in the washing machine (once it’s full, of course!). Not only is this greener than using paper towels, but it’s also far cheaper.
15. Take up cycling

Cycling is great for your health and saves money on fuel, public transport costs, and taxi fares – and is an effective way to reduce your carbon footprint.
While walking is also great for your health and the environment, some distances are just too far to get to on foot. So why not think about going on two wheels?
If you currently commute to work, you might want to check out the government’s Cycle to Work scheme, which gives you money off a new bike and can result in significant savings.
To find out more, you might want to read our article; A beginner’s guide to cycling.
16. Consider switching to an electric car

For many of us, having a car isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity – yet transport is responsible for nearly 30% of the UK’s total greenhouse gas emissions. While buying new petrol and diesel cars is set to be banned by 2035, why not get ahead and switch to an electric vehicle?
It may seem like a costly purchase right now, but in the long run, it could work out cheaper – and is significantly better for the planet. Plus, the government has introduced several discounts and tax incentives for electric vehicles, including drivers getting money off a new electric car via the plug-in grant.
To find out more, check out our articles; 10 of the best electric cars in 2024 and Should I buy an electric car?
17. Invest ethically

If you’re currently trying to save money, you might want to think about switching to an ethical bank or building society. It’s important to remember that when you have money in a current or savings account, the cash doesn’t just sit there waiting to be withdrawn; banks lend it out to businesses that need financial support.
If you invest in ethical banks and building societies, they will always look at supporting green businesses first.
To find out more about ethical investing, check out our article; What is an ethical investment ISA?
Final thoughts…
As this article hopefully shows, there are many ways you can make a positive difference, reduce your carbon footprint, live more sustainably, and save money while you’re at it.
Some steps, like investing in an electric car, may seem large, and you might not be in a position to make those changes today. But it’s worth remembering that the returns will be large too – both to the environment and to your bank balance.
And many other steps, like using reusable water bottles and coffee cups, eating more plant-based foods, and making your own cleaning solutions, are small steps that we can all do that really make a difference.
For more tips on living sustainably, you might want to read our articles; 13 tips for sustainable living and 9 ways to make your diet more environmentally friendly.
Are you trying to live more sustainably, but are worried it might cost more? Or do you have any other suggestions for ways people can help the environment while also saving money? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.
Selene Nelson is an author, freelance journalist, and lifestyle writer for Rest Less. After graduating from the University of Sussex with a degree in English Literature, Selene began contributing to many major newspapers and websites, and has written for the BBC, The Sunday Times, The Independent, Town & Country, and HuffPost. Her specialist subjects include food, travel, and health, though she enjoys writing about a wide range of topics (e.g. her two books are about veganism and psychopathy, respectively!). She enjoys cooking (particularly pasta and Asian noodle soups), reading, travelling, hiking, attempting to keep fit, and watching animal videos on YouTube.
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