If you haven’t already checked it out, Rest Less Events is our virtual community and events platform. All sessions are run through Zoom and cover a vast range of topics.

With around 100 events running monthly – from science talks to virtual travel tours – there’s surely something to interest you.

Below, we’ve pulled together some of our most exciting events coming up in August.

1. What’s up with the Sun? – the northern lights explained

When? Thursday 1st at 4:00pm

The northern lights are one of our planet’s most dazzling natural wonders. But have you ever thought about why they occur?

This one-off talk with astronomy professor Malcolm will explain the science behind this phenomenal light show. Plus, he’ll introduce us to solar winds and other ways the sun can affect our planet.

2. Craft Your Own Holiday Scents: Relaxation & Repellent

When? Monday 5th at 2:30pm

Join host Yewande for this fun and interactive session to create your very own summer-inspired scents.

Using simple ingredients that are easy to get your hands on, attendees will make a soothing lavender roll-on for deep relaxation and a practical citronella spray to repel insects. Both are ideal for taking on your next holiday!

3. Sailing to Malaysia, Brunei, and Singapore

When? Monday 5th at 4:00pm

If you’re interested in fascinating history, epic scenery, and unique culture, why not join host Sandy for this digital tour?

From the impressive architecture of Singapore to the remote jungles of Malaysia, this corner of Southeast Asia holds a treasure trove of experiences for all travellers. So set sail and discover them all from the comfort of your home.

4. Learn Portuguese: Taster Session

When? Tuesday 6th at 9:15am

There are plenty of reasons to learn Portuguese. Not only is it one of the 10 most spoken languages in the world, but it can also unlock cross-continental cultures – from the bustling streets of Lisbon to the gleaming bays of Rio.

If this sounds enticing, why not join our taster session for beginners? Throughout the hour, you’ll learn some basics, such as how to greet people and introduce yourself. It’s a perfect way to see if Portuguese is the ideal second language for you.

Learn Portuguese

5. Tales from the Elizabethan Underworld – A Warning To Country Folk

When? Tuesday 6th at 11:30am

Combining history and true crime, this event examines all the cons, swindles, and outright thievery country folk were subjected to in 16th-century London. Both shocking and amusing, this event takes a light look at the underbelly of Elizabethan society.

6. Divine Madness – Behind the scenes of Mozart's famous 'Da Ponte' Operas

When? Tuesday 6th at 4:00pm

Join husband and wife hosting duo Chris and Serena for this one-off lecture/recital on Mozart’s famous DaPonte operas: ‘The Marriage of Figaro’, ‘Don Giovanni’, and ‘Cosi fan tutte’.

In this event, Mozart aficionado, conductor, and translator Chris will offer us some fascinating insights into these beloved works. All the while, opera singer Serena will perform some excerpts to bring them to life. Divine Madness is a delightful mix of educational and enrapturing.

7. Cloud Storage

When? Wednesdays 7th and 21st at 10:00am

While it can be a little daunting, storing photos and videos in the cloud with apps like Google Photos is a great way to keep your memories safe and organised.

In this two-part event, the Three Discovery team introduce us to some of the possibilities of Google Photos. As well as listing the benefits of cloud storage, they’ll show us how to start backing up our libraries and accessing them from any device.

8. Great Poetry – an introduction to the poetic form

When? Wednesdays at 11:30am

For some, poetry is a source of emotion and inspiration. For others, however, it conjures feelings of boredom and memories of stale classrooms. But whether you’re an established poetry lover or interested in giving it a second chance, why not tune in to this four-part series from Dr Simon Gregor?

Throughout these sessions, Simon will share dozens of his favourite poems – offering analysis and context to help us understand them better. If you’ve always found poetry a bit tricky and unrelatable, this series will hopefully open it up and bring it to life.

Great Poetry – an introduction to the poetic form

9. Summer Gardens

When? Wednesdays 7th and 21st at 2:30pm

From lush planting and immaculate hedgerows to intricate fountains and gently flowing rills, the UK’s ornamental gardens are some of the best in the world. And this August, virtual tour guide Ginny is introducing Rest Less Events members to a handful of the most magnificent.

As well as some impressive imagery, audiences will be treated to plenty of fascinating history. Expect fun facts ranging from topics like George III (often referred to as ‘The Mad King’) to intrepid plant hunters in the Himalayas.

10. The Beginnings of 'Detective Fever'

When? Thursday 8th of August at 11:30am

In 1842, the Metropolitan Police established a plainclothes investigative force known as the ‘Detective Branch’. While these non-uniformed officers were originally met with suspicion, they soon captured the public’s imagination, partly thanks to the works of famous authors like Charles Dickens.

This lecture turns back the clock to the 1840s. We’ll discover what prompted the MET to create the Detective Branch and learn about some of their early cases. It’s an exciting mix of history and true crime.

11. Art through the Middle Ages in Europe

When? Thursdays 8th, 15th, and 22nd at 4:00pm

Tune into this three-part series about the different styles of art that developed across Europe during the Middle Ages.

Throughout the sessions, host Dr Lillian Cespedes Gonzalez will lead us from the fall of the Roman Empire to the end of the Gothic period. We’ll take a look at a range of styles – from Islamic art to the Romanesque.

12. Japan – Land of the Rising Sun

When? Friday 9th at 2:30pm

Described as “a fascinating talk with wonderful photos” by Rest Less reviewers, this event sees adventurer Sue travelling around the Land of the Rising Sun: Japan.

Throughout the hour, we’ll learn about this ‘cultural Galapagos’, taking a tour through its temples, shrines, and cities, while diving deep into its unique history. It’s ideal for those looking to set off on a digital adventure.

Japan – Land of the Rising Sun

13. Gyoza noodle soup

When? Monday 12th at 2:30pm

After exploring one of Asia’s most exciting countries in the previous event, why not taste some of the continent’s famous flavours? In part two of Chef Shamal’s Asian-inspired cooking series, we’ll learn how to cook gyoza noodle soup.

Quick, easy, and packed with delicious ingredients, gyoza noodle soup is a satisfying dish – perfect for lunch or dinner. Shamal will teach us how to use this base for many noodle soup variations and get a good depth of flavour in our broth.

14. Life Between the Wars

When? Tuesday 13th at 11:30am

Whether you’re a history buff or not, the odds are you know a fair bit about the two World Wars. But what about the period in between?

In ‘Life Between the Wars’, host Malcolm picks out some of the most notable events and figures from the interwar period – ranging from cinema and fashion to electricity and the automotive industry.

15. Going Underground: The Cave Elephants of Mt Elgon

When? Tuesday 13th at 4:00pm

Mt Elgon, an extinct volcano straddling the Kenya-Uganda border, is home to one of the most fascinating tribes of animals in the world. Here, a group of elephants regularly travel up to 150m into the mountain’s cave complex to mine salt with their tusks.

Tune into this fascinating event from wildlife enthusiast Stephen to learn more.

16. The Life and Times of J.S. Bach ‘Father of Music’

When? Wednesday 14th at 7:30pm

Baroque composer Johann Sebastian Bach is now regarded as one of the most talented and influential figures in music history. However, this wasn’t always the case, and his work was almost forgotten after he died in 1750.

Tune into this one-off event to learn about Bach’s life, works, and legacy – from his childhood as an orphaned virtuoso to his prolific career and how his work was saved from obscurity.

The Life and Times of J.S. Bach ‘Father of Music’

17. Sunny Skies: The Art of Summer

When? Thursday 15th at 11:30am

From Seurat’s sultry summer skies to Monet’s beach scenes, Gauguin’s Tahitian Landscape to Hockney’s A Bigger Splash, artists have always tried to capture the essence of summer.

In this one-off lecture from host Jacqui, Rest Less Events members can take a close look at some of the best summer-inspired pieces from the National Gallery.

18. Lucille Ball

When? Friday 16th at 4:00pm

Over her lengthy career, Lucille Ball captured the hearts of the American public and became one of Hollywood’s most treasured icons. You probably know her as the star of I Love Lucy, but did you know she faced loss, betrayal, and scandal behind the scenes?

Join host Judy for this deep dive into the life and works of a showbiz legend.

19. Aromatherapy at home – using essential oils safely in everyday life

When? Monday 19th at 4:00pm

Aromatherapy is a holistic treatment that uses essential oils to boost health. Practitioners claim that it can help manage pain, treat headaches, and reduce stress and anxiety, among other things.

Want to learn more? Why not sign up for this aromatherapy at-home event? Host Emm covers the basics of aromatherapy and shares insights into how you can blend essential oils at home. It’s ideal for anyone who doesn’t know much about this alternative therapy but would like to.

20. Uzbekistan

When? Tuesday 27th at 11:30am

Uzbekistan is one of those countries that many of us have heard of but know very little about. But if you want to change that, tune in for this exciting new event.

Throughout the hour, host Amee will lead audiences through Uzbekistan’s varied history and vibrant traditions. With her special interest in art history, she places extra emphasis on architecture – including the country’s dazzling, Persian-inspired domes and turquoise geometric tile work. It’s perfect for anyone looking to discover hidden travel gems.


21. Working With Some of the Most Dangerous Men in the Country. 7 Years Inside!

When? Tuesday 27th at 4:00pm

Have you ever wanted to glimpse beyond the razor-wire fences of the UK’s prisons? In this talk, photographer Janine Kilroe shares some interesting tales from inside the walls of this secluded world.

Having taught prisoners photography for eight years, Janine will talk about some of her own experiences, as well as some national news stories.

22. History's Hidden Gems: Facts You Never Knew

When? Thursday 29th at 11:30am

For many of us, our experiences with history in school were rather dry. Whether memorising dates or learning about the crop rotation system, some lessons just failed to capture our imaginations. But delving deep into the past doesn’t have to be that way.

Tune in to History’s Hidden Gems with Jem to explore some of the most obscure and entertaining facets of history. You can expect answers to questions ranging from ‘Who’s the most destructive man who ever lived?’ to ‘How were medieval arrows like Swiss Army knives?’.

23. Meerkats, Mokoros and the Magic of Botswana

When? Thursday 29th at 4:00pm

Set off on a wildlife adventure around one of Africa’s most enrapturing destinations. Throughout this event, attendees will learn about all the different ecosystems that make Botswana such a sought-after destination for nature lovers, and marvel at the vast array of wildlife to be found there.

From the arid landscapes of the salt pans to the marshes of the Chobe National Park, there’s plenty to discover.

24. Navigating Your Next Chapter: Retirement & Redirection

When? Friday 30th at 11:00am

Retirement can be an exciting chapter in anyone’s life. Giving up our nine-to-five can offer us a chance to relax, travel, get stuck into rewarding pastimes, or even launch an entirely new career. But, for some, it can be a tricky transition.

This online workshop is designed to help you ease into this next stage, whatever you’d like from it. Host Karen will help participants understand what their retirement goals are and create a plan – all while prioritising their wellbeing and celebrating the working life they’re leaving behind.

Final thoughts…

From art history lectures to wellbeing workshops, we hope this list gives you an idea of what Rest Less Events you can join this August.

However, with around 100 sessions running every month, we can’t possibly cover them all here. So why not check out our calendar to discover what else is coming up?

Our free membership offers users two events per month (and if you miss the ones you sign up for, you can always watch the recordings afterwards). Or, for unlimited access to everything Rest Less Events offers, you can upgrade to our premium membership for just £6.99 per month.

Are you a Rest Less Events member? If so, which ones have you enjoyed? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below.