If you haven’t already checked it out, Rest Less Events is our virtual community and events platform. All sessions are run through Zoom and cover a vast range of topics.

With around 100 events running monthly – from art classes to history talks – there’s surely something to interest you.

Below, we’ve pulled together some of our most exciting events coming up in June.

1. Vibrant Still Life: 4-Week Course

When? Mondays at 6:00pm

Whether you’re drawing a bowl of fruit, a glass of wine, or a towering tree in your garden, the art of still life can transform everyday objects into something unique and beautiful. With this in mind, London-based artist Caitlin Heslop is offering Rest Less Events members a four-week course on how to create vibrant still-life drawings.

Over the coming sessions, you’ll tackle various classic still-life subjects (from vegetables to painted ceramics), using colourful mediums like pastels and coloured pencils to bring them to life in a distinctive way.

2. Treasures of Ottoman Istanbul

When? Tuesdays 4th and 11th at 11:30am

Fancy taking a cultural city break from the comfort of your own home? Then why not sign up for this two-part talk on the treasures of Ottoman Istanbul?

Over the two sessions, art historian Antonia Cevizli will introduce us to some of the Turkish capital’s main attractions before moving on to some lesser-known sights.

At each stop, Antonia will give us a glimpse back in time into the history and cultural significance of Istanbul’s most impressive sights.

3. Diarists of the Second World War

When? Thursday 6th at 11:30am

Have you ever fancied taking a truly personal look into one of the most important periods of modern history? Well, thanks to The Mass Observation Project, which encouraged people to write about their experiences in the mid-20th century, we can!

In this one-off session, we’ll look at two diarists who chronicled their everyday lives during the Second World War.

Diarists of the Second World War

4. Romans in Britain

When? Thursdays at 4:00pm

From introducing Christianity to building roads that are still used today, the Romans left a lasting mark on our nation and its people. But how much about their time here do you know?

In this epic, four-part event, Chris (aka The History Chap) takes us through the Roman occupation of Britain – from their arrival in the first century CE to their departure in the 400s.

5. Scotland Yard Fingerprint Masterclass

When? Monday 10th at 4:00pm

The science of fingerprinting has led to the capture and conviction of some of the world’s most notorious criminals – from the Great Train Robbers to the people involved in the 1996 Dockland bombings. But have you ever stopped to think about how it works?

Join ex-detective Steve as he introduces us to this unique crime-stopping tool – including its development and the science behind it. He’ll also take us through famous cases that used fingerprinting, and you’ll even get to run your own mini-investigation. A perfect event for lovers of true crime!

6. Journeys Through Southeast Asia

When? Tuesday 11th at 4:00pm

Over the last five decades, Chris Forse has travelled around Southeast Asia. His adventures have taken him through the jungles of Northern Thailand, to heritage sites like Angkor Wat and Borobudur, and into the lively hearts of some of the region’s most colourful cities.

During this one-off event, Chris will reflect on his travels and explore how Southeast Asia has changed over the decades.

Journeys Through Southeast Asia

7. Let’s Hear It For The Girls: Female Classical Composers

When? Wednesday 12th at 8:00pm

While the industry has taken steps to promote the works of female composers in recent years, some of the most talented women from past and present still remain largely unknown to casual admirers of classical music.

With this in mind, host Claire brings us a one-off session on three female virtuosos from the world of classical music: Rebecca Clarke, Dorothy Howell, and Doreen Carwithen. As Claire promises, even if you haven’t yet heard of their names, you won’t forget them after tuning into this event.

8. The Visual Arts in the Court of Louis XIV

When? Thursday 13th at 11:30am

The reign of Louis XIV (or ‘the Sun King’, as he was known) was a revolutionary time for visual arts in France. As The Metropolitan Museum of Art tells us, “all the arts would revolve around the king’s personal tastes […] and would reflect the power and splendo[u]r of the sovereign and the state.”

In this event, Dr Lillian Cespedes Gonzalez delves deep into the visual arts at the Sun King’s court, including their lasting impact on shaping modern France. Topics include the iconic architecture of the Louvre and the Palace of Versailles, as well as the artistic prodigy Charles Le Brun, who served in Louis’s court.

9. The Vietnam War: A Two-Part History

When? Fridays 14th and 21st at 2:30pm

Join popular historian Jem Duducu as he explores one of recent memory’s most harrowing and complicated conflicts. Throughout the two talks, he’ll cover topics like how European colonialism influenced the Vietnam War, what role World War II played in the bloody events, and its lasting impact on the U.S.

The Vietnam War: A Two-Part History

10. A Journey through Namibia

When? Tuesday 18th at 11:30am

Full of stunning wildlife, otherworldly landscapes, and dazzling culture, Namibia is an entirely unique destination that many of us know very little about. But if you’re interested in finding out more, why not tag along on this virtual adventure with host Jenny?

As an ecologist, Jenny has led many expeditions to Africa, some of which took her to Namibia. Drawing on these personal experiences, Jenny introduces us to this little-explored country’s fascinating history and wildlife.

11. Being Safe & Legal Online

When? Wednesdays 19th and 26th at 10:00am

In June, the 3 Discovery Team is back with another digital workshop. This time, they’ll teach Rest Less Events members how to stay safe online and avoid scams.

Throughout the two sessions, attendees will hopefully learn how to create secure passwords, set up two-factor authentication, identify secure websites, and more.

Plus, if you attend both parts live, you’ll come away with an official CPD certificate.

12. Forty Years Catching Smugglers

When? Thursday 20th at 11:30am

Over his 40-year career, ex-customs officer Malcolm Nelson has had his fair share of interesting experiences – including finding the largest quantity of drugs by weight in a single suitcase. As he explains, his job was “interesting, bizarre, often hilarious, and sometimes sad, but never, never dull.”

Drawing on his firsthand experiences, Malcolm brings us this fascinating insight into his former job.

Forty Years Catching Smugglers

13. Celebrating the Solstice: Morris Dancing Traditions

When? Friday 21st at 4:00pm

Ring in the summer solstice this year with virtual tour guide Ginny as she unravels the history of Morris Dancing.

As well as watching some dancing for ourselves at significant events like St George’s Day and the solstice, Ginny will introduce us to the traditional outfits and the members of the band. It’s a one-of-a-kind glimpse into a little-known part of English folk tradition.

14. Gothic Art & Architecture

When? Tuesday 25th at 11:30am

From towering cathedrals like Notre Dame to dazzling paintings, sculptures, and stained glass, the Gothic style produced some of the most stunning examples of creativity in history.

In this one-off presentation, host Malcolm discusses the emergence of Gothic art and architecture, including where the name comes from and its lasting effect on European art’s development.

15. Medieval Medicinal Plants: Miasmas, Monks and Mandrake

When? Thursday 27th at 11:30am

Medicine has come an astonishingly long way over the centuries. But do you ever find yourself wondering how illnesses used to be treated? If so, why not travel back to the late Middle Ages with Dr Gwenda Kyd?

Throughout the talk, Gwenda will explore how medieval people viewed medicine and common diseases. However, the main focus will be on how plants were used to treat and prevent illness – and which ones are still used today!

Final thoughts…

From science and history talks to personal insights into the workings of law enforcement, we hope this list gives you an idea of what Rest Less Events you can join this June.

However, with around 100 sessions running every month, we can’t possibly cover them all here. So why not check out our calendar to discover what else is coming up?

Our free membership offers users two events per month (and if you miss the ones you sign up for, you can always watch the recordings afterwards). But, for unlimited access to everything that Rest Less Events offers, you can upgrade to our premium membership for just £6.99 per month.

Are you a Rest Less Events member? If so, which ones have you enjoyed? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below.