Volunteering with a health condition or disability

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There are plenty of ways you can volunteer with a health condition or disability and we want to help you find the right role for you. Read more below to find out how you can make a difference today.


Most charities, services and organisations will adapt volunteering roles wherever possible, so if you have a health condition or disability, you can still get involved. This involves guiding you through the application process, providing additional equipment to assist you in your role, and helping you undertake relevant training.

Although most organisations will be happy to make adjustments to suit individual needs, some proactively champion volunteering roles for people with health conditions and disabilities e.g. Citizens Advice. By recruiting more volunteers with health conditions and disabilities, organisations can develop their understanding of needs and accessibility issues facing individuals like yourself.

If volunteering in a healthcare or disability field, you will have greater empathy and understanding towards individuals that the charity, service or organisation aims to support. You could also help to break down false stereotypes and perceptions held by society.

Less physical roles

Everyone is unique, so you will know best the type of role that would suit you. For example, if you have a physical disability, you might prefer to undertake a less physical role, such as counselling a child in need for a charity such as the NSPCC. This role involves listening and communication skills, and does not rely on being physically able. You could also become a Peer Advocate for an advocacy organisation like SEAP.

Volunteering from home

There are also a number of volunteering activities that you can undertake from home if you  would prefer to make a difference from your home setting. For example UN Volunteers offer a wide range of online volunteering roles that can be done by anyone, anywhere in the world. Roles are in fields such as art and design, or writing and editing and all opportunities contribute towards global development. Health issues and disabilities don’t have to be a barrier to volunteering if you don’t want them to.

If you’re interested in volunteering with a health condition or disability, then why not head over to the volunteering section of our site where you can browse opportunities near you?

Why volunteer later in life?

More and more people are finding satisfaction in Volunteering. Find out why you should become a volunteer and the benefits it can bring.

Find your purpose

Volunteer for a charity and you will be joining a mission to make the world a better place. Find a cause that inspires you and get started.

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