In recent years, scientists have claimed that ‘60 is the new 40’ in response to our ageing population and research into changing attitudes on what it means to be ‘old’.

In 2000, the UK’s average life expectancy was 77, but by 2020 this had risen to 81. A survey carried out by Treasure Trails also found that more than half of over 60s surveyed believed that old age now started at 76, while nearly a third believed it began at 80.

Plus, 46% of survey respondents claimed to feel fitter than their parents of the same age and one in 10 said that they had more energy than their children.

With people living longer, healthier lives than ever before, there’s been a natural shift in the milestones and lifestyles traditionally associated with different age brackets. People are getting married later, having children later, working longer, ‘unretiring’, and continuing to pursue new challenges and adventures well into their 60s, 70s, and beyond.

In an interview with The Mirror, Doctor Sergei Scherbov, who has led studies into ageing, said, “Age can be measured as time already lived or it can be adjusted taking into account time left to live. What we think of as old has changed over time, and it will need to continue changing in the future as people live longer, healthier lives.

“Someone who is 60 years old today, I would argue, is middle-aged – but 200 years ago, a 60-year-old would be a very old person.”

You’re only as old as you feel

However, many would argue that we shouldn’t have to wait for scientists or society to redefine how we should behave or perceive each other based on age. Instead, each and every one of us can live life according to how we feel and the outlook we choose to adopt.

Baseball star, Satchel Paige, once said, “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?” – and research suggests that Paige could have the right idea.

Not only does the average person over 60 say that they feel 12 years and five months younger than their actual age, but a recent study also found that people who perceived themselves as older, were biologically older. This highlights a strong link between the mind and body. 

While it can be difficult to disregard numbers and societal expectations about age, if we do – and start living a life that’s centred around our own beliefs, values, interests, and passions – the possibilities for who we can be and what we can achieve become limitless.

Letting go of the life we think we should lead based on our chronological age means not trying to chase the fountain of youth or conform to outdated views that you should slow down once you reach the State Pension age, if that’s not the right decision for you.

Rather, it’s about embracing life at every stage in the way that you want to and in a way that leaves you feeling fulfilled and satisfied. It’s also about taking time to celebrate the growth, development, and experience that comes with each year of being alive – and using it to enjoy life in new ways.

Breaking the mould

Breaking the mould

Since Rest Less first launched in 2018, we’re incredibly proud to have spoken to many members who are prime examples of what it means to step outside of your comfort zone and embrace opportunities, regardless of age.

Take, for example, 78-year-old Moya Goatley and 52-year-old Christine Rollinson who’ve recently completed university degrees. Or Maura Ward, who celebrated her 70th birthday by climbing Mount Fuji six months after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.

We also spoke to 51 and 61-year-olds Jon and Steve this year, as they prepare to row across the Atlantic, and 60-year-old Irini Tzortzoglou, who won Masterchef in 2016.

Plus, when it comes to the world of work, many people in their 50s and 60s are swapping retirement for career changes, part-time roles, volunteering opportunities, and entrepreneurship. Some people have also retired only to discover that they miss the social and learning opportunities that come with work.

One such example is Dee Flower, who began working with young people with autism and learning disabilities at age 68, eight months after retiring.

We also spoke to Mark Pearson, 58, about taking his first steps toward becoming a dog trainer after a career as an HGV driver; Kim Wright left her high-powered management job to drive a patient transport ambulance in her 50s; and Ian Palmer opened a whisky distillery at 57.

And it’s not just people in their 50s and 60s who are chasing new adventures. There are countless examples of those in their 90s and even 100s who are continuing to make the most of what life has to offer…

Jack Reynolds broke a world recording by getting his first tattoo on his 104th birthday. Fauja Singh (or ‘Turbaned Tornado’) ran several marathons (one at 104!) after taking up long-distance running at 89. And in 2020, at 105 years old, Yu Te-Hsin became the oldest person to tandem paraglide.

So, is 60 really the new 40?

In her recent article, journalist and author Gillian Harvey said, “Let’s face it, nobody is going to claim that 40 is the new 20, or that 20 is the new foetus.” And she’s right…if 60 really was the new 40, where would that leave everyone who’s actually in their 40s, 50s, or younger?

But, the claim ‘60 is the new 40’ is really just a way to describe the way that people are living longer, healthier lives, and feeling younger at 60 than their parents and grandparents did – which is something to celebrate.

And as much as this is linked with medical advances, improved sanitation, and increased knowledge and understanding of health and nutrition, how we spend our time can also significantly impact how young we feel.

Research has shown that 20% of people surveyed over 60 felt that playing with their grandchildren kept them young, while 11% enjoy gaming, and many like participating in sport.

Final thoughts…

Ageing is a blessing, and here at Rest Less we believe that 60 is the new 60! Rather than comparing 60-year-olds to 40-year-olds, we should spend more time celebrating the positive aspects of 60, of which there are many.

As a society, we seem to shy away from acknowledging a person’s real age – telling children that they look or act older than they are and adults that they seem younger. But, what if we started putting age aside and accepting people for who they are, living in the here and now, and challenging the limits of what society expects of us at every age milestone?

Many current beliefs around ageing are based on information that’s no longer valid. It’s up to all of us to continue breaking the mould and paving the way for others who are yet to see the beauty that ageing can bring.

As Cindy Joseph once said, “Ageing is just another word for living.” So, what will your next adventure be?

For further reading, you might be interested in our article; 8 healthy ways to embrace ageing, or these 20 honest comments from Rest Less members on the best things about ageing.

Do you believe that 60 is the new 40? Do you feel younger than your age? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!