Many of us enjoy picking up our cameras and smartphones to capture memories and see the world through a different lens.
With this shift in perspective often comes a new appreciation for things that we might have otherwise taken for granted, such as a sunrise or the sight of a happy dog fetching his stick in the park.
When our world seems a bit dull, bleak, or even a little frightening, getting involved in photography can help to shine a light on the beauty of our daily surroundings and identify the positives.
It can also allow us to explore our creativity and produce images that might evoke a range of different emotions. For many people, this can be incredibly cathartic and can have many of the same benefits as journaling.
Plus, getting involved with a range of different projects can allow you to try some new techniques, engage in something rewarding, and produce something that you feel proud of.
With that said, here are eight fun photography projects that will hopefully get you inspired.
1. 365-day project

“There are no ordinary moments”
Dan Millen
Starting a 365-day project can be a fun and creative way to add structure to your photography journey, especially if you’re looking to make it a regular, long-term hobby.
This involves taking a photograph every day for a year.
Some people choose to turn their photos into a video at the end and watch it like a mini-movie, while others might decide to print out their photos and arrange them in an album. Looking back on a year of our life in photos can remind us of little things we might have forgotten – while encouraging us to practise gratitude.
Sometimes it can be useful to stop and enjoy some deeper reflection, and remember some of the smaller moments that helped shape your year.
Your photos can be as adventurous or as simple as you like. Examples could include a snowy scene from your bedroom window, a photo of a dinner you’ve cooked that you’re really proud of, or a self-portrait.
If you feel ready to get started, it’s worth heading over to the Project 365 website.
You could also consider using social media sites like Instagram or Flickr to store your photos, while sharing them with friends and family at the same time. Or, if you’d prefer to record a video each day instead of taking photos, why not consider downloading the free app 1 second everyday?
Finally, check out the video below for inspiration, or read this article on Top Tips for a 365 photo project from The Telegraph.
2. Self-portrait photo series

“I knew who I was this morning but I’ve changed a few times since then”
Alice in Wonderland
While taking self-portraits might not initially feel like the most comfortable thing to do; it comes with some big rewards. Self-portraits can be used as a means of self-exploration and self-expression, and can help us learn to accept ourselves exactly as we are.
Being in front of the camera, rather than behind it, can also help you to gain a great understanding of poses, angles, and lighting, so you’ll be better equipped to direct your subjects in future.
How often you decide to take a self-portrait is completely up to you, but many people opt for one photo or video clip a week. You might decide to take a self-portrait in the same spot, posed in the same way, every week, and then collate the results and turn them into a time-lapse video.
To see an example, watch this video of a man who took a photo of himself every day for 20 years, or the video below of a man hiking through China for a year.
You might also choose to create a self-portrait series that portrays the many different roles you play in life. For instance, a portrait of you in your workwear, a photo that shows you as a parent, another of you dressed up to meet friends, and so on. Taking photos of the ‘many sides’ of ourselves can be a useful way to explore our identity, acknowledge our accomplishments, and understand how many different layers we all have beyond the surface.
Before you start taking self-portraits, you might benefit from buying a tripod. It’s also a good idea to get familiar with the ‘self-timer’ and ‘burst mode’ features on your digital camera or smartphone.
The self-timer function allows you a few seconds to get into position before the photo is taken, while the burst mode feature enables you to take several shots in succession, while trying out a variety of different angles and poses.
For more tips on how to master self-portrait photography, it’s worth having a read of this article from Canon. Or to get inspired, check out these 100 self-portrait photography ideas.
3. A-Z photo project

"Creativity involves breaking out of expected patterns in order to look at things in a different way"
Edward de Bono
Wanting to get stuck into photography is one thing, but working out what to start taking photos of can be another issue entirely. If this sounds familiar, you might want to consider starting an A-Z photo project, where you capture images of objects or scenes beginning with each letter of the alphabet.
This can be a fun way to explore and discover new perspectives of your surroundings, with some letters proving more challenging than others!
The majority of people prefer to work on a letter a day so that they can give their full attention to that letter and get as creative as possible. It’s also a great way to take on an almost month-long project, which can give you something to look forward to each day. When you’ve collected your 26 images, there’s no reason why you can’t start again, or spend some time editing the ones you’ve collected.
Comparing one A-Z project to the last can also be an interesting way to see how your photography skills are progressing; not just technically, but also creatively. Often, the more we look, the more we see, and once we have a few ideas, we tend to have many more.
Have a watch of the video below to see an example of an A-Z challenge.
4. 30-day photo challenge

A 30-day photo challenge can give you a chance to experiment with new ideas, and explore your creativity. Each day you’ll have a new photography task to complete.
You might decide to create your own challenge by setting out a plan for which tasks you’ll complete each day – or you could try a ready-made 30-day challenge instead. This might be more fun as you won’t know what to expect each day, plus it’ll likely push you out of your comfort zone.
For example, you could try this 30-day photo challenge from Expert Photography. On day one, you’ll be asked to take a self-portrait, on day two, you’ll grasp the rule of thirds, on day three, you’ll be taking an image in black and white, and so on.
These challenges are a bit like intensive courses, where you’ll be able to push yourself to try a range of different techniques and ideas in a short space of time.
5. ‘A day in the life’ photo project

“Life isn’t a matter of milestones, but of moments”
Rose Kennedy
As people, we’re curious about the lives of others and often seek to feel more connected. So, it’s perhaps no surprise that photo projects which provide insight into ‘a day in the life’ of a person or animal are incredibly popular.
‘A day in the life’ project involves capturing a range of images (or video clips) that depict a typical day in your life – or in the life of someone else.
If you’re starting with your own life, you might think that images of your morning coffee and your daily walk are mundane. But, to someone else, these snapshots provide a window of insight into a life that could be vastly different from their own.
Before you get started with your own ‘a day in the life’ project, it can help to draw inspiration from others. Have a look at this example of a day in the life of a mum with young children, or this one which shows a day in the life of the photographer’s 96-year-old grandma.
6. Step outside your comfort zone and learn a new technique

Like many things in life, when we find something we like and feel comfortable with, we tend to stick with it.
However, if you really want to hone your talent when it comes to photography, it’s important to step outside of your comfort zone every now and again. Why not try a new lens, a new way of editing, or a new setting on your smartphone camera?
The beauty of digital cameras and smartphones is that photos can be deleted, so there’s plenty of room for trial and error.
A helpful way to decide what new techniques you want to focus your time on can be to start with something completely unfamiliar to you. For instance, are there aperture or super macro settings on your smartphone camera that you’ve never thought to try? Or perhaps you’ve always wondered how light painting works?
You could also choose to photograph different subjects. Perhaps if you usually photograph inanimate objects, you could take some wildlife or landscape shots.
If you can’t think of any specific photography skills or techniques that you’d like to focus on, another option is to work your way through a course or a book – and to spend some time trying to master each one before moving on to the next.
Books like Experimental Photography: A Handbook of Techniques and Photography Masterclass: Creative Techniques of 100 Great Photographers can be helpful places to start.
There are also a number of specific techniques that you can try to enhance your photography. The video below will show you 10 photography tricks you can try at home.
7. Use your smartphone only

While there’s no denying that digital (or DSLR) cameras are amazing tools to have, these days, smartphone cameras can also be incredibly powerful. Plus, they’re easier to carry around.
One photography project you could try is to use only your smartphone. This will require you to really explore the settings on your phone and see what works well and what doesn’t.
If you really want to challenge yourself, you could also try experimenting with different high-quality photo editing apps, such as Snapseed, Adobe Lightroom, and VSCO. These will allow you to make quick and easy adjustments to your photos from your smartphone.
For tips on how to improve your mobile photography skills, watch the video below or check out our article; How to take better photos with your phone.
8. Gratitude photo project

“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things”
Robert Brault
Taking on a photography project can not only be a fun way to develop some new skills, it can also be an effective way to practise gratitude.
A gratitude photo project (where you take regular photos of the things you love or appreciate most) can be an uplifting way to remind yourself of what you’re most grateful for in life.
It could include anything from your scrambled eggs on toast in the morning or your favourite cosy jumper, to portraits of your family and the people who matter most in your life.
As well as reminding us what we’re most grateful for, think how fulfilling it’ll be to look back on your project after a few months, and see all the things you love most. A project like this also encourages us to look for the good in every day, which can be a particularly helpful coping mechanism when times get tough.
Final thoughts…
Photography can open up our world in many different ways. Not only can it help us learn some new skills, but it can encourage us to look a little closer at the world around us and see some of the beauty we might otherwise overlook. And a photography project can be a fun and creative way to do this!
Plus, photography can preserve our memories and leave a legacy for future generations.
If you’re new to photography, you might find it helpful to check out our articles; A beginner’s guide to photography and 16 types of photography to master.
Are you thinking about taking on any of the photography projects above? Or do you have any additional photography project ideas that you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!