Whether it’s a first or 40th anniversary, for many people, celebrating their relationship is a meaningful occasion. Anniversaries can be a time to show your partner just how much you love and appreciate them – a chance to connect (or reconnect) and make more lasting memories. Plus, there are plenty of ways to make the day special without breaking the bank.

If your anniversary is approaching and you’re looking for a unique way to celebrate, we’ve got some ideas. Whether you want to push the boat out and treat your partner to a once-in-a-lifetime activity or would rather save the pennies and enjoy something cosy, intimate, and inexpensive – we’ve got you covered!

Here are 16 ideas for memorable anniversary celebrations.

1. Book a couples’ spa day

Book a couples’ spa day

Anniversaries are all about unwinding and enjoying your time together – and what better way of unwinding together than to book a couple’s spa day? Treating yourself to an indulgent pamper session will always feel like a special occasion, and the matching robes, ambient music, and lovely fragrances can make things even more romantic.

You can book joint experiences, like couples’ massages, or just enjoy the spa facilities together. If money is tight but you like the idea of a pamper day, why not treat each other to a spa experience at home? You can give each other massages and facials, try out luxurious face masks, and light candles and essential oils to set the mood.

2. Go on a dinner cruise

If the idea of a proper cruise feels a little over the top for an anniversary celebration…you might want to consider a dinner cruise instead. You and your partner will climb aboard a stylish boat to enjoy an elegant evening on the water. And, there are canal cruises in cities, rural river cruises, and dinner cruises on the open ocean – so where you sail is up to you (and your location).

Most cruises depart before sunset, so you can enjoy some aperitifs while you enjoy the view. Then it’s time for dinner! Depending on the time of year, and the boat itself, you can either sit on deck or indoors, and you’ll be treated to a delicious three-course meal as you cruise across the water. A special experience you’ll remember for years to come.

3. Cook a special meal

If the idea of a special meal sounds nice but you don’t fancy a dinner cruise – or perhaps don’t even want to leave the house – then why not cook a special meal at home? Food is inextricably linked to romance, and one perk of cooking for your partner is that you know exactly what they like to eat, and what meals they’ll get most excited by.

If you both like cooking, one of you could cook lunch and the other dinner. Alternatively, why not cook a meal together? Cooking together is intimate, fun, and romantic, and there are many ways you can make the evening more exciting. You could try an online cooking class, choose a specific cuisine for your dinner, or experiment with a fancy new recipe.

For some romantic recipe inspiration, check out our article, 10 recipes for an at-home date night.

4. Go wine or beer tasting

Go wine or beer tasting

If you or your partner are passionate about wine or beer, then enjoying some tastings on your anniversary can be a fun and romantic way to spend the day. You can go on an organised wine or beer tour through your city, visit local wineries or breweries by yourself, or even book yourselves onto wine-tasting or craft-beer classes near you.

Aside from tasting some delicious new tipples, you’ll probably learn a thing or two from the experts – and can treat yourselves to a few bottles to take home and enjoy later.

If you’re looking for ideas on where to go, Virgin Wines offer wine tasting experiences throughout the country. You can sample from their wide range of wines, meet winemakers, and receive personalised recommendations about which wines will be best for you.

5. Plan a scavenger hunt

Plan a scavenger hunt

Do you and your partner enjoy games and have a sense of adventure? Then a romantic scavenger hunt is a great anniversary celebration. It takes some planning and effort, but that’s what makes it memorable. You can do scavenger hunts outdoors and hide clues in meaningful locations, or do one at home, hiding clues in places where you’ve shared special moments.

You could hide clues in your favourite restaurant, park, or pub – or anywhere that feels meaningful to you both. Each clue should point to the next location, and you can include activities too. For example, you might stop for a drink in a pub, walk around a park, and have lunch in a restaurant. This is a lovely way to focus on what makes your relationship special and relive meaningful moments.

For ideas on how to create a romantic scavenger hunt, you might want to check out this article.

6. Go on a romantic hike

If you both enjoy the outdoors and being active, then why not go on a romantic hike? You can choose to explore a new place and hike along a brand new trail, or you can retrace your steps along one of your favourite paths, and reminisce about past walks as you trek.

There’s something intimate about being alone in nature. Not only can you enjoy glorious views but without the distractions of city life and other people around you, chances are, you’ll also be more in tune with each other, which may help you reconnect. To make the experience even more memorable, why not pack a special picnic?

For tips on making the perfect anniversary picnic, why not have a read of our article; 10 picnic recipe ideas?

7. Go camping

Go camping

If you like the idea of going hiking together but want to extend the experience – or make it even more eventful – then why not go camping together? Camping is one of the best ways you can embrace your sense of adventure and feel connected with the world around you.

Plus, being properly immersed in nature, sitting around a campfire, and sleeping under nothing but the sparkling stars, can bring couples together. It can help you escape from the monotony of daily life and focus on the joy of your relationship.

Going camping together doesn’t have to be a big trip; you can just pitch a tent for a night at a nice campsite near you. Or, if you’d like to make it a bit more of an occasion, you might want to have a look at our list of 10 of the prettiest camping destinations in the UK.

8. Explore a new city

Sharing new experiences is always memorable, and if you both like travelling and exploring, you could take a trip to a new city. If you’re watching your wallet, bear in mind that this doesn’t have to be a really expensive activity. You could visit a city that’s just a couple of hours away for the day, use public transport, eat at cheap places, and make the most of free entertainment like museums.

If you’re happy to spend a bit more, why not make the trip even more momentous and stay overnight? Book yourself into a local hotel or B&B, and enjoy a day wandering around at your leisure, visiting all the sites and losing yourself in the unfamiliar streets. Then, in the evening, treat yourself to a nice dinner, a show, or a few drinks – or all three!

If you want some inspiration for some of the best cities to explore, you might want to check out our article; 16 of the best UK city breaks.

9. Go to a rooftop bar

Go to a rooftop bar

If you’d like to keep it pretty simple, and just fancy going out for a few drinks and enjoying some cosy conversation, why not forgo your local pub or bar and go somewhere a bit more special instead?

Rooftop bars can feel just that little bit more glamorous than normal bars. Plus, enjoying a few cocktails while watching the sunset, and then admiring the glittering cityscape, can be incredibly romantic.

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10. Have a game night

For a low-key but fun anniversary at home, why not have a game night? If you’re a fan of board games, you can have a board game marathon, making it a bit more special by lighting a scented candle and playing some relaxing music. You can even up the stakes by adding romantic prizes for the winner, like coupons for breakfast in bed or a massage!

Alternatively, why not keep things fresh by playing some new games? New games are all about novelty, which can help relationships stay healthy – and playing games with your partner can be an enjoyable way to learn more about each other.

To have a look at some of the best games for couples to play, why not have a read of this article by Good Housekeeping?

11. Take a dance class together

Taking a dance class together is almost always an enjoyable experience for a couple. If you’re lucky enough to be a couple with rhythm, you’ll hopefully love mastering a new style of dance and seeing how you progress. Though, even, if you both have two left feet, you can have fun laughing at yourselves – all while getting your blood pumping and enjoying a sensual one-on-one activity!

Dancing is proven to boost your mood too, so no matter how the class goes, you’re sure to leave feeling light, happy, and connected – the perfect way to continue your celebrations! There are many dances you can learn, from a sultry salsa to a fun two-step, so you can pick whichever style speaks to you most. Check out our article, 9 dance styles from around the world or our introduction to ballroom dancing, to find out more.

Or, if you don’t fancy the idea of an in-person dance class, you can always join a virtual dance class from the comfort of your own home. For ideas, you might want to read our article; 11 online dance classes for beginners.

12. Ride in a hot air balloon

Ride in a hot air balloon

If you’re looking for a truly unforgettable anniversary experience, why not take a ride in a hot air balloon? This sky-high adventure is on many people’s bucket lists, and for good reason: the sensation of drifting up into the sky in a basket, gazing down at the awe-inspiring views unfolding beneath you, is something you’ll remember for the rest of your life.

Hot air balloons are also uniquely romantic. You can book champagne hot air balloon rides, where pop a bottle while drifting gently through clouds and toast your relationship from the sky. Sharing such an exhilarating moment with your partner will likely always feel special (unless you’re afraid of heights!)…although keep in mind, it might raise the bar for future anniversaries!

13. Something adventurous

Something adventurous

If you like the idea of doing something adventurous on your anniversary but don’t fancy the thought of a hot air balloon ride, why not do something else daring? If you both have a fear of heights, for example, what about doing a bungee jump or skydive together?

Facing your fears together can feel like an incredibly meaningful experience – and you’ll hopefully come out feeling not just proud of yourselves as individuals, but proud of yourselves as a couple too.

If facing your fears doesn’t sound like your kind of anniversary, you can still choose something fun, adventurous, and non-scary to do together. Check out our article, 11 really adventurous things to try, for some ideas.

14. Plan a fancy evening out

When you’ve been together for years, many couples enjoy the feeling of comfort and familiarity, and find few occasions to get dressed up. But sometimes it’s nice to get into your glad rags on and make a real effort. Aside from making you feel good about yourself, it can often help you see your partner in a new light again.

So why not plan a fancy night out? It could be anything from eating at a new restaurant to going to the opera or ballet – just pick an event you can get dressed up for! Seeing each other in your finest and enjoying a special night out might bring back memories from when you first started dating too.

15. Go to a concert

Go to a concert

If you like the idea of having a night out but don’t feel the need to get dressed up, what about going to a more casual concert? Whether you’re into classical, jazz, rock, or pop, listening to your favourite type of music together and catching a live show is enjoyable, memorable, and meaningful.

If there’s a band that has a special meaning for both of you – perhaps they play ‘your song’ – then a live concert is even more memorable. Alternatively, if you’re both passionate about music in general, why not attend a music festival together? Few things in life are more evocative than music, so appreciating your favourite tunes together is a wonderful way to make both your hearts skip a beat.

16. Go on a road trip

If you both have some time to spare and want to enjoy feeling free and spontaneous, then a road trip can be a great way to celebrate your anniversary, spend time together, and inject some novelty into your relationship. You could even pack an overnight bag and hit the road with no destination in mind…just a plan to drive, talk, and see where you end up.

Or, if you prefer planning over being spontaneous, why not plan a proper road trip? Discovering new places, having plenty of time to talk, and driving through gorgeous landscapes can be a great way to reconnect, and add something new and different into your relationship.

If you’d like to make a plan to hit the road, you might want to check out our article; 6 of the best UK road trips.

Final thoughts…

Anniversaries should be special and meaningful – but they don’t have to be expensive. If you’ve got an anniversary approaching, hopefully this article has given you a few ideas – and shown you that there are so many different ways of celebrating your relationship.

If you want to keep costs low, or just prefer being low-key, then you can cook a special dinner at home, treat each other to a DIY spa day, go hiking, or spend the evening talking, listening to music, and playing games.

If it’s a big anniversary and you want to push the boat out, you could consider taking a hot air balloon ride, visiting a new city for the weekend, booking an indulgent couples’ spa day, or planning a road trip to an exciting new destination.

Or, for something in between, why not go to a concert, a wine or beer tasting, dancing…or even pitch a tent and camp under the stars? There’s a celebration for every couple and every budget.

Do any of these anniversary celebrations speak to you – or do you have your own suggestions for memorable anniversary celebrations? We’d love to hear about your relationship experiences in the comments below.