For many of us, our homes are our sanctuaries, so it makes sense to try to create a space that’s as positive as possible. After all, research has confirmed that our home’s design may affect our happiness.

For 4,000 years, feng shui – the concept of designing a space that fosters harmony and balance – has been embedded in Chinese culture.

Plenty of us have heard of feng shui and know that it can be used to decorate our homes. But, not all of us know the benefits it can bring to our sense of wellbeing and how we can start to apply it.

So how specifically does feng shui help us to feel happier at home? And how can we put it to work without spending too much time, money, and effort?

What is feng shui?

What is feng shui

Feng shui, which means ‘the way of wind and water’ is rooted in Taoism – a Chinese religion that emerged around 2,000 years ago. It’s based on the idea that everything in the universe has energy, and that our surroundings affect our emotions, thoughts, and actions, as well as our health, relationships, and career success.

This ancient Chinese art can be used to harmonise and balance the energy or ‘chi’ in a space. Its principles guide on how best to arrange furniture, decorations, and other items to improve the flow of positive energy, bring peace and prosperity, and align a person’s living space with who they are and what they want.

Feng shui also offers guidelines on how to balance opposing, complementary (yin and yang) elements – such as masculine and feminine, light and dark, or warm and cold – in a space. Plus, it pays attention to the balance of the five elements of water, wood, fire, earth, and metal, which are represented by colours, shapes, and materials in your home.

While there’s currently no direct scientific evidence to support the collective principles of feng shui, it’s a theory largely based on logic. And one study showed that indoor spaces designed using feng shui guidelines produced a more positive mood and were perceived as more comfortable.

8 ways to use feng shui for a happier home

We can use feng shui as a tool to bring more balance and positivity to our home by making some simple adjustments. For example, adding plants, uplifting artwork, mood-enhancing colour accents, and/or other natural elements.

Feng shui can also involve de-cluttering, re-arranging objects, and deflecting, removing, or neutralising disruptive elements.

If you’re intrigued by the concept of feng shui and want to give it a go, then you might be wondering how to get started. So, below, we’ve pulled together eight simple ways that you can use feng shui to create a happier home.

1. Check your command positions

Check your command positions

In feng shui, the command position refers to the placement of your furniture, in relation to the doors and windows, where chi can enter and exit.

When you’re sitting on your sofa, lying in your bed, or working at your desk, you should ideally be in the position furthest away from the door – but with a good view of it and of the rest of the room.

The best spot is often diagonally across from the door, and ideally with our back to a solid wall. If this isn’t possible, then it helps if, at the very least, you can see the door and it’s not behind you.

The command position is about being in a strong position to face whatever enters the room. It essentially puts you in control of your space and energy.

2. Tidy and declutter your space

Tidy and declutter your space

Decluttering is a cornerstone of feng shui – and most of us already know, whether we’re aware of feng shui or not, that decluttering can make a difference to our health and happiness at home.

However, decluttering in feng shui is about getting rid of – and staying clear of – clutter – so that it doesn’t block the circulation of energy.

As each area of our space coincides with an aspect of our lives, unfortunately, there’s no where our clutter can hide. According to feng shui, it can affect us wherever it is located.

For example, one area which tends to be neglected because it’s not so visible is under the bed, and in feng shui, any clutter near the bed can affect the flow of energy and discourage restful sleep.

Feng shui is also all about letting go of items that evoke negative reactions, broken items that can’t be fixed or aren’t worth fixing, and items that are in your way or that you simply don’t use.

When it comes to decluttering, it can be helpful to start with the entrance point(s) to our home, as these can have the biggest effect on our mood upon our return – we’ll look at this in more detail below.

3. Create a positive first impression

Create a positive first impression

What do you feel when you first walk through the door to your home? Are you faced with a pile of old coats, hats, and socks spilling out of drawers – and muddy boots strewn across the hallway?

Items tend to pile up at the front door, and in feng shui, clutter at your entrance can stop the flow of energy through your home.

To create a welcoming entrance, the first step is to remove any clutter, and tidy and organise your things. Try to give items their own place, and enough space, so they’re more likely to stay there. Then perhaps shake out the door mat (if you have one), and give the area a good clean.

In feng shui, doors are the portals where opportunities come into your life, so it’s important to make sure they open freely and fully. For example, you could check that clutter isn’t lurking behind them, that the hinges aren’t squeaking, and that the locks don’t stick. Perhaps you could extend this care to all the doors in your home too.

Then ask yourself, is there anything you can do to make the entrance bright and inviting – both inside and outside? Consider adding a fresh coat of paint, new lighting, healthy green plants, and/or some artwork.

According to feng shui, other things you can do to invite new opportunities and positive energy into your life are to make sure that your door number is clear and visible, get an inviting welcome mat, and (indoors) place a mirror perpendicular to your front door to open up the space.

4. Clean your windows

Clean your windows

In feng shui, windows are important areas, as, like doors, they’re places where chi can enter and exit. They also symbolise the eyes of the building – and if they’re dirty, it’s believed they can affect our perception.

Keeping windows clean and sparkly also lets in more sunlight, which is energising, and makes everything look more vibrant and makes us feel more positive!

To be more environmentally-friendly and save money, you could consider making your own homemade glass cleaner, and adding a few drops of uplifting essential oil.

Letting fresh air into your home is important in feng shui too, as it removes stagnant energy – opening your windows for 10 minutes a day can make a world of difference.

5. Remove obstacles in your way

Remove obstacles in your way

For chi or energy to move around your home, the routes must be clear.

The best way to identify blockages is to walk around, going into each space, and into any corridors, noticing what gets in your way or causes you frustration. We adjust to our daily struggles over time – so it’s easy to forget that there could be an easier way to live.

For example, do you have spaces that you have to squeeze through or a table that you’re always bumping into?

Try to arrange your furniture in a way that leaves room for chi to flow into and around rooms. Something many of us are guilty of is having too much furniture in a small room, which creates stagnant chi. So, it could be a case of removing some non-essential pieces to open up your space.

Feng shui is also about comforting and nurturing ourselves, and rounded edges – on say a table or desk – are preferable to sharp corners (with sharp energy), to ease the flow of chi.

6. Bring in plenty of plants

Bring in plenty of plants

In feng shui, plants provide a connection to nature, bringing freshness and vitality to your home.

Biophilic design (bringing nature into human environments) has been shown to significantly increase positivity. And, according to Nasa scientists, houseplants can improve air quality, thereby increasing health and wellbeing in your home.

Choosing green, vibrant plants with round, soft leaves is recommended in feng shui. It’s useful to consider what plants will thrive best in your lighting conditions, and to choose ones you can easily care for.

In contrast, plants with spiky or pointed leaves, such as cacti, are believed to have sha chi (sharp energy), which can drain positivity from the room.

To find out more about which plants are typically used in feng shui, you can check out this list of 12 of the best plants for positive energy, from Homes and Gardens.

7. Create balance with feng shui colours

Create balance with feng shui colours

We all know that the use of colour can make a huge difference to a room. Like everything in feng shui, different colours are associated with different energies.

For example, green is the colour of renewal and fresh energy; brown is about ground, stability, and self-care; and white is about productivity and completion. You can find out more about the meanings of colours in feng shui in this article from The Spruce.

When putting these colour principles into practice, it can help to consider the sort of energy you want to create in each room.

In feng shui, subtle hues may encourage yin energy and create a serene space, which is ideal for a bedroom, where we sleep. On the other hand, bright colours bring in yang energy, increase vibrancy and may be most suitable for places where people gather, such as a dining or sitting room. You can do this through the use of paint, accessories, or subtle touches, like a bunch of flowers.

It’s also believed that using darker colours lower to the floor – to provide a solid foundation – and lighter colours on walls and ceilings – to open up the room – can create more balance.

8. Use the bagua

Use the bagua

If you want to dig a bit deeper into feng shui, you can use the bagua. This is a grid-like map that divides your home (and each room) into nine squares, each of which corresponds to a different area of life such as career, health, family, wealth, and so on.

The bagua can help to guide you to set up your personalised space using helpful shapes, elements, and colours to draw positive chi into the areas that may be in need of attention.

For example, if you want to attract love, then feng shui tips for activating this energy in romantic areas of the home include using doubles of everything (for example two pillows and two chairs), embracing romantic shades of pink and red (these can be subtle), making your bed, and adding fresh sheets.

To understand more about how to use the bagua, you might want to check out this article from The Spruce.

Final thoughts…

Feng shui is gaining popularity, as people explore the connection between their homes, health, and wellbeing. It teaches us some simple ways to create balance and harmony in our homes, and it can be a powerful tool for relieving stress, and promoting relaxation.

Although there’s limited research on the direct impact of feng shui, there are studies that support each principle in practice. For example, decluttering, and adding plants and colours have been shown to boost mood and productivity.

Remember that the goal isn’t to create perfect feng shui, but to focus on small positive changes you can make to help you to feel good at home, and kickstart your journey to a happier you!

For further reading, you can head over to the home and garden section of our website. Here you’ll find everything from decluttering and natural cleaning tips to home decorating ideas.