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Arthritis Action Trustees

Trustees Unlimited

Job Description

Who we are

Founded in 1942, Arthritis Action is the UK charity offering an integrated self-management approach, which helps address the physical and mental health symptoms of living with arthritis.

Our vision is for people to live active lives, free from the impact of arthritis.

The role

Arthritis Action is a registered charity, and company limited by guarantee, whose directors

are the members of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees is the ultimate decision-making body of Arthritis Action, and around

half of the Board also serve as members of committees or working groups which report to

the Board.

The Board of Trustees is committed to continually improving its governance of the Charity,

and meets as a whole on a minimum of five occasions in each calendar year.

For efficient

operational purposes, the Board of Trustees is also sub-divided into two working

Committees - the Finance & Risk Committee and the Remuneration & Nominations


We are currently looking for Trustees with access to an established professional network,

who can advise our growing organisation and support the delivery of our exciting new


In particular, we would welcome new Trustees with the following areas of expertise:

- Charity Fundraising & Income Generation

- Human Resources

- Company Secretary with charity related governance experience

We would particularly like to hear from individuals from under-represented or diverse


The role of the Trustee is to:

- Ensure that:

- you understand Arthritis Action's purposes and that you are able to explain

how all of its activities are intended to further or support its purposes;

- the Charity pursues its purposes and objectives, as defined in its Articles of

Association, and does not apply its resources on activities which are beyond

the scope of its purposes and objectives;

- the Charity complies with charity law, company law and any other relevant

legislation or regulations;

- a high standard of governance is maintained at all times;

- the Charity complies with statutory accounting and reporting requirements

and is appropriately accountable to members, the Charity Commission and

other stakeholders; and

- the Charity's values, principles and good name are upheld in the delivery of

its purposes and objectives.

- Act in the best interests of the Charity, its members and its stakeholders at all

times, and either avoid or declare potential conflicts of interest.

- Work with fellow Trustees to:

- set the Charity's overarching vision;

- shape and drive the Charity's strategy; and

o ensure that the Charity remains focussed on achieving its strategy by

setting targets and evaluating performance against these targets.

- Devote sufficient time to prepare for and participate fully in board meetings,

committees or ad hoc working groups.

- Contribute actively in leadership and decision making of the Charity, by making

balanced and adequately informed decisions with due regard to the long term as

well as the short term.

- Ensure efficient and effective management and administration of the Charity,

including establishing internal accountability and making sure that appropriate

policies and procedures are in place.

- Safeguard the Charity's assets and resources and ensure the financial stability of

the Charity.

- Use any specific skills, knowledge or experience you have to help the Board of

Trustees reach quick and sound decisions by leading discussions, focusing on key

issues, providing advice and guidance on new initiatives, or other issues in which

you have expertise.

- Maintain confidentiality in respect of all sensitive information.

- Identify and manage risks with a considered, proportionate and balanced


- Appoint and support Arthritis Action's Chief Executive and monitor their


- Promote the work of Arthritis Action externally.


Each Trustee must have:

- a commitment to the organisation and its vision.

- integrity.

- strategic vision.

- good, independent judgement.

- an ability to think creatively.

- an ability to work effectively as a member of a team and take sound decisions for the

good of Arthritis Action, based on an analysis of available information.

- a willingness to speak your mind whilst remaining independent of any influence from

another organisation or individual.

- an understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of


- a reasonable level of understanding of legal, financial, audit and other regulatory

requirements of a charity.

Good luck with your application